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Can an advocate join as amway distributor

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It is your own fault, if you are unable to read my group name when clearly indicated along side my name and pointed out repeatedly.

Continue repeating your questions to show more and more of your own deficiencies.

Nagaraja kumble (Advocate)     18 August 2011

Dear JSDN,

I am surprised.  Being such a senior, your way of replying the quiry is too harsh. It seems u were in a bad mood while answering.

Nagaraja kumble (Advocate)     18 August 2011

Dear Sir,

As per the Bar council of India Rules 1975, an advocate should not engage directly in any business. Please go through the following details.

Restriction on other Employment

A person who wishes to take up the legal

profession must make a choice. If she enters

the profession of law as a pleader, she must

make up her mind to conduct the business of

pleader and nothing else. (Re S, a Pleader,

Raghunathpur, AIR 1936 Pat 1)

The Bar Council of India Rules, 1975 (“the

BCI Rules”) impose restrictions on other


An advocate cannot personally engage in

any business; but an advocate may be a

sleeping partner in a firm, as long as, in the

opinion of the appropriate State Bar

Council, the nature of the business is not

inconsistent with the dignity of the

profession. (BCI Rules, Part VI, Chapter II,

Section VII, Rule 47)

An advocate can be Director or Chairman

of the Board of Directors of a Company

with or without any ordinary sitting fee;

however, an advocate’s duties as a Director

or Chairman of the Board of Directors of a

company cannot not be of an executive

character. An advocate shall not be a

Managing Director or a Secretary of any

Company. (BCI Rules, Part VI, Chapter II,

Section VII, Rule 48)


employee of any person, government, firm,

corporation or concern, while the advocate

is engaged in practice.

If an advocate takes up an employment, the

advocate has to inform the fact to the Bar

Council on whose roll the name of the

advocate appears, and shall not practice as

an advocate as long as she is employed.

(BCI Rules, Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII,

Rule 49)

The State Bar Council can allow an

advocate to serve as a full-time salaried

Law Officer of the Central or state

government, or of any public corporation or

a statutory body. (Ss 28(2)(d) and 24(1)(e),

Advocates Act, read with the BCI Rules,

Part VI , Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 49)



A ‘Law Officer’ is a person who is required

to act and/or plead in Courts on behalf of

the Central Government or a State

Government, or any public corporation or

body constituted by statutes. (BCI Rules,

Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 49)

An advocate who has inherited, or succeeded

by survivorship to a family business may

continue in the family business. An advocate

may not, however, personally participate in

the management of such a business. An

advocate may continue to hold a share with

others in any business that the advocate

received by survivorship or inheritance or by

will. The advocate cannot, however,

personally participate in the management of

any business which was descended to her by

survivorship or inheritance or by will. (BCI

Rules, Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 50)

An advocate cannot be a full-time salariedemployee of any person, government, firm,

corporation or concern, while the advocate

is engaged in practice.

If an advocate takes up an employment, the

advocate has to inform the fact to the Bar

Council on whose roll the name of the

advocate appears, and shall not practice as

an advocate as long as she is employed.

(BCI Rules, Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII,

Rule 49)

The State Bar Council can allow an

advocate to serve as a full-time salaried

Law Officer of the Central or state

government, or of any public corporation or

a statutory body. (Ss 28(2)(d) and 24(1)(e),

Advocates Act, read with the BCI Rules,

Part VI , Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 49)


A ‘Law Officer’ is a person who is required

to act and/or plead in Courts on behalf of

the Central Government or a State

Government, or any public corporation or

body constituted by statutes. (BCI Rules,

Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 49)

An advocate who has inherited, or succeeded

by survivorship to a family business may

continue in the family business. An advocate

may not, however, personally participate in

the management of such a business. An

advocate may continue to hold a share with

others in any business that the advocate

received by survivorship or inheritance or by

will. The advocate cannot, however,

personally participate in the management of

any business which was descended to her by

survivorship or inheritance or by will. (BCI

Rules, Part VI, Chapter II, Section VII, Rule 50)

Hope this information clears your doubt.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     18 August 2011

This is a site where people come to solve their querries and it is not a place for ego and show off, Mr Kumble you have done real hard work to give infprmation.


JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN),


Just see, Mr. Nagaraj has clearly proved you wrong, while you tried to mislead even an advocate, your own brethren what to say of a public man, who would rely on you.


All this clearly raises a big question mark even on your general legal knowledge what to say of your expertise?

Nagaraja kumble (Advocate)     19 August 2011

Thanks JSDN for your compliments. Hope u did not mistaken my earlier reply. Being a senior your advice, reasoning, & answers are much watched by everyone including me with lot of respect.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     19 August 2011


Any fool can try to defend his mistakes - and most fools do - but it gives one a feeling of nobility to admit one's mistakes. By fighting, you never get enough, but by yielding, you get more than you expected."

- Lawrence G. Lovasik



JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN),


In fact, instead of becoming agoistic and proud of your degree in law, you need to take an appropriate lesson from a 7th grade student, who has proved that only degree holders of doctoral scholars cannot be experts in comparison to a mere 7th grade student, if their brain is not innovative and not used in right direction. You may read the story from the following site, if you can take a lesson:


JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN),


You have quoted a nice quote of Lawrence G. Lovasik, but probably not yet admitted your mistake. Hope you would try to take lesson not only from the quote referred by you, but also from the story of invention by a 7th grade student, as quoted in my earlier post. If you like to read the story in detail you can go through the same on the website of American Museum of Natural History at the following link, where it is proved that even 7th grade student can be an expert rather than Masters and PhD degree holders, if any one tries to use his brain to gather proper knowledge and utilise and share the same:

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     22 August 2011

First get the knowledge of law than dish out advice to all and sundry.


Dear Tigrania,


I am not abusing JSDN, rather he used to abuse me from time to time and never replied any of my queries even on three other threads to show his own legal knowledge. Rather I tried to give him a humble advice that he should try to become the real expert in law shunning his ego and by refreshing his knowledge and avoid giving wrong advice or supporting unethical practice of others.


Now also he has asked me to get knowledge of law, as if he knows very well all about me. While the fact is that on the very first reading of his advide to Mr. Sasidhara, his own advocate brethren, I came to know that his advice was quite misleading. But, I wanted to prove the same through his own posts by asking to quote relevant section of law or citation. But every time he avoided to do so on one or the other pretext.


ON THE OTHER HAND, on my part, Mr. Sasidhara had already been informed on 10th August through private message about the correct provision of law by me, whom he considers illiterate. FOR CONFIRMATION SAKE, even you can ask Mr. Sasidhara, whether I informed or not abouit the correct law position on his question on 10th of Aust, itself, much before Mr. Nagaraja pointed out about his wrong advice. If I did not know the law, how I would have been able to apprehend his wrong advice and referred the correct section of relevant Act to Mr. Sasidhara on 10th August, itself, while Mr. JSDN, as a legal expert, was supposed to know that.




I can understand you are also an associate of JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN) and may also be supportive of unethical practice, as your friend tried to support. But, neither by using biggest letters nor by using red colour you can prove that both of you are experts and I am not. Both of you need to show real expertise in your field as an ethical legal professionals. Nowhere JSDN or you have shown that I abused any advocates, rather I used polite language just to ask him to share his knowledge, while he never responded to any of my question. On the other hand he always used very harsh and abusive words against me. NOW YOU HAVE COME TO SUPPORT HIM AS HIS ADVOCATE USING A MASCOT WITH OPEN JAWS & EYES WIDE OPEN  AS IF TO SWALLOW ME WHEN I HAVE NOT USED ANY HARSH WORD AGAINST YOU. ON THE OTHER HAND YOU HAVE TRIED TO LABLE ME AS A BLACKMAILER.


CAN YOU PROVE WHERE I HAVE ABUSED HIM OR BLACKMAILED ANY ADVOCATE? Rather I can prove he had been abusive towards me that too openly  and you have also introduced yourself only with abusive language.




If I am dishing out advice for which I don't know, you are free to prove me wrong by quoting relevant section of law on the forum itself. but by merely stating that I am dishing out my advice without any knowlege is not sufficient on your part. CONTRARILY, HERE ON THIS VERY THREAD ITSELF, I HAVE PROVED jsdn ABSOLUTELY WRONG WHEN HE DISHED OUT ADVICE, WITHOUT KNOWING LAW APPLICABLE ON LAWYERS THEMSELVES.


I have already asked you to get it confirmed from Mr. Sasidhara, whether or not I informed him on 10th August the relevant section of law, which was contrary to the advice of Mr. JSDN, and which advice Mr. Nagaraja openlly challenged on this thread after one week of my PM to Mr. Sasidhara.






Now see, who is abusing by using the words "Berserk" for me and who is showing arrogance. that too unproked. I am not showing any arrogance, but replied your post only and unless you stop uncalled for punches, you can expect reply to each of your post particularly aimed at me. So, stopping of any reply depends upon your own stopping of arrogant posts.


However, I don't have any No problem, if you have also decided to expose your friend to some more extent through your own posts by unnecessarily becoming uninvited mediator and advocate for the wrong cause. Your friend has already exposed himself a lot, not only through this post, but also through three other threads (if you like I can quote those links here also for your reference. But I know you may sure be knowing about those links). Through his reply to the question of an advocate, he has already exposed himself that even by claiming to be a "senior advocate up to the highest level" he is not aware of the code of conduct even for the lawyers where he tried to mislead even his advocate fellow, what to say of a layman. How a layman can rely on him, he he cannot spare even an advocate to mislead him.


If he is such a senior advocate up to highest level, why he is afraid of showing his identity and is changing even his fake identity time and again (At least for three times, I myself have seen his changed identity).


Do you know him? If you know him, why not introduce him properly by coming forward with his details, what is his real name, where does he practise and what is his seniority in the Rolls of the Bar Council, as he seemed to have been afraid of revealing his identity all through? No doubt, he can command much respect if he reveals himself, provided he stops misguiding and insulting community members.


Originally posted by :R G TIGRANIA ADVOCATE

You have become berserk in this old age and so continuing and continuing stop this show of arrogance.


Mr. (without name) Dhyandharna,


BUT you have shown symptoms of pagalpun in yourself by poking your nose in this matter and you have come on this forum to preach your ancient (STALE) knowledge, while no legal case is fought with ancient knowledge, which you can confirm even from your friend, Tigrania, in support of whom you have made your appearance. In law only modern knowledge is required, not your ancient knowledge.


I wonder, if you won't become Budha.


You claim to help to soften , reduce the rigorurs of modern day life and find easy solutions with ancient wisdom  for peacful living, BUT I find, yourself has the dire need for help to get yourself softened for peaceful living, not with the craze to make such type of insane post made without having any concern with the matter. So, your post, itself proves as if yourself pagala gaye.


There is a need to send only those persons to Anna, who are corrupt or support corruption, probably you.


Originally posted by :dhyandharna

budha pagala gaya he , anna ke pas bhej do.




Probably you are also in the habit of posting anything without reading others posts, like your friend JSDN (Previously Your Advocate, alias JSKN) does.


Bogus are only those people who prefer to work with bogus and fake identity, like your friend JSDN and also prefer to change one to the other fake and bogus identity frequently, so that people may not identify them. If you know him, why you have not come forward to give his complete particulars, as I requested earlier. From all these things, doubt goes as if you are the same person or his associate who support his unethical practices.


Since long, your friend JSDN has not yet come forward with the legal definition of CEO. If you know the legal definition, you are also welcome to give the legal definition along with relevant section of law instead of harping on his tune repeatedly. If you also fail to bring forth some viable legal definition of CEO, you would also prove yourself to have no expertise in law. However, if you are able to to give me proper definition of CEO, I would not have any objection to relinquish that if not appropriate for me.


I once again request you to give his full particulars, including his real name, if you feel that he is right in his stand.


Originally posted by :R G TIGRANIA ADVOCATE

you are a bogus CEO and making posts which a labour will not do , so you are fake and giving names to all others.

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