My sister passed away a year ago and My family and I are in desperate need of advice on our rights to her children. The children's father is neglecting them. They are 17 and 12. They are left alone for most of the day when not in school, unsupervised by an adult. Relationships with men who are legally considered adults is being facilitated due to the lack of supervision, discipline, guidance. He is aware that the children are both involved with men older than them (19 and 20) but after an intial minor outburst things go back to normal the following day. This has led to situation where men (who use drugs and alcohol) visit the girls in their home (as the father is never around), the younger child goes hungry (as there is no one to cook for the younger child).
As their immediate family, our concern is that the two girls will get into harms way i.e prostitution, rape, exposure to and use of drugs and alochol as there is no adult supervision.
Conversation with the father has led to nothing. Even sending him proof that his daughters have been coerced into sending s*xually explicit photos to men resulted in nothing. He does not communicate with us and does not allow us to care for them. What are our rights to take the father to court for neglect and adopt the two girls?
Any help will be much appreciated!