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vivektiwari   17 May 2015

Company not giving me my bonus/variable amount of last year

In my company , according to the policy, employees who have worked from Jan-Dec and are still part of the company at the time of variable/bonus payout given (mostly April month) are eligible to get the variable pay.
However the variable pay is given only in April month in the next year so if the employee has worked from January – December but is not available in the month of April next year does not get the variable pay.

As per my offer letter , my variable pay is almost Rs. 50000 per anum. I have resigned on 8th December,2014 and my last working day is 8th March 2015. Due to this policy, I won’t be getting my variable pay. I read my offer letter there is nothing like mentioning that they will pay variable in April month so i was never aware about that annual variable of month jan-14 to dec -14 will given by that company after 4 month.
Could you please suggest me what should i do as this amount is very imp for me and that such type of policy is not acceptable my me.

I really need help on this part and thanks in advance.let me know if you anybody need more clarification.

I am really thinking to take a legal action against company and use social media to raise my issue bcoz this is like company made a policy to stolen employ's money.Even they don;t follow written policy in many cases.I have long discussion and a long mail chain with company HR VP but neither they given my money nor clearly say no.They just wasting my times from last 5 months and mentally harass me.

I really need expert advice on same.Can company make any type policy or do anything or can't we finght with company?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards


 8 Replies

alinawaz (advocate)     17 May 2015

Send a legal notice If u need any advice u can call me at 9924203203

bsrao   17 May 2015

The very term 'variable' denotes that this is not part of your regular pay and is linked to an exercise called 'Annual Performance Review' (APR). The company's decision is final in such cases. You knew this when submitting your resignation and APR is not done for employees who resigned. Consequently, you have no claim.

vivektiwari   17 May 2015

Mr. bsrao , variable or bonus is very much part of my CTC.I got 2 rating (1-5 , normally 3 rating is enough to get full variable pay) which means i should be getting my full variable / bonus pay for year 2014 and about company performance , i had news employees performance is good for 2014 year and employee getting full pay.


Here you have to understand 1 thing that i am asking about my variable pay for year 2014 in which i had working with organization not 2015 (jan , feb and march month) Because i am not part of organization for complete year.


I have a question here , can company make any type policy.suppose if they made a policy like people getting variable/bonus pay after 2 year and you have to company payroll at the time of payout of variable .Should it acceptable for us?

vivektiwari   17 May 2015

I was following my concern with company HR-VP from more then 5 months but they don't provide me clear answer even i am asking if you are not able to give my variable pay then reply on mail with reason.Instead of reply , they just said that we are positively working on your issue every time.Simply wasting my time.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 May 2015

HR is not your employer.HR personnel even VP-HR is just another employee like you and has a sworn duty to reply.


You have remain entangled with them and wasted your time.

Any amount that is inserted in annual pay package is fruit of labor.

If no such condition is ninserted in appointment letter then you can tell them pointblank on their faces, to pay or face consequences at thier costs.

This amount has to be paid on pro rated basis at the most.


There are many threads with similar queries and empoyees that persist, succeed.


You may provide following information:



What is this establishment: Commercial,Industrial?

What is its line of business:IT,ITeS,banking etc?

How many persons are employed in it?

The Redg Office,Corporate Office of the company, and your reporting office was located in which state?

What was your designation and nature of duties?

Do you have leave policy, HR policy,Service Rules and Regulations,Conduct and Discipline Rules that are mentioned in the appointment letter? Is it mentioned in HR policy/Variable pay policy that .......................if ........................shall not be paid?

Does company have its CO (certified standing Orders) and is your designation covered by CO? Or do Model Standing Orders apply to it?

Was any appointment letter,salary slip of each month,PF number with a/c slips,ESIC card,Form16 given to you?

Did you resign in writing under proper acknowledgment, and mention NO tasks are pending at your end and to whom you should handover the charge?

Has acknowledgment of notice of resignation, supplied to you?

Are you a member of any employee’s/Trade Unions?

What was your monthly salary?





vivektiwari   31 May 2015

Thanks Kumar for your precious reply here.

My Last Name " Capgemini india pvt ltd " , Its a IT - software consultaning firm.It is very big MNC and more then 50 k employee in india.I was working in mumbai office as a conustant designation  and permananet employe .Yes , I have all the documenets which you mentiond above like appointment letter,salary slip of each month,PF number with a/c slips,ESIC card,Form16.I left Capgemini 2 months before and conntiounsly trying to commuincate over mails but like i already said they are not gonna reply me now.I served full notice period of 3 months in capgemini.

I want to know that what are the option i have to recover my money from capgemini Because its my hardworking money.



Vivek Tiwari


vivektiwari   31 May 2015

Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
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FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy 5 messages
TIWARI, VIVEK <> To: "" <>
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 6:51 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
I am expecng a posive response from your side by 3 pm tomorrow.
I have only 2 more days in Capgemini so please give me a final reply.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
vivek tiwari <>
Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 7:35 PM
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Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
2 of 47

Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 6:43 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra; Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
I am awaing your reply. Could you please reply today EOD whether it is in my favor or not. I will iniate communicaon with higher Capgemini management from Monday.
Thanks & Regards
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
3 of 47

Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:33 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra; Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
Thanks for your me today.
Hope to get a posive response from you by Friday.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
4 of 47

Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 7:22 PM To: M, Hrushikesh; Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha ,
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Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
5 of 47

As per our previous communicaon , can you arrange a call/Meeng with Hrushikesh today or tomorrow depending on his availability.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:25 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
6 of 47

Hi Hrushikesh ,
This is the last gentle reminder.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
I believe, Enough me has been already given to reply but considering the volume of work I would request you to reply within two working days else I would take this issue with higher management or External Authories.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
7 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 3:12 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
 2 nd Gentle reminder for my below mail.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
8 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:51 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Gentle reminder for my below mail.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
9 of 47

Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 3:06 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Aaching the mail.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
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Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
People matter, results count.
Hi Hrushikesh ,
 Together. Free your energies
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:07 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
I am wring this mail to you since I hope that you will be able to help me
Please read the below mail chain which states my concern.
I have been told that as per policy I won’t be eligible for geng variable pay for the year Jan’14-Dec’14.
However, during my last year appraisal which took place 4 months aer my joining, I was not eligible for prorated appraisal even when it was menoned in the policy that I would be eligible for prorated appraisal. Please read aached mail for beer understanding of my appraisal related concern.
Since I will be losing the variable amount in spite of working sincerely in the last year Jan’14-Dec’14, I am finding it difficult to concentrate on my work.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
11 of 47

PS: I would like to get a final reply from Capgemini Management ASAP.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:39 AM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; M, Hrushikesh Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
12 of 47

Hi Vivek
You can write to Hrushikesh, VP-HR marked in the mail.  I have spoken to him and shared the background.
Warm Regards
Hi Rekha ,
Vivek Tiwari
Rekha Nair
Thanks & Regards
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:30 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
It would be appreciated if you could help me with Next Point of Contact for escalaon.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
13 of 47

CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:53 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
 I m afraid this week wont be possible. Lets meet on Monday 2 nd half it that suits you
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
14 of 47

Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:41 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
Hi Rekha ,
Awaing your response.
Vivek Tiwari
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:52 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Thanks & Regards
Could we have one to one discussion today or tomorrow as per your availability so that we can discuss this in detail.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
15 of 47

Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 12:31 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
As per the policy & terms of employment, only those employees who are on the rolls of the Company at theme of performance bonus disbursements are eligible for payment.
I had asked for me to revert to you so that I could check if there is any change this year in the bonus disbursement melines  (The  payout usually happens in March payroll). I have been informed that there will be
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Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
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no change.
 Hence I am afraid you will not be eligible for the bonus, if your last working date is 8 th March .
Warm Regards
Hi Rekha,
Rekha Nair
Thanks & Regards
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 7:03 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
I appreciate your concerns but I believe it will be too late.
AS today being Monday I would request for earlier revert.
Please take this request on priority and revert asap. I believe my issue doesn’t require humongous conversaon to jusfy delay.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
17 of 47

Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 5:02 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
Allow me to speak to concerned management and get back to you.
 This will take some me though. So I will get back by Feb 1 st week please.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
18 of 47

Warm Regards
Vivek Tiwari
Rekha Nair
Thanks & Regards
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 4:01 PM To: Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
Gentle reminder for my below mail.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
19 of 47

Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:31 PM To: Nair, Rekha Subject: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha,
I am wring this mail as I have a concern regarding the bonus policy(variable pay).
I have given my 100% to the organizaon and have got good reviews from my peers and Manager.
PS: Quick response will be highly appreciated.
I have worked sincerely for the year Jan 2014 to Dec 2014. As per the bonus policy as discussed with Aliakbar Kalolwala, the employee needs to be on payroll of company at the me of bonus payout. Currently, I am on noce period and my last working day is 8 th March 2015.
Aer working for more than a year an employee deserves bonus which is his right and it should be irrespecve of whether employee is present at the me of payout (Apr - 15) or not .
It’s really unfortunate that I have to be at the receiving end of your harsh n unjust policies but if you could do anything to help ,it would be something exemplary and noteworthy which will reinforce my belief in Capgemini and its Policies.
I know we all are in Corporate world where expecng fairness or generosity is asking for too much but sll if you could look into my case I would be grateful.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
20 of 47

Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
TIWARI, VIVEK <> To: "" <>
[Quoted text hidden]
vivek tiwari <> To: Cc:
Hello Hrushikesh ,
This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part thereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this message.
Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 4:18 PM
Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:59 PM
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
21 of 47

I would like to get a final reply from Capgemini Management ASAP.
P.S. : Please consider my personal email id as official for this conversation after leaving Capgemini.
Vivek Tiwari
Ph .: +919718116649 , +917506242595
[Quoted text hidden]
M, Hrushikesh <> To: vivek tiwari <> Cc: "Nair, Rekha" <>
Hi Vivek,
While you have every right to escalate, I do not think it is fair to include remarks of this nature.   
   Capgemini India | Mumbai
    Main: +91 22 6755 7000 | Direct: +91 22 6686 0548|
    Cell: +91 98200 78163 | VOIP 2260548|
Since i haven't got any reply from you after repeated mails and reminders, I am forced to take legal help and use social networking sites to aware people about company "People Matters" tagline..
I have all mail conversations , chats and I have even recorded our meeting conversation on my mobile. I will surly take action.
Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 5:52 PM
I had very clearly mentioned to you that I would have to take an approval from higher ups, because this would mean a deviation from policy and only then I could come back to you.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
22 of 47

From: vivek tiwari [] Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:59 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha Subject: Fwd: FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hello Hrushikesh ,
I would like to get a final reply from Capgemini Management ASAP.
P.S. : Please consider my personal email id as official for this conversation after leaving Capgemini.
Vivek Tiwari
Ph .: +919718116649 , +917506242595
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 6:51 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Since i haven't got any reply from you after repeated mails and reminders, I am forced to take legal help and use social networking sites to aware people about company "People Matters" tagline..
I have all mail conversations , chats and I have even recorded our meeting conversation on my mobile. I will surly take action.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
23 of 47

Hi Hrushikesh ,
I am expecng a posive response from your side by 3 pm tomorrow.
I have only 2 more days in Capgemini so please give me a final reply.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
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Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
24 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 6:43 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra; Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
I am awaing your reply. Could you please reply today EOD whether it is in my favor or not. I will iniate communicaon with higher Capgemini management from Monday.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
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25 of 47

Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:33 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra; Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
Thanks for your me today.
Hope to get a posive response from you by Friday.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
26 of 47

Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 7:22 PM To: M, Hrushikesh; Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha ,
As per our previous communicaon , can you arrange a call/Meeng with Hrushikesh today or tomorrow depending on his availability.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
27 of 47

Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 2:25 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar; Datye, Chitra Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Hrushikesh ,
This is the last gentle reminder.
Thanks & Regards
I believe, Enough me has been already given to reply but considering the volume of work I would request you to reply within two working days else I would take this issue with higher management or External Authories.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
28 of 47

Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 3:12 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
 2 nd Gentle reminder for my below mail.
Thanks & Regards
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
29 of 47

Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:51 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Gentle reminder for my below mail.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
30 of 47

Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 3:06 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Aaching the mail.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
31 of 47

Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
People matter, results count.
 Together. Free your energies
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
32 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:07 PM To: M, Hrushikesh Cc: Nair, Rekha; Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
Hi Hrushikesh ,
I am wring this mail to you since I hope that you will be able to help me
Please read the below mail chain which states my concern.
I have been told that as per policy I won’t be eligible for geng variable pay for the year Jan’14-Dec’14.
PS: I would like to get a final reply from Capgemini Management ASAP.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
However, during my last year appraisal which took place 4 months aer my joining, I was not eligible for prorated appraisal even when it was menoned in the policy that I would be eligible for prorated appraisal. Please read aached mail for beer understanding of my appraisal related concern.
Since I will be losing the variable amount in spite of working sincerely in the last year Jan’14-Dec’14, I am finding it difficult to concentrate on my work.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
33 of 47

CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:39 AM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar; M, Hrushikesh Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
You can write to Hrushikesh, VP-HR marked in the mail.  I have spoken to him and shared the background.
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
34 of 47

Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:30 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
Hi Rekha ,
It would be appreciated if you could help me with Next Point of Contact for escalaon.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
35 of 47

Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 4:53 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
 I m afraid this week wont be possible. Lets meet on Monday 2 nd half it that suits you
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:41 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
36 of 47

Hi Rekha ,
Awaing your response.
Vivek Tiwari
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:52 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Could we have one to one discussion today or tomorrow as per your availability so that we can discuss this in detail.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
37 of 47

Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 12:31 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
 Hence I am afraid you will not be eligible for the bonus, if your last working date is 8 th March .
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
As per the policy & terms of employment, only those employees who are on the rolls of the Company at theme of performance bonus disbursements are eligible for payment.
I had asked for me to revert to you so that I could check if there is any change this year in the bonus disbursement melines  (The  payout usually happens in March payroll). I have been informed that there will be no change.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
38 of 47

Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 7:03 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha,
I appreciate your concerns but I believe it will be too late.
AS today being Monday I would request for earlier revert.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Please take this request on priority and revert asap. I believe my issue doesn’t require humongous conversaon to jusfy delay.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
39 of 47

Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 5:02 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
Allow me to speak to concerned management and get back to you.
 This will take some me though. So I will get back by Feb 1 st week please.
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
40 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 4:01 PM To: Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy Importance: High
Gentle reminder for my below mail.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
41 of 47

From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:31 PM To: Nair, Rekha Subject: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha,
I am wring this mail as I have a concern regarding the bonus policy(variable pay).
I have given my 100% to the organizaon and have got good reviews from my peers and Manager.
PS: Quick response will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
I have worked sincerely for the year Jan 2014 to Dec 2014. As per the bonus policy as discussed with Aliakbar Kalolwala, the employee needs to be on payroll of company at the me of bonus payout. Currently, I am on noce period and my last working day is 8 th March 2015.
Aer working for more than a year an employee deserves bonus which is his right and it should be irrespecve of whether employee is present at the me of payout (Apr - 15) or not .
It’s really unfortunate that I have to be at the receiving end of your harsh n unjust policies but if you could do anything to help ,it would be something exemplary and noteworthy which will reinforce my belief in Capgemini and its Policies.
I know we all are in Corporate world where expecng fairness or generosity is asking for too much but sll if you could look into my case I would be grateful.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
42 of 47

Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
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vivek tiwari <> To: "M, Hrushikesh" <>
Hello Hrushikesh ,
I am awaing your reply.
Regards Vivek Tiwari +919718116649
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Thu, May 7, 2015 at 2:50 AM
I hope now you have a final update about my concern. It is already 5 month since i raised my issue in capgemini management. Could you please reply  whether it is in my favor or not and provide me a clear picture about my concern so i can take further acon.
P.S.: I would wait for final reply ll 8th may , 6.00 pm  Friday , Aer that i will assume that capgemini will not be able  to give my variable amount (near 49,000 rs ) for the year of 2014 and if i don't get my money then I will write a open leer to capgemini higher management and publish on all social media plaorm and yes , legal acon too.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
43 of 47

[Quoted text hidden]
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 7:03 PM To: Nair, Rekha Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha,
I appreciate your concerns but I believe it will be too late.
Please take this request on priority and revert asap. I believe my issue doesn’t require humongous conversaon to jusfy delay.
AS today being Monday I would request for earlier revert.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
44 of 47

Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: Nair, Rekha Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 5:02 PM To: TIWARI, VIVEK Cc: Kalolwala, Aliakbar Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Vivek
Allow me to speak to concerned management and get back to you.
 This will take some me though. So I will get back by Feb 1 st week please.
Warm Regards
Rekha Nair
Business HR Lead | AppsOne
Tel.: +91 22 6686 0500 I Ext-2274305 I Cell: + 91 982 019 8652
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 4:01 PM To: Nair, Rekha Subject: RE: Concern regarding the bonus policy
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
45 of 47

Importance: High
Gentle reminder for my below mail.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
From: TIWARI, VIVEK Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:31 PM
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
46 of 47

To: Nair, Rekha Subject: Concern regarding the bonus policy
Hi Rekha,
I am wring this mail as I have a concern regarding the bonus policy(variable pay).
Aer working for more than a year an employee deserves bonus which is his right and it should be irrespecve of whether employee is present at the me of payout (Apr - 15) or not .
I have given my 100% to the organizaon and have got good reviews from my peers and Manager.
PS: Quick response will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Vivek Tiwari
CapGemini India
Mumbai M6-4F 236
I have worked sincerely for the year Jan 2014 to Dec 2014. As per the bonus policy as discussed with Aliakbar Kalolwala, the employee needs to be on payroll of company at the me of bonus payout. Currently, I am on noce period and my last working day is 8 th March 2015.
It’s really unfortunate that I have to be at the receiving end of your harsh n unjust policies but if you could do anything to help ,it would be something exemplary and noteworthy which will reinforce my belief in Capgemini and its Policies.
I know we all are in Corporate world where expecng fairness or generosity is asking for too much but sll if you could look into my case I would be grateful.
5/31/2015 7:49 PM
Gmail - FW: Concern regarding the bonus policy
47 of 47

Ofice : +91 22 6686 0500  extn - 2272355
Cell : +91-7506242595
Email :
and delete all copies of this message.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     03 June 2015

Show the narative also to your counsel  that you may contract.

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