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Sanjay   30 October 2020

Digital fraud committed by competitor

We are a digital marketing firm doing SEO for many clients. We found that an unknown competitor of ours is doing the following illegal activities:

1. He copies using web copier tool the entire website of my clients and other competitors website.
2. Buy domain name and hosting with privacy protection and  upload those copied website. (He replace contact details and logo. Use a fake company logo).
3. He blocks the website in India, so that our clients are not able to detect them. They are visible via VPN when we access from India.

1. Capitalizing on the unique content written by us.
2. May be Using those copied sites for phishing attacks on my clients customers.
3. Using them for Black HAT SEO so that our clients website loose rankings in Google.

What kind of legal actions we can take apart from sending DMCA Takedown notice to the hosting companies.


 5 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     31 October 2020

Have you contacted the cyber cell?

Sanjay   31 October 2020

Yes.. they told to register complaint digitally. They are not taking complaints in station.

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     31 October 2020

Immediately serve a takedown notice to the hosts and/or intermediaries and/or the aggregators. You can have even the Ashok Kumar order against those unidentified persons in case you think that the intermediaries may ignore your takedown notice!

Sanjay   03 November 2020

1. We server DMCA take down notice and the infringing websites were taken down by the respective hosts.
2. Through our own investigation we were able to find a company in Delhi was outsourced this work by one of our competitor.
3. We have already filed a Cyber Complaint and named the competitor as suspect in the the complaint.

I would like to know what other legal cases we can file against the competitor once it is proved that the competitor or an Indian company was behind this fraud.

P. Venu (Advocate)     03 November 2020

Certainly you can initiate a civil  action and claim damages.

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