i am not able to get the correct answer
the actual facts are
In a Will I can understand that the person would explain the person who drafts as to what all he wants to do and get it done in a Sale deed normally the Purchaser does not instruct only the documents are handed over and safety measures of indemnifications, description of property, measurements, original docs, possession payment etc., are all generally or essentially covered and done apart from that a registered instrument does not require anything more
here the purpose of their summoning is that there is a Collusion between the Vendor and the purchaser and they allege that by bye passing an earlier agreement the sale deed is done therefore the said Advocate is cited as witness Once the witness application is accepted then the witness acting as an Advocate for the prospective purchaser would get disable thus they intend to disable the advocate whether this is against the Constitutional rights of the Advocate.
The best part in this case is when the first witness list was filed after framing of issues The plaintiff did not chose this person as a witness even though the doc sale deed existed even then, when after filing the witness list there was change of Counsel and they realised that it would be difficult for them to maneuver now after a lapse of nearly few months after entering appearance they have found this new trick
my request is for any authority on this point.