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Drastic Reductions in Marriage Expenses will end Female Foet

Title:  Drastic Reductions in Marriage Expenses will end Female Foeticide

A RTI Reply from Women and Child Development Ministery


Now a aam adami take on RTI reply from WCD: There are 300 million Indians who earn less than two dollars a day. Yet, even people in slums spend 1 to 2 lacs rupees on marriages of children mostly by pawning and or by heavily borrowing.

Parents who have 2 or 3 daughters save whole life neglecting nutrition and medicine for the daughters and the family.

People spend money in marriage to feed 500 guests in stead of spending money for medicines or healthcare for pregnant women. Middle class Parents who have 2 or 3 daughters lose almost half of their retirement savings during their marriages. This is completely unacceptable. The fear of marriage expenses makes many parents decide not to have girl child.

Many fathers are made to feel guilty or are directly blamed, if they can not perform an extravagant marriage of their children. This is a culture that violates the fundamental right to liberty and freedom.

If we create a cultural transformation and drastically reduce marriage expenses for people, that will reduce maternal mortality rate and will improve nutrition of girl child apart and will reduce female foeticide.

SIF is the one of the largest credible organiations that fights against marriage expenses.

SIFF's legitimate demands are:

Cost of marriage most not exceed Rs.20,000/- (USD 400)

In marriage, you may only offer guests only 2 samosas, one banana and nimbu pani (lemonade) to keep the costs low. You must not offer any gifts to family members of bride, groom or wedding guests.

If costs exceed Rs.20,000/- and lower than 6 months income of parents of the girl, then 15% tax must be levied, which will be used Government to advertise against stopping marriage expenses.

If marriage expenses than above 6 months of income of parents, then flat 30% tax on expenses must be levied.

Every family must deposit expense statement at local post office or SBI branch 15 days before marriage.

Anyone who promotes extravagant marriages in TV or in Movies will be barred from broadcasting or screening for 1 month.

If your friend invites you to his or her extravagant marriage, then wish the newly wed couple and then politely leave by taking a sip of lemonade or soft drinks. That way, you can send a message to society that millions of people can not afford to feed full meals to 500 wedding guests.

Everyone must campaign against Bollywood movies (Bansali and Barjatiaya kinds) that popularise extravagant marriages. Bollywood actors must oppose promotion of such culture by movie industry.
People can always have choice of extravagant marriage provided then do their share of work by paying 30% tax for eliminating female foeticide due to high marriage expenses.

SIF activists have found that the Indian Government brags a lot about eliminating dowry, however in reality it takes no action. The concerned Indian Government Ministry has not spent even a single rupee on advertisements in newspaper and TV to change the culture of high marriage expenses and dowry. Please look at the shocking evidence in the Right to Information Act reply above !

Source: SIFF


 12 Replies


arun ji there is no need to advertise at all. now onwards starts the ultrasound era( corresponding to year 1984 for an adult female). boys may have to pay to girls parents to get a wife. even they may need to import wives. this is price of female foeticide or u can say equilibrium will come automatically.dowry act will need to be reversed. boys will be paying dowry to get married or there may be polyandry in society. lets see how it moves.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     17 August 2010

Some places of rajsthan, hariyana, mp, now brides are being imported, from bengal assam and bangladesh


" or there may be polyandry in society. " - in arab country, due to infant girl child killing, such situation came. as islam opposes the polyandry strictly, therefore they adopt the easy divorce system, which popularly known as 'TALAK'.

I also read it that, sometimes rich arrabians comple the poors to talak their wives, for the benifit of themselves.

here it is remarkable that, islam strongly opposes both polyandry & concubinage. they strictly believe in marriage.polygamy also widely accepted.

among hindus, polyandry we see in mahabharat. it is story of droupadi & panch pandav. hindu's genraly oppose polyandry and accept poligamy. divorce was not in practice but the man if deserted his wife - it was called 'PARITYAKTA' . IT WAS AN UNOFFICIAL SYSTEM OF DIVORCE, AMONG HINDUS.


Nopes, I disagree, the idea to do this RTI originated when we started hearing everywhere bald allegations of "female foeticide" and everyone is blaming MEN's so we thought to check with the SOUCE that is WCD and this is a shocking reply we got, means unless there is awareness how can u only single out we the Indian Men's for all family related problems around.

Actually there should also be sincere effort to bring solution to each social issues too and unless and until one experiments and goes into its roots "general public" will see only "one side of picture" which is what you keep tellign them as propaganda that men kills female daughter as soon as they are born !!!!!!

Here what I wanted to express is that had WCD allocated pennys out of their million rupees budget on educating masses on dowry expenses etc. the public outcry would not be so blind........but then feminists have their unique ways to exploit gulible masses........

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     17 August 2010

if i am not wrong female foeticide is killing of female infants.

Drastic Reductions in Marriage Expenses will end Female Foeticide - i think it is not correct.

i personally like a minimum expense in marriage. preferred a registered marriage.

reason of female foeticide is somehow diffrent.

people have a gender biasness, they consider, male are the source of earning females are source of expences. expence not only due to her marriage alone, for her education; she may take share of properties, which is still being considered as a deprivation of the male child of the family. we can say it - financial reasons.


the another major reason is that - the girl child, in her youth stage may defame the family prestige.

this defame comes from various angle. may be - by rape, by marriage to a lower caste, or of diffrent religion, unsucess love case etc. it may be marked as -  gender reasons.



Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     17 August 2010

arun ji,

yes you may be right. too much cry is there from that side.

difficult to understand what are the facts?

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     17 August 2010

ok good night. thanks.


mrs prabhakar ji, marriage expenses should be reduced i agree totally with u. but the underlying objective of having taxes paid on gifts is to:

1. keep an exact record of gifts given so that a commercial lawyer may not instigate girl's parents to lodge false dowry case with highly exaggerated gifts value.

2.reduce and penalise dowry givers

3.bring on paper in black and white how much dowry was taken to penalise dowry takers in future.

4.bring revenues to govt as black money is used mainly in marriage

dont be so biased to avoid penalisation to dowry givers


why court shud interfere in personal life of people ? to reduce unemployment????

i feel every marriage should have prenupital agreements drafted and it should mention every possibilty separation , divorce alimny before m,arriage. in case of a breakdown a decision shud be given within 2 weeks based on that agreement and decree passed in 6 months.


Sh. Prabhakar

Sometimes it becomes so difficult to understand what actually mean like in Female Foeticide issues you are bringing and I quote your sentence "meaning thereby that two people can marry at any time and break-away at any time and no decree of court is required, demanded:

I mean who is demanding above ? I don't read such posts atleast here in LCI and what above has to do with Female Foeticide ?

I appreciate your openning first sentence as suggestion and I am keen to know you views short parawise on Female Foeticide problem in rural as well as urban India, kindly give your take so that readers like me can catch up your wavelength. Kindly take all wors as general and not personal and let us first of all understand Female Foeticide in larger public interest unbiasedly.



@ Swatirswatir

I understood your suggestion in your first post but what Female Foeticide has to do with your second post on prenups and all that ?. Kindly give takes on why Female Foeticide happening still in modern India and how to get rid of this social problem.



arun sir ,second post was in response to mrs prabhakar's wondering why two people should be allowed to break free at their will without court intervention. i jus replied to last lines of her post.

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