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Earning women cant get alimony for unjust enrichment: cou

Page no : 2

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 December 2010

@ utpala

let these people keep fighting.i think we shud stop bothering about wot they say.

actually dowry is a crime in india and therefore there are so many laws for it,though not implemented fully.

on the other hand,maintenance is not at all illegal...that's why it's in all countries of the world including india and will never be banned,however much some wife bashers try to scrap it....since they know it cant be scrapped,they are afraid to file any PILs in courts and therefore venting their frustration on websites like LCI...let them do it...since they cant do anything beyond this..

lastly,dear utpala,you may agree with me that no one can be forced to accept dowry.even if one was forced to accept dowry,he shud have cancelled marriage with such a party....but then who wont get tempted on getting a car or property for free??


i wish you and your family a very happy new year....




Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     31 December 2010

Dowry is illegal,but maintenance and alimony is legal right and will be legal right. 

So, fighting for the right is not wrong, rather keeping quiet  is a sin.

Those who asks dowry by hook or crook are morale/character less persons, whether they are highly educated or uneducated.

Ajoy (Manager)     31 December 2010


Our ignorant Baby has quit from this thread.

Now this thread can be utilised for  some meaningful discussion without those childish disturbances !

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     31 December 2010

yes please...


please carry on with your  "meaning-fool" discussions due to "inner disturbances",because no one in the judiciary is listening to your "meaning-fool" demands....

else you'll be no.2 person to be fined by HC or SC


Good night!

Ajoy (Manager)     31 December 2010

yeh baby. Good night !

Vishwa (translator)     31 December 2010

I agree that both dowry and alimony are bad. But I see that no one has mentioned child support.

Ajoy (Manager)     31 December 2010

I thank Vishwa for having raised this point abt child support.

Probably , every one had forgotten about children, while discussing the matters about separation.


The worst victim of Divorce are children. But I think a new thread may be opened to discuss the matter of child's right against his parents, and the legal avenues available to enforce those right. I would like to get enlightened in this matter.




yes no one can force any one to take dowry.It is against self-respect of a man.may be it is cash or a car.

After marriage if the marriage breaks the worst suffer are  the  wife and the children.Hence maintenance is not illegal.Because they are the victims of sever depression in most cases.But a man does not suffer so much emotionally.

Now question is of a self dependent wife.Generally no earning wife gets maintenance.It is a rare case where high amount of maintenance is allowed.Poor deserted women even can't meet their two times meals with their maintenance amount.They can't escape from child's responsibilty being a mother which a father easily can. They have to become both the parents for the child.If maintenance is banned children will be the great looser as nobody can replace a parent.Custodial parent has to give enough time to them to cope up with the emotional injury they got during the separation of the parents.

Actually separation or divorce is a very inhuman thing.After child birth no divorce should be granted or such selfish people should think twice before  bringing little angels to this cruel world.


No doubt some ultra modern women mis use laws like maintenance or Sec 497 and 498A.They don't bother what their kids would suffer for that act of her.

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yes no one can force any one to take dowry.It is against self-respect of a man.may be it is cash or a car.

After marriage if the marriage breaks the worst suffer are  the  wife and the children.Hence maintenance is not illegal.Because they are the victims of sever depression in most cases.But a man does not suffer so much emotionally.

Now question is of a self dependent wife.Generally no earning wife gets maintenance.It is a rare case where high amount of maintenance is allowed.Poor deserted women even can't meet their two times meals with their maintenance amount.They can't escape from child's responsibilty being a mother which a father easily can. They have to become both the parents for the child.If maintenance is banned children will be the great looser as nobody can replace a parent.Custodial parent has to give enough time to them to cope up with the emotional injury they got during the separation of the parents.

Actually separation or divorce is a very inhuman thing.After child birth no divorce should be granted or such selfish people should think twice before  bringing little angels to this cruel world.


No doubt some ultra modern women mis use laws like maintenance or Sec 497 and 498A.They don't bother what their kids would suffer for that act of her.


some mistakes are there inj my above ignore.


Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     03 January 2011

Dowry if demanded by husband and if they mis-behave for this it is absolutely wrong and illegal.We condemn this. But maintenance is also on the similar lines and if wife is educated ,can maintain and husband is ready to take her back then it is also wrong to give maintenance although at the moment it is not illegal but certainly it is immorale. If husband has taken something as a dowry after dispute he must return the same but in any case the maintenance should only be given to un-educated ladies who are not able to maintain them and not to ladies who are earning well and fighting well. Thanks to all for sharing their views.

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