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Asma (Pricing)     08 July 2011

Employee Compensation and Bonus/Performance ZReview

Dear seniors /Experts,

I have query on employee compensation & Bonus part. I am working for a IT company as Pricing Analyst joined in Apr’10. Bonus is part of my total salary and it will be paid yearly twice as 2 cycles.

One month ago my manager called me in non official hours & told me that have to move some other role within organization as there is no growth for me in same team. From my career prospective they had found 2 opportunities for me to make a choice.

I have agreed for the same, gave interview completed the formalities and got selected in other department. Later same communicated to my manager stating I will join after 20 days to team after handing over the current roles & responsibilities.  He agreed for the same & relieved on 30th June’11 but where am suppose to get the bonus + my Increment as have completed 12 months in the company which is not happened and my all subordinates got the same.

1st cycle have got STRONG point from my manager & it’s got credited along with salary in Dec’10. When all my team members got 2nd cycling amount in June’11 salary but I haven’t got the same. I have been following up with my manager for the Ratings for the period but he never bother me provide the same.

Meanwhile I have raised query with HR of the company, also I need your suggestion on this if he disagree / reject to give me the Bonus & Increment for last year 2011-11.

Kindly help me to get solutions as its very difficult to work here…as have lots of commitment towards my family.. Pls help..

Thanks in advance..



 6 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     08 July 2011

Movement of employees with in the company amongst different departments is as per the internal policies of the company. In many companies employee can opt to move due to interest in another field, or as an option to retain employment due to low/dissatisfactory performance in existing department, and for the movement there is a set process which may involve submission of resume, interviews, selection, and clearance by the previous and future vertical heads.

It appears (and it may be wrong) for the 2nd quarter you did not receive good ratings, and this could be the reason for movement  to another department. If it is, then it is a good gesture/practice.

You have clarified that you have completed 12 months in previous department.

Ratings are given as per the internal appraisal. As per the process appraisal is done by the reporting authority with reportee in person and the appraisal format is filled as per the weightage criteria, and ratings are given in the format, both are supposed to sign the filled in format, and copy of the appraisal is to be given to reportee on the spot.

You have mentioned that you have not received the ratings for 2nd quarter, and you should peruse it with concerned managers/HR to get a copy. Company on the average of the two appraisals might have decided to not to grant an increment. In case of movement of the employee under specific circumstances company might have an internal policy to not to pay performance linked bonus.

You have posted bonus is part of your salary, or it could be part of CTC.

The situation might be clear by a reply from HR. HR may reply verbally or in writing.

You should obtain the copy of company policy, from intranet of the company or employee website or HR, and reply from HR on your query. If your ratings are as good as other employees at the same position, you should also get an increment as per policy of the company and bonus. If you are not satisfied you can submit a representation as per escalation criteria in your company to your superiors.

later, if you are not satisfied with response to your representations you can think on the option of seeking advice from elders in the family, competent and experienced colleagues and people known to the family, or a lawyer/law firm. As per you position and terms in appointment letter you can approach labor authorities.

Advice from the learned members and experts of LCI is sought.

Asma (Pricing)     09 July 2011

Thanks for your prompt replay…I would be very grateful if u clarify my doubts as mentioned below;

When he called he never spoke about my performance in fact he said that current role is not matching with business criteria.. and ur career prospective you don’t have growth in same department. Agreed with my personal interest have moved where I willing to..

After that I have been asking about my rating so that I will move other department with some benefits, for the same he wrote mail he will discuss with me but he never discussed with me about my ratings. Being my manager he should discuss even though if he is not interest to give any bonus & increment for the last year. Now am asking him justification towards my Bonus & increment and in past 12 months. He never discussed nor highlighted about my weak ness/ non performance points.  

Then how can he judge not to give anything to me where have performed for a year & implemented new projects for his team. And he was following up with me to download all transitions..

If he reject to give me the increment & bonus, do I have rights to ask the same and can I communicate him stating will resign from the organization & I need 6 months remuneration from the company.

He agreed to discuss face to face on coming Monday, I request you to suggest me on this before that.

Since 12 months neither non performer report on me nor none of senior nor my manager highlighted that I am not performing in current role.

HR is just playing intermediate role not ready to take any responsibilities..

Pls advise


manoj kumar Singh (HR/IR Executive)     09 July 2011

Dear Sir,

my Q is

what is the Labour welfare Fund?

Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 July 2011

Pricing Analyst seems to be a meaningful and relevant post.

Apparently company had decided to dislocate you and might have decided to abolish the post.

You have performed the tasks assigned to you by your reporting authority and hence company, implemented new projects, to the satisfaction of your superiors.

Your manager has been delaying or avoiding to update you on the logics and reasons "why copy of appraisal/ratings have not been supplied to you and hence bonus and increments you deserve to get like other employees in the company.”

HR has to step in and execute their role and responsibility and thus supply you the copy of your appraisal and grounds for no increment and bonus, in writing. You should peruse and get it so that you can have a fruitful and meaningful discussion with your manager.

It is HR matter as an employee is clamoring to get copy of appraisal, ratings, bonus, increment, for the last 3 months!

You are within your rights to ask for the copy of your appraisal and ratings for a fruitful and meaningful discussion, which otherwise has been delayed for no fault at your end. While you should have received your bonus and increments w.e.f. April, you are still struggling to get copy of your appraisal/ ratings despite the fact that you have performed to the satisfaction of your superiors and have received no adverse comments.

Be smart.

You should remain gentle, cool, and amiable and apply skills like patience, persistence, negotiating ability, flexibility to get copy of your appraisal/ratings, and win over the reasons given by your manager by using logic, facts, and data and stake your claim for bonus and increments. You should convince your manager that despite your satisfactory performance your ratings and employability and growth prospects in the company and industry are affected, and you shall never be able to convince anyone why no raise was given to you.

You can not claim 6 month’s remuneration from company. You should not throw your resignation. If you do you shall have to tender notice pay. Have you signed any service bond?

If you are not satisfied after the meeting with your manager and HR, you can escalate as per escalation matrix in your company and represent to your appointing authority, MD, CEO, Company Secretary, Head-HR. It seems to be purely HR matter and should get resolved with your manager, HR, and may require intervention of senior management.

You can seek help from elders in the family, competent and experienced colleagues and people known to the family, or a lawyer/law firm, to structure your representations.

Industry is big and opportunities are many. Look for your growth with best companies in the trade offering best position and best remuneration.



Asma (Pricing)     09 July 2011

Thanks for your replay... No am not in service bond..

will handle it with my manager on Monday with gentle & cool manner..lets hope for the best..

Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 July 2011

In case of resignation/termination you can not claim 6 months remuneration from the company.

You are trying and you should strive for bonus and increments and must obtain copy of your appraisal and ratings.

Kindly keep the forum updated. This shall help many who visit the forum.

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