My friend is an employee of a start up engg. consultancy in Bangalore and was the first employee and along with colleagues signed a bond in return for the training provided by the company but he had a 3 year bond while others had 2 years, my query is,
1. The amount specified in bond and the period were higher but training period was same - no special training was provided to my friend
2. The training was actually on the job training and they did actual billable hours - while being on a business visa
3. While my friend has maintained the contract the same is being broken by the company
4. He was not given an option to resign earlier - stating the bond but now thay want him to resign without giving time to look for other options - this is unfair use of the bond terms
Is there any chance of redressal and can he ask the company to give time till the actual bond period ends? this will give him a few more months to get a job.