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Paresh   24 October 2017

False allegations on chairman, secretary, treasurer & few co

Dear Sir,

I am a chairman of hsg soc at vasai. We entire committeee members( specially chairman & secretary) are facing false alligations & harassment by one of our society resident Mr X. This Mr X had 1st registered a complaint for life threat against Chairman & Sec. Then he started spreading news that committee is involve in taking bribe from Tanker water supplier & that is y takes tanker at xyz rate. As it was difficult to handle committee resigned & put forward for election. We started getting call from police station on regular basis & were called several times. Also registrar had started sending letter and asking for explanations on various issued ( tanker bills, expenditure bills etc). We were suprised when we were question by registrar office for not allowing new people to work( we had already requested for election & till the time new committee is elected we were in charge). This went on for months. One day we got a call for election & election was conducted. Almost every member from the previous committee was elected. Mr X had also filled his nomination, but did not get votes to even be a committee member. This was all in presence of Registrar officier. Suprisingly we get a letter in a weeks time for registrar dated exactly the next day date of our election, that they wanted to check all the files, pass books, vouchers etc of last 5 years. Also Mr.X gives a seperate letter requesting for 5yrs bank statements along with all documents. He has not mentioed reason for askking for documents. He also said he will not consider this election as legal as it was fake election.

My questionss on this

1) What action can committee take

2) Can We committee members file a case against him? if Yes do we need to take approval form Society residents?

3) What if Society residents not ready to pay for case against him?

4) Should we give requested papers to Mr X as this are the same papers that registrar has asked for & are conducting checking on his request


 1 Replies

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     25 October 2017

(1) The Society member is entitled to all the papers relating to the accounts of the Society, you should submit the same to him after collecting permissible charges. (2) A resolution has to be passed in the AGM for contributions towards legal charges incurred in legal proceedings against a Society member. (3) The Registrar has the authority to demand inspection of the records of the Society.

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