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father's adultery

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Ambika (NA)     19 May 2011

@ Hema

In my opinion a gril/woman can file a DV against father, Grand father and brother/s.  Please refer the follwoing.

"domestic relationship" means a relationship between two persons who live or have, at any point of time, lived together in a shared household, when they are related by consanguinity, marriage, or through a relationship in the nature of marriage, adoption or are family members living together as a joint family.


zimmerzapper (student)     19 May 2011

Originally posted by :Ambika
" @ Hema

In my opinion a gril/woman can file a DV against father, Grand father and brother/s.  Please refer the follwoing.

"domestic relationship" means a relationship between two persons who live or have, at any point of time, lived together in a shared household, when they are related by consanguinity, marriage, or through a relationship in the nature of marriage, adoption or are family members living together as a joint family.



what happens if  the victim is a boy?


@zimmer zapper


When a victim is a boy he can easily go out and do job wherever and whenevr he want. There are some physical differences between man and woman which God has created(woman is physically weaker than man) ..but later that difference  was misused by man by dominating women.Due to that difference woman are not safe anywhere.

Men dont want an Act favouring him that's why we never heard a Purush samiti(Male organisation) and fighting for man's right.Acts are not amended or enacted in a single is a fruit of long term efforts of some people.

So if you find them anti-man then fight ,u will win and one day man and woman will be equal in real sense.



@utpala kaur

woman is physically weaker than man

Agree but some of the women like on lci are  more powerful than men.(After getting thier right and using them in a right direction);)

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     20 May 2011



Originally posted by :utpala kaur


@zimmer zapper

 When a victim is a boy he can easily go out and do job wherever and whenevr he want. There are some physical differences between man and woman which God has created(woman is physically weaker than man) ..but later that difference  was misused by man by dominating women.Due to that difference woman are not safe anywhere.

Men dont want an Act favouring him that's why we never heard a Purush samiti(Male organisation) and fighting for man's right.Acts are not amended or enacted in a single is a fruit of long term efforts of some people.

So if you find them anti-man then fight ,u will win and one day man and woman will be equal in real sense.


@ Utpala

Allow me to interrupt you thought process by legitimate worldwide economic view (I am not sure on your grip of the subject unlike Ambika and Renuka though this message is not for them) ;

1. The world wide economy is dependent upon scarce "black gold" understand how natural resources over controls world economy. It is this black gold which controls society nd social enactments in the West and West think tank bodies creates social Laws which are peddled into developing countries with huge grants as experiement. Recent pointer is 5 years old DV Act which was curtsey UNIFEM Grant to Lawyers Collective and till date they have not been able to submit the accounts statement thus subsequent years grants have stopped to this very Lawyers Collective!

2. This is how a WELFARE STATE is created. In simple English it is called “Giving Free Lunches to masses”

Belgium, Iceland and Norway have recently abolished WELFARE STATE funda that is they have completely abolished giving FREE LUNCHES to masses. And mind it they are some of the most developed countries in BENLUX regions.

4. A Welfare STATE is nothing but giving and or creating maint. laws upon multiple laws to able bodied wife to passover guilt of industrial revolution passed over from able bodied men workforce to now women. Indian or Western masses is not the moot point here but maint. to able bodied wife is the think tank economic repurcussion discussion worldwide from past decade or so. Once a STATE allows social reforms and passes and or creates a WELFARE STATE it burdens its economy and huge taxes and over taxes are passed on not to you bit to to all its SUBJECTS. That is where the coinage "There is no free lunch" came into usage in our economist think tank parlance. Once a able bodied wife start getting WELFARE from tax payers money simply ideating at home and not contributing to workforce it creates BURDEN ON STATE and in its already scarce resources that is consumption of black gold increases many fold. Better you discuss my thoughts with your choicest economist friend if my English understanding is a problem to you.  

5. Thus western world in early 70's abolished 'fault divorce" and created a paradigm shift and adjusted into "no fault divorce" with making “perjury” Laws stronger. But we here in Eastern Asia continued with 'fault divorce" which chews maximum productive year of both gender see the downfall in economic way how the country looses revenue.  I know 100% you have no clue on either nature of western divorce principles but I will not take you there in this reply, instead like you to painfully read my simple English which says most of the developed countries are going to very soon abolish WELFARE STATE as is cyclic seen even in India with the rise of maint. cases and specific 41 Laws made for able bodied women. (read the list of laws I posted some weeks back which are only for women) and compare yourself what a INDIAN WOMEN INSPITE OF 41 Laws what she has achieved since 1952?, Is 50 years on an average not enough for Indian women to come out from ideating bodied women to become able bodied women and yet some of you talk on Women Empowerment in one breadth and talk in other breadth as your above  quote and unquote of your message about physical attributes of Indian women and I smile reading them how confused you writers sometimes are......

NOW YOU STILL WOULD LIKE TO SAY WHAT YOU HAVE SAID ABOVE IN YOUR QUOTE?. Think before jumping to my Aussie wife, my married sister, my minor daughter, my 80's mother and all females in my extended family as you asked me about them in another recent post as none of the above paras are personal and or direct comment to your personal SPACE mind it!!!!!

Also ask anyone who knows ENGLISH what does  "There is no free lunch" actually means and remember someone has to pay at the end, cost of a free Lunch and once scare natural resources depletes in a nation that free lunch also goes it s just matter of time nothign else Lady................

However, I will only go by Indian women nature that is make hay while sunshine lasts living in developing countries like India whose economy is booming but at taxpayers cost because we forgot to change “FREE LUNCH public policies on the go” ............


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@ above id.

at first I want say you sorry because u had to spent a sleepless night for me.:PI really appreciate your hard work in this post.You, to show off used many 'HIGH FUNDA' terms which ,I think all are not relevant with my above post.

When there is a small news ..where LIQUID GOLD in combination with the very first invention of human civilization ends up the life of an ABLE BODIED female for not giving PARENT'S Tax of the ABLE BODIED HUSBAND then the term WELFARE STATE really seems funny.There are lots of judgements which u and some of your supporters posted here where no maintenance is granted to working wife.Then why you always curse the DV Act?Do you think really Indian Society does not need such an Act??

.One thing I admit, I really don't know framers of this Act has submitted accounts statement to UNIFEM  or not!!!

kindly see below..

When this type of news will get abolished from Indian Society  the divorce in India wll also be converted to NO FAULT from FAULT divorce.



Indian Brides: "Hang Up to Save Your Marriage"


Indian Brides: "Hang Up to Save Your Marriage"

Newly married Punjabi brides were warned today that excessive cell phone use could ruin marriages, in a clash between traditional culture and new technology in India.


In an official statement by the Punjabi State Commission for Women, or PSCW, asked new brides to cut down on cell phone conversations to save their marriages. The Commission says more than 40 percent of women who consider divorce do so because their husbands or in-laws suspect them of having an affair if they talk too much on the phone.

Women's reactions to this advice have been mixed, highlighting a gulf between older and younger generations as well as a divide in comfort over technology.

"Talking over mobile is a very serious issue," said Gurdev Kaur Sangha of the PSCW. "Many cases have come to me where boy and his family members think that the girl is talking to another man over the phone and they want divorce. This also led to domestic violence."

On the other hand, younger generation women find the advisory problematic. "This advisory is a big joke, simply glorifying male chauvinism," said Pankhuri Bhalla, a writer for a fashion magazine. "Every day I have to call at least seven to eight people in connection with my stories, but it does not imply that I am having an affair with someone."

In India parents often still arrange marriages without giving their children much choice in a partner, so many couples come to marriage having had to cut ties with secret boyfriends or girlfriends.

This reality spurs fear from spouses and families that such ties might still exist, prompting them to keep close watch on phone-toting brides in a society that is still highly patriarchal.

Also, in traditional society women go to live with their husband's family after marriage, but now the advent of cell phones threatens this ancient pattern of life. Where beforehand women would have great difficulty traveling home, and thus be forced to bond closely with their new family, they can now keep up strong connections with their parents via mobile phones.

But even maintaining familial connections can prove problematic in a new marriage, as women in traditional homes are expected to rear children and maintain the house. This new role as a married woman may prompt them to express frustrations to their own families rather than discuss problems with husbands and in-laws, weakening already tenuous emotional connections and in some cases leading to abuse.

As technology reaches further and further into India -- the country now boasts just over 800 million phone subscribers and growing -- clashes like these are sure to continue


In one post in a different thread Hema ji described U are honestly trying to bring changes to these gender biased LAws...keep that effort ..someday it will be fruitful and you will have the last laugh..


Kindly don't worry so much to teach me English.Mere deleting full stops from 4/5 sentences does not create standard and good English.But that type English become helpful when situations gets FLIPPED.


You don't know what these 41 Acts has done fr women.Firstly it has made cry or gifted sleepless nights to indian males.It has reduced dowry death.It has made Indian males to think twice before assaulting wife physically.........and many more....Remove your unik rainbow glasses giving black color in combination u will see. 

ur very jealous of women:(..u have counted Acts for women one by one and lost your sleep.!!!!


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zimmerzapper (student)     20 May 2011

Originally posted by :utpala kaur
" @zimmer zapper

When a victim is a boy he can easily go out and do job wherever and whenevr he want.(utpala which century are living in? women can go and work wherever and whenever they want) There are some physical differences between man and woman which God has created(woman is physically weaker than man)(women are physically weaker then men in a utilitarian world, these days most of the jobs don't require excessive physical strength, so this should mean that even women cannot benefit from them.), ..but later that difference  was misused by man by dominating women(no).Due to that difference woman are not safe anywhere.

Men dont want an Act favouring him that's why we never heard a Purush samiti(Male organisation) and fighting for man's right.(men were fooled by women like you that's why he couldn't act) Acts are not amended or enacted in a single is a fruit of long term efforts of some people.

So if you find them anti-man then fight ,u will win and one day man and woman will be equal in real sense(feminist movement only managed to make up for the inequalities suffered by women. it completely ignored the inequalities suffered by men).




someday you will ask why woman is granted for 6 months maternity leave wheras a man gets only 15 days paternity leave..then we all NANIs will not have any answer to give you...So i am quiting from this thread.Bye.

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zimmerzapper (student)     20 May 2011

Originally posted by :utpala kaur
someday you will ask why woman is granted for 6 months maternity leave wheras a man gets only 15 days paternity leave..then we all NANIs will not have any answer to give you...So i am quiting from this thread.Bye.



ha ha ha...i wish u would have taken my comments more seriously, sum issues i raised were serious i think

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