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How to marriage with my father's sister's daughter

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Dr. Chandran Peechulli, Ph.D; FIE (Editor & Publisher Chief Engineer(Retd.) GM(T))     23 October 2011

Rightly said, if you love your sister or your mother(incest), woudl you like to marry her? Medically not advisable to marry close relatives and regret later. Passion for  SEX is very strong in the early ages. As s*x is blind. In all spheres of life, as human being one needs to control, considering the pros and cons(merits and demerits) thinking, knowing the limits and tolerances, to finally arrive at a discretion, to choose your life-partner through matrimonial Ads.Sites, through your own friends and relatives(well-wishers), single clubs etc.

Agree, SEX is very important in one's own life, for pleasure and reproductory, viewing your  generation tree, your own offsprings of the future. Consider your own image in the society you live in. We would not have interacted in the lawyersclubindia inter-active platform if we did not exist, if s*x wasn't there.   Don't regret later. This world is big enough and you can select anybody outside your family tree. Read good books on genes and this will open your eyes of enlightenment.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     23 October 2011

Films, novels and even ancient plays say that love is divine, ordained by God. All those are just bull-sh*t. Love and s*x are only grand scheme of nature for the propagation of species. If you ask me whether nature has devised any scheme to prevent reproduction through consanguineous relationships, the answer is “No”. Nature’s plans are random. Reproduction happens in large numbers through consanguineous relationships as well as otherwise. It results in death or low quality of life of the population in large numbers. Whereas, it is still so in the case of animals, man deliberately changed the scheme, in order to improve the chances of survival and quality of life.   If one loves and for that reason marries, s*x naturally follows. As you want to  marry your cousin for love only, are you prepared for an as*xual marriage? It was said that the marriage of Acharya Kripalani and Sucheta Kripalani was as*xual. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was not in favour of the marriage of Indira Nehru and Feroz Ghandy. Mahatma Gandhi tried to mediate and proposed as*xual marriage. But both Indira and Feroz declined.

One of my relatives married his close relative against the wishes of the elders in the family. He had two sons and one daughter. Both the sons suffered from hemophilia, a disease in which blood will not clot. Even a small cut will result in continuous bleeding without clotting. It can result in death also. The daughter was normal. But both the boys died before reaching 20 years. Do not be selfish and think of you two only. Think also of the new generation you will bring into this world.

Medhap (clerk)     23 October 2011

Hi, being maharashtrian Hindu and not lawyer, I can tell u one thing father's sister's husband being from different family marrying her daughter/son is allowed just as maternal uncle's daughter/son as community doesn't think it odd. Ofcourse, chances of carrying genetical defects, if any, may increase. If ur community or girls community disrespects/ doesn't permit then couple may face serious troubles which you may better know. Changing religion is'nt better solution, changing mindset of community is imp. See, if adult girl who gets deceived by drunkard like guy even then family of girl can't have legal voice if girl agrees willingly in court. My best wishes.

Medhap (clerk)     23 October 2011

Hi, being maharashtrian Hindu and not lawyer, I can tell u one thing father's sister's husband being from different family marrying her daughter/son is allowed just as maternal uncle's daughter/son as community doesn't think it odd. Ofcourse, chances of carrying genetical defects, if any, may increase. If ur community or girls community disrespects/ doesn't permit then couple may face serious troubles which you may better know. Changing religion is'nt better solution, changing mindset of community is imp. See, if adult girl who gets deceived by drunkard like guy even then family of girl can't have legal voice if girl agrees willingly in court. My best wishes.

Medhap (clerk)     23 October 2011

Maharashtrian Hindu allow cross cousins marriage. My best wishes.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 October 2011

Custom should be followed in the community and not place.


The marriage would be a void marriage, so beware.





Shonee Kapoor

K.V.DHANANJAY (ADVOCATE)     24 October 2011

What nonsense goes on here, all the time.

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     24 October 2011

I think Mr. Sunil Sharma has stopped listening. Let me now take on the Maharashtrian Hindu, Mr. Medhap. I do not want him have the last word. He says that among them cross-cousin marriages are permitted, because they belong to different families. Actually he means different gothras. Even parallel cousins on mother’s side can come from different families (gothras). Do they also marry among Maharashtrian Hindus?  Further South from Maharashtra, maternal uncle marries sister’s daughter. The justification is same as what Mr. Medhap says, that they belong to different families (gothras). Whereas such close blood relations marry, no Hindu anywhere in India can marry even the 10th cousin on the paternal side because they would belong to the same gotra. Often it can happen that boy and girl belong to the same gothra but they would not even know whether they had common ancestors. Still they cannot marry.

The marriage rules originate in the belief that inheritance is transmitted only through the male and not the female. The sperm is considered as the seed and the womb, the soil. Seed determines what plant will come out and not the soil. In Christianity the entire humanity are sinners, because they inherit the original sin from Adam. But Jesus Christ was not a sinner, because his father was God Himself.

Whatever various religions say, modern knowledge says that inheritance is from both sides. In order to maintain the quality of the population, let us not justify customs and become the cause for creating sick individuals.


"Whatever various religions say, modern knowledge says that inheritance is from both sides. In order to maintain the quality of the population, let us not justify customs and become the cause for creating sick individuals.

Absolutely true Ramani sir.


In Avunculate cultures sisters daughters can be married. Sociobilogically too. The framers of these Acts don't know what Recessive genes are. Strangely even the so called educated ones are blisfully unaware of facts. Anyway no point fighting against a wall.



Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     27 October 2011

Avunculate culture and avuncular marriage are two different things. In fact in Avunculate cultures, avuncular marriages are forbidden. The nairs of Keralam can be said to follow avuncular system in matters of joint family and property inheritance. But marriage between a man and his sister’s daughter is a strict no no among them. Just as in patriarchies same gotram marriages are forbidden, among nairs of Keralam same tharavad marriages are not allowed. There tharavad replaces gotram.

In fact avuncular marriages are the rule in the other three Southern states viz. Tamilnad, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, where patriarchal system is followed.

What is the connection between maternal uncle – niece marriage and recessive genes? Is it that defective genes will remain recessive only, in avuncular marriages?  I am not a stone wall, though poor in understanding things. I shall be happy to be enlightened on this subject.  Let the lawyers also learn some genetics, so that they won’t be stone walls if and when they may have occasion to draft bills.


@Dr.RAMANI: A man invests 3/4th of genes in his sister's daughter through natural selection or rather Socio Biology. Such Genes are not recessive at all. Likewise for cousins as mentioned above. Read SOCIOBIOLOGY by E.O Wilson, Paul A Samuelson, Ivan E Eibeldfeld "HUMAN ETHOLOGY(not ENTHNOLOGY)], Gruyter,1998. Try google scholar to get hold a researches into this rather interesting subject. No usual links will give you the information. I'll see if I have a rough draft of my paper on Genetic Cycles and their Synocronization with Politico-Economic Cycles. South India has an avunculate culture hence we see gorgeous and healthy women like Rekha, Sri Devi, Vidya Balan, and South Indian men are healthier than north Indians. Try but there you will get confused by the technical jargon. I'll try uploading some of my proven reaerch papers as well as those of the geniuses mentioned above. Hindu Prohibted degrees of Relationships is ANTIQUATED and cannot be taken seriously.

Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     27 October 2011

As per Hindu Marriage Act, it is not possible.

But there are various other ways out. but for that you need a detailed discussion.



@Dr.RAMANI, I'm attaching a copy of my proven research paper[One of the numerous]. Its just the roough draft and was published in early 90's. This may not suffice and the one on Receesive genes etc. ,many antiquated Prohibited degrees of relations is on a CD with I'll upload later. This might give you an idea of how Law must evolve in Consonance with Scientific Developments. This paper was published and read in University of Geneva and in A European Journal. For any questions you can PM me.

Attached File : 141100 219518 55 geneticsynchoronicity.pdf downloaded: 278 times


If you love her then please go for marriage . IMO if some one is not in your blood relation there should not be any issue.

In many parts of India still Hindu's marriage to their ralatives.

With best wishes.

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