If I am not wrong, even RS, LS selections are governed by Rules on 'Identity of citizens' & one should not keep changing address - Last time from one state & then conveniently from another state.
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 02 June 2016
If I am not wrong, even RS, LS selections are governed by Rules on 'Identity of citizens' & one should not keep changing address - Last time from one state & then conveniently from another state.
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 03 June 2016
This is your opinion, whereas the general eligibility condition is he should be a citizen of India and can stay any where in India as per constitutional rights. Changing addresses is not a crime.
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 03 June 2016
The point is this: XYZ gets into RAJYA Sabha from one state. After the full term, people do not select XYZ or his/her party. Then, it is not fair on that s/he to change state & get into RAJYA Sabha from the new state. As it is, elections suffer from many defects & this defeats the very purpose of Representation.
This change in address is merely to get into RAJYA Sabha, out of greed, politics etc & is not happening in the natural way. Thus, nobody should be allowed such a change in address.
To be more precise, if XYZ changes from one state to another, then, there should be sufficient gestation period before s/he is considered for membership from the New State.
(Atleast in Lok Sabha, XYZ gets elected & if the person is really a gem, then why not accomodate one or two exemplary cases. But, in case of RAJYA Sabha, this change in address not acceptable in the succeeding term)
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 03 June 2016
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 04 June 2016
Such change in Address (From one state to another) just to get the RAJYA Sabha seat sets in corruption. Politics places high bets on some candidates. There is no way any human being can repay the v.v...v.v high stakes. The XYZ does unethical things. These harm the unseen silently, all with authority & takes care of the repaying part.
The very concepts, activities amputate the unseen, uninfluential in the society. All gets upset due to corruption at the unseen, uncontrollable end. All hardwork/earning goes waste & the uninfluential suffer deprivation, indignation after working hard for the valued position, comfort, fame. There are people who are suffering even for food, shelter, safety for no fault of theirs & purely due to these acts (A 99 goods & 1 v.v. big bad offsets the arithmethic for the person who toiled day & night, but counts of the conscience, ethics, God's grace). Enough is enough. Lot has already been seen.
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 10 June 2016
News is that Election Commission is to hold RS polls in Karnataka too as per schedule.
The rest of society have already met lot of injustices at personal level, community/citizen level due to XYZ doing ABC things in the high offices. Whom to cry to? How & get the due justice in issues?
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 12 June 2016
People have got elected all over. Injustices happen at ends that society does not even realise. Oh, God!