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Incorrect information in cibil report


I had taken a personal loan from Citibank in June 2008 and I paid all EMIs in next 12 months and loan was closed on June 2009. I received an email from Citibank confirming loan closure and no communication after that. As per Loan Welcome Letter there was a negative balance or Rs 26 after loan closure (I paid 26 rs. more than I was supposed to pay).

A few days back I checked my CIBIL report and noticed that Citibank has report a positive balance of Rs 30 against this loan. I talked to bank and they are telling me that due to a calculation mistake there is balance or Rs 43 (not 30 as per CIBIL report) and they want me to send this money by cheque or DD. Though the amount is nigligent, I don't want to pay them. What can I do to have them fix my CIBIL report? They never contacted me about this balance, they just reported to CIBIL that I didn't pay the loan. I have the confirmation email, my bank statements showing full payment of loan as per EMI payment schedule mentioned in Loan Welcome Letter.

Please suggest.


 6 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 May 2012

Instead of verbal communication you may transact in writing. However narrate the telephone call made by you and unique docket number assigned to you. If no number was asigned to you you may agitate on this.

As per RBI guidelines bank has to supply sufficient notice before reporting to credit rating agencies and declaring a customer a defaulter.

As per RBI guidelines bank can fix charges upto max. of Rs.50/ for supplying credit report (CIBIL report).You may ask the bank to supply its fee in writing.

Demand that the bank should beg apology in writing.Charge the BM of the local branch and agitate to Greivance Redressal Manager Anjana Makkar. Issue instructions to not to call you on phone and transact only in writing.

Attached File : 636127059 rbi circular bank to obtain consent for sharing data with cibil.pdf, 636127059 right-to-cibil-credit-report-india.pdf downloaded: 388 times


I sent them an email and they sent me an email asking for DD or Cheque of Rs 43. I have now escalated this to their Customer Service Head.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 May 2012

You may shoot specific queries and demand for specific answers and don't compromise till these are supplied in writing.

1. Full Name with sir name, designation, department, address with pin code, office phone with STD code, official mobile number, email id, fax number of company personnel:

--who has prepared your loan closure report and also one who has passed it as per email confirmation by bank's confirmation email dated......showing full payment.

--who has prepared your report and one who passed and one who has finally authorized it to report you as a defaulter to Credit rating agencies including CIBIL.

--who was on duty to supply you a communication and relevant documents that bank has erred in calculation and some more amount is required to be paid by you on the strength of satisfactory document evidence.

And personnel who was to pass the collection of this extra amount form you.

--who was on duty to beg apology in writing for erratic calculation.

--who was on duty to supply you prior 3 communications and notice by redg/speed post before declaring you a defaulter.

-- who has dared to stand volt faced and instead of begging apology in writing has demanded a payment in rude adamant recalcitrant manner despite the fact that you have made extra payment of Rs……

--who was duty bound to refund you extra amount of Rs……collected from you.

You may mention that company has willfully and intentionally declared you a defaulter in the public domain and by now your status is in eyes of many member financial institutions. Even if the status is corrected the history shall reflect that you were a defaulter. Your reputation and credibility has been lowered by the bank and its offender personnel  whom you shall charge in their professional and individual capacity.

You may finally demand their current residential and paramagnet address so that even if they leave their job with Citibank you can supply the notice, and court and police can summon them. You may also mention that you shall take a serious note of bank’s intention to conceal their identity, address (es) and their whereabouts.

2. If the company dos not supply reply in writing or maintains studied silence, you may finally charge the local BM, MD, Director, CEO of Citibank India and mention that Citibank is a habitual offender and Gurgaon Fraud is one of latest fraud by the bank and bank has been declared bankrupt.

You may mention that if any point is left unanswered in writing and company does not beg apology in writing and does not accept its fault you shall be constrained to go public and approach the institutions of print and electronic media, police, courts of law, regulators, RBI, Government, NGO’s, social and legal portals, consumer portals at the cost and consequences of the company. You may also mention that each telephone call made by you, email sent by you, letter sent by you does not come free to you and costs you your hard earned monies and precious personal, family, business hours and you shall not waste it on a habitual defaulter and offender  like Citibank. You may mention that you are contemplating to approach your lawyer and cost of legal opinion, documentation traveling, printing, typing, litigation shall be collected from Citibank. You may mention the cost of each item and reminder. You may mention that habitual offenders and hardened individuals in bank do not differentiate between a good customer who has paid more than the due amount and one who defaults and resorts to coercion, arm twisting, pressure, which shall not be allowed.

If you persist and peruse and remain firm you shall do good to yourself and your fellow countrymen.


The idiots accepted that their fault and sent me an email confirming the same. They said that they will get my CIBIL report updated. I have asked them refund they owe me and then a new credit report.

I can't believe that they resolved it in one email. Last time they messed, I had to chase them for 6 months and finally made them pay me a compensation for their mistake.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     26 May 2012

Demand certified copy of the updated CIBIL report be supplied to you at their cost and consequences along with letter from bank on its letterhead under original seal and signature by hand of the competent employee of the bank, with a copy to BM of bank at your location. This bank does not affix seal easily. You can chase them you obtain same letter from BM of the bank under seal of the bank. This shall give you evidence and right for jurisdiction of dispute at your location.

You must insist that name of bank i.e. must reflect in both CIBIL reports i.e. erratic and updated one.

You must also insist that bank should supply you the name(s) of all credit bureaus, credit rating agencies (some of which is mentioned above) to whom your name was reported as defaulter and a certificate that your name has been withdrawn.

Each bank has its compensation policy to compensate the customer(s) as per RBI guidelines and must compensate the customer willingly than to coerce the customer to go the courts of law. Bank employees including BM and above do not recommend compensation as it shall have adverse effect on their job.

However an aware and intelligent customer must not let the erring employee go Scot free, and should demand compensation from bank with adverse comments in personnel file of the bank personnel.

Rasik Dagli (Lawyer)     13 August 2012

Dear Sir,

Please note that Banks and Credit Card companies are bound to issue a notice befor his/her name is sent to CIBIL for inclusion in Defaulters List. No Bank or Credit card Comany is following this procedure and they are flauting Regulations and RBI Circulars issued to them. Unfortunately RBI is not monitering these illegal activities of Banks and Credit Card Companies and thousands of persons have to suffer because their name appears in CIBIL's Defaulters List. Only way is to make written complaint to RBI at their Banking Operations Department and if no actions are taken to challenge in High Court by filing Special Civil Application (Writ Petition)

Cibil has become a commercial enterprise and even one settls the matter with  Credit Card Company or Bank by paying the amount the CIBIL will state "settled" but the original entry of ' Default Status" will remain there. Any Bank therefore can see that there was adefault by the applicant. Cibil do not remove the Default entry in the manner as if it was never there. This is how CIBIL is working with a view to earn from such Credit Reports.

Time has come when all should unit to fight with CIBIL .

 Any body who want guidence or help may contact me at - - and I will help without charging any fees.


Rasik Dagli


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