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RAJAN G (Middle level Executive)     13 September 2011

Inheritance of property

My grand father expired leaving a property without any will. My grandfather belongs Syrian Christian community. He left with legal heirs of 3 daughters (my mother is the eldest one) and two sons. All of them are now more than 60 years old. My mother  was married to my father who was Hindu and my father expired. Whether shall i inherit the property ?


 3 Replies

R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     13 September 2011

When your mother is alive, only she is one of the legal heirs and only she can inherit and not you.  After getting the property through inheritance, your mother can give the property to you either by way of gift or WILL.  But you cannot directly inherit the property now. 

Vijaykumar (IT Manager)     22 September 2011


Dear sir,

My mother having a ancestral property. i am a son of her. is there any right to share the property with me. Also i need a clarification in, whether they can decide to issue gift/settlements father side or mother side ancestral property in hindu family.

please someone help me.

R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     22 September 2011

If your mother has got a share from an ancestral property from her family, such a property received by her would lose its "ancestral" character and would become her  "personal property".  Being her personal property, except her, nobody else (including her husband, son(s), daughter(s) etc.) can claim any right or share from the said property.

I am not quite clear as to what you want to say or ask by saying: "Also i need a clarification in, whether they can decide to issue gift/settlements father side or mother side ancestral property in hindu family."  Please put your query clearly.

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