I am from Scheduled caste (SC) completed my B.A,B.Ed married an Brahmin (OC) completd M.A,B.Ed lawfully in andhra Pradesh. Is there any opportunity for us to get a govt job ? What are the benefits i have from the govt and am i eligible for it?
Chocos (Student) 25 August 2014
I am from Scheduled caste (SC) completed my B.A,B.Ed married an Brahmin (OC) completd M.A,B.Ed lawfully in andhra Pradesh. Is there any opportunity for us to get a govt job ? What are the benefits i have from the govt and am i eligible for it?
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 25 August 2014
You have not stated whether you are the male or the female. There are many court judgments covering the eligibility for SC benefits of husbands and wives one belonging to SC and other not belonging to SC as well as the eligibility of children of such marriages. In your case the spouse who is Brahmin will not be eligible for any SC benefits, The scheduled caste spouse can claim benefits.