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Is it illegal to kill stray dogs?

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You said that the stray dog that bit me, bit me WITHOUT PROVOCATION.

My advise is to kill  that mad dog.(Not all dogs )

Now,Contact sterlization( Nasbandi means vasectomy, the surgical process of sterilisation.) programme company. The company will charge Rs 540 for sterilizing a dog and Rs 640 for sterilizing a b*tch while Rs 20 will be charged per anti-rabies injection. After some time, there are less dog in your street and you feel tension free.

Vikram RMD (Acc)     26 September 2010

Thank you Dabangg Lady, and Assumi Sir.


I will approach my Residents Welfare association, armed with the information you have provided me.


Ramani Sir, yes, absolutely, it is wrong to assume that stray dogs dont attack without provocation. Its totally wrong to assume that they are friendly. They are NOT friendly, they are creatures of fear. If in any moment, they overcome their fear of humans, they will attack. Its in their nature.

Vikram RMD (Acc)     27 September 2010

Kushan, there is an animal behaviour programme I saw  on the Discovery Channel, a long time back. That I just remembered.

If one animal in a pack falls into a certain behavior pattern, the chance that other animals will fall into the same pattern increases substantially...

If one stray dog starts biting, the chances that other stray dogs in the area will also start biting, increase.

I am unable to recall the technical term for this. A psychologist will be able to name it instantly, because this phenomenon exists in humans too.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     27 September 2010

"Its totally wrong to assume that they are friendly. They are NOT friendly, they are creatures of fear. If in any moment, they overcome their fear of humans, they will attack. Its in their nature." This is true for every animal, including us, the so called human animals. How the animal is brought up has lot of effect on its behaviour. If it is brought up in hostile atmosphere, treated badly it is bound to create problems. Just see below, a newborn baby was abandoned on road by her mother and dogs gaurded the baby entire night till next morning.

A bright new born baby girl by the side of the dustbin. Sitting around her are three street mongrels. The same unchanging picture throughout the night. This unbelievable and inconceivable incident is not a scene from a screenplay. Nor is it the background to a story causing a sensation throughout the world. It is real-as unalloyedly real as light and air, life and death.This incident stretched at Hartokibagan Lane under Burtolla Police Station from the night of 23rd May, 1996 to 24th May, 1996 morning. Not just that, the three dogs followed like responsible guardians when some people of the locality rescued the new born baby girl and took her to the Burtolla Police Station. They had, unnoticed by all arrived at the door of the Officer-in-charge at Burtolla Police Station I.K Hossain as people were busy watching the baby, who had been put on the officer’s table, move her hands and feet. This scene did not elude the eyes of the policemen and the curious people present at  the police station.

This report states that it was only around 2 pm on 24th May, 1996 , when the baby was put in  a car to be taken to a f home for foundlings  did these three street dogs walk back to their old neighbourhood, walkng slowly….


I remember another incident when local residents chased away Municipal Corporation van that had come to catch dogs, because the friendly neighbourhood dogs used to gaurd their locality better than any paid durwans.

Before taking any inhuman and violent steps in a hurry and panic, I would request Vikramnity to first contact

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Vikram RMD (Acc)     27 September 2010

Democratic Indian, that's a random freak incident. I've seen a video of how a lioness rescued and adopted a new born of an animal that is its traditional prey. Means nothing in the big picture of things.

Have a look at this:

Stray Dog Mauls 6 year old

Stray Dog mauls 6 year old

Stray Dog mauls 6 year old

You can see the entire story at

People who are taking the side of the stray dog - Can you guarantee that no stray dog in New Delhi will ever do the above to a small child in New Delhi or elsewhere?

My RWA wil ultimately decide what will happen to the stray dogs.

The best method is fast. Efficient. And permanent.

And does not put a burden on the tax payer.

In a society riddled with bankrupcy and so many serious problems, we are actually wasting money and resources on keeping stray dogs alive? Amazing.

Vikram RMD (Acc)     27 September 2010

The photos in my last post are not showing up due to some reason.


They are photos of a 6 year old child who was attacked by a stray dog while he was playing outside his home.


He required 60 stitiches on his face because of the attack.


Whether the child provoked or didn't provoke is just not relevant. You can't control a 6 year old. Nor can you watch him 24 hours a day.

@Democratic Indian:

In my RWA too, some people are now resisting the attempt to remove stray dogs from the neighbourhood, because they feel that these dogs are guards.

I am sure there are better ways of guarding the neighbourhood than stray dogs.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     27 September 2010


"People who are taking the side of the stray dog - Can you guarantee that no stray dog in New Delhi will ever do the above to a small child in New Delhi or elsewhere?"

Nobody is taking any sides. It is question of choosing between a human, compassionate approach and a irrational approach based on blanket fears. A certain amount of healthy fear is reasonable, and dogs, especially unfamiliar ones, should be approached with caution but an idea to masacare the entire population is far fetched. Even if you kill all dogs in your locality, within few weeks new dogs from neighbouring areas will come again as the "territory" will become free for them to occupy. Even if you kill all the dogs of Delhi, within few weeks dogs from neighbouring places outside delhi will come in. As far as your persuit of  "guarantee" is concerned, nobody can give any guarantee for anything in life. Niether is your approach any kind of guarantee for anything.

"The best method is fast. Efficient. And permanent." Your method is by no means even near to being so called fast, efficient or permanent. You kill all the dogs in your locality, within few weeks new dogs from other localities will fill the "territory" held by killed dogs.

"And does not put a burden on the tax payer." The recorrent cost of killing is actually a big burden on tax payers. After all they are living eating the garbage and filth of your locality, how are they burden on you or society?

"In a society riddled with bankrupcy and so many serious problems, we are actually wasting money and resources on keeping stray dogs alive? Amazing." It is really amazing how the dogs are causing bankrupcy or corruption in society? Something really wrong in perceptions and thinking of people who find that dogs are causing bankrupcy and other problems like corruption. They are living eating the garbage and filth of your locality, how are they causing bankrupcy or corruption? If you can't fight bankrupcy or corruption, why divert your anger and frustration towards helpless creatures? It is only the rich and elite(or neo rich and elite) who feel that their status is getting belittled by "presence" of dogs in locality find them a problem. Poor people and their children can happily co-exist with dogs in their localities as friends.

"Whether the child provoked or didn't provoke is just not relevant. You can't control a 6 year old. Nor can you watch him 24 hours a day." It is a tendency of not taking responsiblity for your children and putting the blame on others. It is no wonder that why children these days are also taking to crime, drugs, illicit s*x etc. and parents rather than taking responsibility, find it easy to put the blame on something else.

"I am sure there are better ways of guarding the neighbourhood than stray dogs." Even many gaurds themselves feed the dogs at night because they help them by giving early warning better than anyone else. No human gaurd can match the night vision, hearing capability or sense of smell of dogs. Even our security force personel in disturbed areas feed the stray dogs around their posts and camps as they provide an early warning of unwanted people before any human can detect.



Vikram RMD (Acc)     28 September 2010


At no point I said stray dogs are CAUSING bankrupcy. Read my comment again. What I said was we are wasting resources on keeping stray dogs alive, though we have so many other problems that need money and resources.


It is interesting that you don't see or don't want to see the severe threat posed by stray dogs even after seeing the case of the 6 year old child that got 60 stitches on his face thanks to a stray dog.

ShivarajaKN (Head)     28 September 2010

It is not a question of legal or illegal. Why kill innocent animal - a stray dog. Administer mercy killing through a proper authority, if elimination of the stray dog. Get rid of it.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     29 September 2010


"What I said was we are wasting resources on keeping stray dogs alive, though we have so many other problems that need money and resources." How we are "wasting" resources by keeping dogs alive is beyond any resonable comprehension. As I have already mentioned they are living eating the garbage and filth of your locality, how are they a strain on resources of this country.  As a matter of fact our country has surplus amounts of money to waste on luxuries like Common Wealth games etc. etc. etc. were the corrupt make merry and money at your and my expense. If you are really concerned about the financial health and other serious problems of this country, please do not be up against helpless creatures like dogs who  cannot speak and protest. Instead stand up against the corrupt people who are ruining this country.

"It is interesting that you don't see or don't want to see the severe threat posed by stray dogs even after seeing the case of the 6 year old child that got 60 stitches on his face thanks to a stray dog." I have read what you have posted. Under no circumstances it gives you a blanket license to conduct a  "Jallianwala Bagh massacare" of all the animals. What you also tend to ignore is that dogs have been living with human civilization from millions of years. They are also called man's best friend not without any reason. What you also ignore the fact that children also do not hesitate to cause harrass, torture to animals like touching with hot burnt match sticks, hitting with stones, cricket balls, sharp and blunt objects etc. I have myself seen a young child trying to push a stick into the anus of the dog. In another incident a child was taking away newly born puppies away from their mother. Such acts are bound to make the mother furious. What we need to do as parents is also take responsibility about actions of our children, sensitize them, maintain strict control over our children, inculcate human values of love and compassion. Rather we are happy to put blames, excuses on others, more so if the "others" happen to be animals they become an easier target.


"It is not a question of legal or illegal. Why kill innocent animal - a stray dog. Administer mercy killing through a proper authority, if elimination of the stray dog. Get rid of it." I appreciate your approach of taking a compassionate and human aproach rather than conducting a wholesale massacare. If a dog has gone mad and has become clear and present danger, the same can be reported to the nearest police station. The police can shoot the dog if necessary or contact NGO or other government department to take required steps. At the same time I would like to mention under no circumstances unwarranted kilings of animals is legal. Even hunting is banned in India, it can only be done under permission of Chief wild life warden of area. If someone conducts illegal acts he will have to face legal consequenses. I remember an incident when a man had killed one dog because it "insulted" him by barking at him. The residents of the locality got furious and desended upon the house of the man, gave him a good "A to Z body massage" and handed him over to police. A case under prevention of cruelity to animals was also filed against him by police.


Jitu (MD)     16 May 2011

Killings or inhuman treatment to dogs will be illegal and violation of THE PREVENTION OF
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT, 1960. Avoid doing such cruel acts as it may lead to bigger problems than solving anything. Please contact animal welfare NGOs, they will come and sterilize the dogs so that they do not multiply. You may try contacting the following:

How about not killing them, but catching them and leaving them far off from the society buildings? The age of a dog is 10-15 years, so even if they dont multiply, all the residents should live in mortal fear of the dogs for a decade or so?


Dogs or other animals do not attack unless disturbed, harrassed or irritated by anybody. Children usualy have a tendency to run around them and disturb them in various ways. Hence tell the children to not disturb the dogs or any animal.

Snakes also do not attack unless disturbed, harrassed or irritated by anybody. How about catching 1000 snakes and leaving them in your house outside area. Please tell your children not to disturb them.

Leave your job, if your children are small, because they will not listen and not obey your orders. Pay attention 24 x 7 to your children so that they dont provoke these animals. Very soon when all your money is gone, You will kill yourself all these animals and eat them and feed your children, if they (snakes) dont kill you first.

It is a big misconception that dogs can suddenly go mad, vicious and start biting etc. without any cause or reason. They have a brain and also IQ levels of a small human child. Only if dogs are disturbed, beaten, terrified etc., only then out of fear and for instinctive feeling of self protection they bite. Otherwise if good behaviour is done by humans, they also eqully respond with good and friendly behaviour.

Cities are meant for human beings and not for stray dogs, please get that in your head. If you think otherwise, fill your house with all stray dogs. Do dogs pay taxes? Do they give rent? Why should we be living with them side by side and be always be careful and respect their feelings and not provoke them? Why the hell should we care about for them so much? 


Vikram RMD (Acc)     20 May 2011

Wonderful answer Jitu. 

Always wonderful to read the words of a person with common sense.

If you have followed this thread from the beginning, you might have seen my posts in which I wrote that I would go to my RWA with guidance provided in this thread to take care of stray dogs.

But I have failed to convince my colony people to get rid of stray dogs.

My colony --- it is amazing -- people bicker and fight with each other all the time - but they love the goddamn stray dogs. They feed them with milk and meat, although they fight with each other, and also with their household servants and daily wage works in their homes when it comes to money.

They fight over tiny sums of money with each other --- but feeding milk and meat to stray diseased dogs in the neighbourhood is ok with them.

A bunch of $@#^% lunatics. Most of them.

Common sense is rare where I live. The stray dogs have grown fat because of all the meat and milk, and they also have all sorts of skin diseases (and perhaps other diseases too) but these colony people of doesn't matter to them! 

My attempts at doing away with stray dogs in my neighbourhood is currently stalled but I am not giving up. Some day I will be able to push it through, by hook or crook.

I would personally kill every single stray dog in my neighbourhood if it were not illegal. I am so damn frustrated with all the risk and all the noise.

Quote Jitu:

Cities are meant for human beings and not for stray dogs, please get that in your head. If you think otherwise, fill your house with all stray dogs.


Vikram RMD (Acc)     20 May 2011

Wonderful answer Jitu. 

Always wonderful to read the words of a person with common sense.

If you have followed this thread from the beginning, you might have seen my posts in which I wrote that I would go to my RWA with guidance provided in this thread to take care of stray dogs.

But I have failed to convince my colony people to get rid of stray dogs.

My colony --- it is amazing -- people bicker and fight with each other all the time - but they love the goddamn stray dogs. They feed them with milk and meat, although they fight with each other, and also with their household servants and daily wage works in their homes when it comes to money.

They fight over tiny sums of money with each other --- but feeding milk and meat to stray diseased dogs in the neighbourhood is ok with them.

A bunch of $@#^% lunatics. Most of them.

Common sense is rare where I live. The stray dogs have grown fat because of all the meat and milk, and they also have all sorts of skin diseases (and perhaps other diseases too) but these colony people of doesn't matter to them! 

My attempts at doing away with stray dogs in my neighbourhood is currently stalled but I am not giving up. Some day I will be able to push it through, by hook or crook.

I would personally kill every single stray dog in my neighbourhood if it were not illegal. I am so damn frustrated with all the risk and all the noise.

Quote Jitu:

Cities are meant for human beings and not for stray dogs, please get that in your head. If you think otherwise, fill your house with all stray dogs.


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     20 May 2011

it is neither legal. nor illegal.

the job is to the municipalities.they have arrangements, they catch it and through it or use it for some purposes.

contact the local parshad and convience him.

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