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Is Violence against Women a Universal Problem ?

Women are murdered in so-called honor killings everyday, and the public has a right to know more about these crimes and their victims.NGO and other institutions who are working with the victims of such violence (not the ones trying to lobby for more funds, or trying to find a way to get the politicians to pay attention to them, but those who work on the front lines) and you will find that they are pretty unanimous that it is a universal problem, and not something that can be laid more at one group's door (religious, national, or 'race') than at any other's.

Is Violence against women  universal problem ?


 10 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     05 September 2010





Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     05 September 2010


Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     05 September 2010

"Is Violence against Women a Universal Problem ?"

Yes, universally they are subjected to violence.


honour killing involves both man and women most of  times, why single out women only.


@ Vyas / Sh. Prabhakar

Yes, these are writeups from UNIFEM / UNICE and other feminist Orgs. which member (developing) countries to get Overseas Foreign Aids (Grants / Funding for development projects) have forced admitted / adopted as "universal issue". The problem of VAW (Violence Against Women) today has attained great "political significance" so far so much that Gender equity and violence against women are two issues rightfully attracting more attention in the "mainstream media" supported by huge demands for "gender researchers" across the World which in a way are good for employment generation to errant women living in various parts of the world and how can a "aam adami" question a women's wisdom than bettter try to practice self resielence of the roses minus thorns !

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     06 September 2010

"Violence against women and girls continues unabated in every continent, country and culture. It takes a devastating toll on women’s lives, on their families, and on society as a whole. "
— UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, 8 March 2007

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     06 September 2010

Plz. go thru this survey,

International Violence Against Women Survey IVAWS



The International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) is an international, comparative survey specifically designed to target men's violence against women, especially domestic violence and s*xual assault. The objective of the IVAWS project is to assess the level of victimisation of women in a number of countries world-wide, on a repeatable basis, and to provide novel inputs for the development of specific criminal justice approaches.

The IVAWS project relies largely on the network, infrastructure and methodology of the International Crime Victim Survey (ICVS) that has been successfully implemented in more than 70 countries around the world. The IVAWS also utilizes the specific expertise of Statistics Canada in developing sensitive survey tools for measuring violence against women. The first national, targeted survey on violence against women was conducted by Statistics Canada in 1993 .

Structure and participating countries

The IVAWS project is co-ordinated by HEUNI with inputs from the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), UNICRI and Statistics Canada.

The countries participating in the project include Australia, China (Hong Kong), Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Mozambique, Poland, Philippines and Switzerland, with other interested countries still waiting to secure funding for the survey. The data collection phase, started in some countries in 2003, will be completed during first half of 2005. All the countries are participating on self-funded basis. Simultaneously national and international funding for the project is being sought to secure participation of more developing countries and countries in transition.

Project schedule

The first operational version of the survey instrument was drafted in 2001, incorporating the inputs received at expert meeting of interested country representatives in Vancouver. During 2001-2002, IVAWS pilot studies were carried out in some 15 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Poland, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Spain (Basque region), Serbia, and Ukraine).

The second expert meeting of the International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS) was held at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in Turin, Italy, from 3 to 5 October, 2002. The meeting was funded by the Open Society Institute and attended by experts from 12 countries, plus representatives from the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States, and the Open Society Institute.

The meeting revised and discussed the IVAWS questionnaire based on the experiences from the pilot studies. After the meeting the questionnaire underwent an additional pilot study in Australia. After this testing, the questionnaire was amended and was finalised together with the IVAWS Manual. The instruments are now available for use in full-fledged surveys.

The project activities in each participating country included, besides the full-fledged survey and data collection, also preparation of both national and comparative IVAWS reports, as well as seminars/workshops on violence against women.

The international project team, composed of representatives of HEUNI, UNODC and Statistics Canada is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, including supporting the national coordinators in carrying out the surveys in their own countries. Further, the international project team collects the data sets from each participating country and compiles them into a joint IVAWS database. 

Project outcomes and main findings

The IVAWS project has so far covered some 30 countries from all continents. The first comparative research report of the IVAWS data in eleven countries was published jointly by Springer and HEUNI in early 2008. Here are some of the key findings:

  • The IVAWS confirmed that violence against women is a universal phenomenon and occurs in every age and economic group.
  • Between 35-60% of women in the surveyed countries have experienced violence by a man during their lifetime.
  • Between 22-40% have experienced intimate partner violence during their lifetime.
  • Less than one third of women reported their experience of violence to the police, and women are more likely to report stranger violence than intimate partner violence.
  • About one fourth of victimised women did not talk to anyone about their experiences.

The project documents (questionnaire and methodology manual) are available for use in countries interested in conducting a similar survey.

For more information:

Natalia Ollus


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     06 September 2010


Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     06 September 2010

If it is fake or false then u can sue them also can earn a lot in damage suit.

By the way, What about yours, "Crocodile Tears" nothing else.

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