Dear Sir Thank you very much for prompt reply.
1. Few years means how many year back ??-10 Yrs
2. Is there any hand not (promisory note) of receiving money as consideration of the land ??-No,only verbal discussion
3. Presently who is in possession of the said land ?--Its vacant land only without any construction on it, but he had kept stones and sand (raw material) for construction since 2008
4. If your father is in possession, then since when ??--??
5. Is there any remark regarding your father's possession over the land in Govt. record ?--No
6. Who is paying property tax etc for the land and in whose name ??--Since its in village area,i think no property tax.
7. Are the person who has witnessed the transction of money for land ready to depose the same before court, if required ?--Yes