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Leave you ego before doing any resolution

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@ Sh. Prabhakar

Agreed education also means manners blah blah but if essence out of a suggestion makes sense to author / reader(s) then there is something called ignoring the grammer, verbs, nouns which also means it is out of the preview of strict construction and needs harmonious construction out of which a context is made.

However, it is also like saying that here if a Ld. Advocate giving advise based on his legal education if it does not bring expected results then does he / she qualify for further advocay in a social networking forum........let us think aloud on it and we all are aware of peer bonding and groupism in social networkign domains so let us all respect each other with a knowledge package he / she brings into a crediable forum such as LCI where each replies goes probably under 75 K members srutiny and only it can't be that only one person is not above 75 K socialites here !

All replies to the queries are always confirming to the related Acts concerning the query. One has to see the objective with which an Act is made while deciding the fate of the case. Other administrative lapses (read grammer) are out of our purview as professional lawyers and administrative discretion is a dangerous tool in the hands of administrators and they escape from the clutches of public law under that guise so to speak......

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agree with views OF Mr. Arun and swatir swatir

Sorry to see level of your English ‘gyan’


You wrote


   (Are Ram, Krishna and NRIs left their parents for the same cause?)

you made a correction in bracket.

above sentence is wrong , it should be


I have an old school days wren and martin lying with me, if u want I can lend u for a day or two. If you want to read in detail please purchase one.

are you from an english medium school?


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Kade Abhimaan Na Kijiye
Kaha Kabir Samajhaye
Ja Seer Aha Jo Sanchare
Pade Chouryasi Jaaye

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shri prabhakar ji

the topic of this post has a grammatical error, u did not point? why

"Leave you ego before doing any resolution"

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Arey bros. and sis, clubbed with repected ld. expert members let us march ahead instead of brick battings in a social legal networking forum and also think of conserving precious T4 bandwiddth on some thoughts of each others.........

Baskaran Kanakasabai (entrepreneur)     15 August 2010

Ladies and gentlemen, please stop what looked like a query which gradually is degenerating in to a mud-slinging episode.

Respect each other. Concentrate on issues and their solutions. Let the whole process be conducted in a polite and decent manner so that any visitor to the site at any point of time should feel like participating in it and not running away from it.

This is a forum which is open to all. Some will be good in English, some will be bad and some will be worse and some will be worst. Some will be good in logic,some will be bad and so on. Some will be good in English and bad in logic. Some could be vice-versa. So is the case with manners. One can probably come across all possible permutations and combinations in public forums. Participants should develop tolerance to different behaviours.

Moreover, if anyone finds a query not being conveyed properly, one can always avoid participation in that discussion. Also, on forums like these, one will not be aware of the true status or standing of another, so there are possibilities for underestimating/overestimating the degree of required respectability in addressing each other . Better to follow a standard polite method of communication with all.

Please forget what has happened, forgive  errors and mistakes and start afresh

Mohd Musabbir Ansari (Legal Practice/Litigation New Delhi 09582547570 )     16 August 2010

Mr. Mohit

I am sorry to say that your submissions does not appeal to my heart & mind. On the point of Ram, Krishna, Army & NRI. I agree with the opinion expressed by Mr. Arup. I think you also understand now why these persons left their home. So far as Mr. Arup posting is concerned, I think he is very harsh & short temper but confident and knowlegable. But your counter blast is just rediculous and unaccepable. you are totally wrong if you are assesing a person from the point of view of english grammer.Mr. Arup may not be a computer expert. A good person is one who accepts his mistake. If you does not accept your mistakes then justify your view about Lord Rama.......etc.


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Sh. Prabhakar,

It really surprised me to read your today's two comments ! 

Why ?

Bze your kind self is a respected member of the Bar and I always believed that your noble profession teaches yourself to be "neutral" to each side (spouse here to be more specific) and simultaneously not only adduce  correct facts of your client (wife here to be more specific) but show respect to defendant side too (husband here to be more specific) during live or mock or public for and/or against (read painful) submissions (read it as point of view here to be more specific). And finally march ahead................

Having said so, taking criticism face up is sign of masculine-ness but it really pained me to see your today's two posting under this thread complaining of criticism directed towards you. Sir, may it please your kind self, if I may please be allowed to suggest with your permission, if you can't take criticism then how can you defend a wife's case is a very critical question I publicly ask ?

Further, garnering support from peers and superior professional standing in personal criticism matters may not reflect a good picture of a "unbiased gentlemen" and points to "creation of another khap panchayat (read infra-center)" similar to "bhajan mandali" reference in more or less similar way but on the contrary this "respected" interactive forum is a "public forum" with no live moderation created by your kind self for interaction with general public and no where it is mentioned that general public shall not and may not say even a single word against and for Family Law of the land especially to ld. members of the Bar, Sir !

The popularity of this legal forum is day by day increasing and as we speak it has crossed "80 K" and we first of all need to send our CONGRATULATIONS to the surrogates who created this grand forum in order to give opportunity to legal professionals to interact with general public and had it not been so then so called ikka dukka chaps from the same bhajan mandali would not be standing up congratulating LCI for crossing 80 K on Independence Day 2010. clap clap.............

Sir, I learned a great deal from your goodself which is to say that, "free speech" is guaranteed by our great COI and each adult / educated spouse and/or dilli ka laddu can defend him/herself so to speak and peer bonding / groupies and calling for support is not at all call of the day as Mohit  can defend remarks of Arup and so well Arup can defend himself with your good self and so on so forth and in such exemplanary platform need for groupies may never arise is all I say as neutral aam adami.

However, what I also feel is that as an professional members of the Bar one should speak for both spouse in Family Law threads and I do recall once you yourself said in one of your kind posts that Family law is very emotionally touching subject and many a "Bhakara Dams" gets record broken because we Indians basically are fools (I admit and not sure of others) and we just need a slope and we flow with it and on the contrary if you may come with another kinda slope then do appraise us of the same a aam adami may comeup with inventive idea to test that very slope :-) (read member account deletion is not the solution in internet bottle feed younger generation)  After all it is a great learning the relearning here under the guidance of professional members of the Bar and where else one can see such "Ganges of the mind" and a drop with permission taken and or put back is not too much to show as tolerance of conducts of we all the members - is it not so Sh. Prabhakar !

We the general public needs your takes on various threads as always and look forward to pleasurably readings your kind and crisp takes especially under Family Law and yes I may (afterall I am a aam adami na) may comment my immature takes sometimes so kindly tolerate them as becahara bachhe ki baat hai abhi ghuna nahi hai judiciary mein kar key ……...

Kind regards as always,

PS.: Sh. Prabhakar, it is my humble request to you to come on board on IrBM, 2010 topic created by your  peer Unbiased_Advocate as general public especially say me like to hear your views on IrBM, 2010 and your silence on such burning topic is troubling me for quite long……........... 

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     17 August 2010


The member who has quoted several Kabir Doha's have attempted to assasinate the character of Mr. Prabhakar. Look at the expression: "And this is for you: Kami, Krodhi....."

While Mr. Prabhakar had taken up the issue of language and clarity and members gave their opinions on it, the member who has quoted multiple Doha's to portray Mr. Prabhakar, should realize that he/she does not have any right to assassinate someone's character.  Does the member know him personally so well to describe him as such: Kami, Krodhi, etc. etc. and that too in a public forum like this? 



@ Renuka

Yes, you are right in your observation. The problem and almost out of hand situation arise becuase members became emotional and crossed the boundaries which in a way is natural and in another way had there been "check and balance" means an moderator to all posts then this unforunate incidence might not have happened.

I volunteer a suggestion (in the absence of common moderator in LCI forum) to all Authors of any post that is to suggest that if a author puts a new post with a title then let he / she moderate the rest of the threads generating to his / her thread and by this way complete control and sense of responsibility will emerge to say each and every new posts.

What I mean let me try to say it as an illustration: Ssuppose if I in future start a fresh post with say a title : "Are men idiots!"  then all replies I get from my own created posts I should be responsible of to control and warn or encourage repliers keeping in view larger picture (sense and sensibilities of a public domain posts) with this self control way I become responsible to my own post no matter how much emotions pour into it. It also brings out leadership in a author to take charge of his / her posts instead of members pointing out that this thread reply is hurting them or that thred reply is direct attack or biased and so on so forth. Let that author of the post show maturity to control each repliers "freedom of speech" with focus that the same post is under larger public scrutiny. This way moderation by chief moderator if any of LCI work will also become less and new authors learn sensiable public speaking and it could also be like relearning by experienced members. 

What you all say to above volunteered suggestions ? And if agreed then one of you refine and put proposal to admins to implent in do's and don't like a pop up whenever "Post New Topic" button is clicked this short message will come and once a person click I agree then only he can post a fresh topic is what I was thinking.

Mohit (man)     17 August 2010

I am really surprised to see how such educated people are fighting with words. Everyone has created a mess included me. The content has been lost- whether a man should live seperately in order to save his marriage , his future, his child's future.?

My only point was if the problem is only related to staying seperately from parents and nothing else then to save your child's future you should try to live seperately . I had just given examples to makeup the mind of husbands,  which is ofcourse not acceptable many of the members  here.

I think this forum is not for needy people. This forum is just for legal discussions rather than a solution to problem because every wrong and violent legal advice in this forum  to win the case will be adopted by other people on forums which creates bread and butter for each one of us. 

Mohd Musabbir Ansari (Legal Practice/Litigation New Delhi 09582547570 )     17 August 2010

Dear Prabhakar Sir!

This post is in response to your submission addressed to me. I beg sorry first of all for tooking you as Mr. Mohit .

I agree with the sound some persons are bias and anti women. But dont worry about that. Soon they will be discarded by the forum at large.

Because the truth always prevails.


renuka ji , i really appreciate mr prabhakar as a lawyer , and this post had some kabir rama and krisna and ancient sories. so taking it forward there were come kabir dohas. if someone takes it on self its his wish, although it was not meant to assianate any ones ' character etc. its how u/ he correlates to urself in light on comments on respected arup ji.

arup ji said educate urself , he meant update urself on rama krishna etc. now prabahakar ji instead of realising the real feeling behind arup jis comments made some  poor comments .

commercial feminists may label tortured husbands as bhajan / sajan mandli but everyone knows the real truth i.e. misuse of gender bised laws for commercial interest of some people in this noble profession.

but from his grammatical mistakes correction level  it is clear hes not good at grammar though mr prabhakar may be a very good lawyer.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     18 August 2010





It is observed by me, that, you misguided the young men in favor of wife & advocated in favor of the family disturbance.


You, Mr. Mohit and Mr. Ashutosh not yet replied the question which was very specific.




Mr. Mohit posted the matter on, 13 August 2010, 16:49 hours. 

Thereafter Mr. Ashutosh posted – the story, on 13 August 2010, 16:54 hours.


Thereafter by you, posted on, 13 August 2010, 19:19 hours


Next I posted on, August 14  2010, 23:25 hours.


Thereafter you came for posting twice & Mr Mohit once, up to, 17 August, but you did not reply the same till today.

Ok. Once I request you to answer the above two points. If you have any genuine answer at all, please post it up to 22nd August. Otherwise we will understood, that you have no answer.


Thereafter I shall start answering your each and every word, of this thread including your English teaching; teaching of Sociology; including Law.

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Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     18 August 2010


I am not sure if how Mr. Prabhakar has taken it, though it was very specifically written " it is for you". well, I was nowhere involved in the thread, so certainly it was not directed at me, I can understand. I still feel those Dohas were directed at a particular person, in this case it happens to be Mr. Prabhakar. 

@Arup ji

Even I have to say that we  have to mind our language, I am not talking about grammar but the meaning it conveys. "Under my watch for a long time" and a useless threatening tone that the expression conveys can be easily avoided by us in our postings.   It is a member's wish whether he/she wants to continue  further dialogue or not. 

Adjust? Girls are always told to adjust but to what extent?  What Mohit had written,  he explained in his subsequent post, so his earlier post needs to be read in sync with the later one. Like grammar and sentence constructions mistakes of all of us  are filtered to get the contents of some postings, in the same manner we have to see the meaning of Mohit's analogies on how parents are left for different reasons.  We may agree with him or not, that's entirely a different matter. 

 @Arun Ji

 I support what you have  proposed. The threads certainly need moderation. Through this moderation, language can be edited to make the text easily intelligible to the readers, and expressions which are insulting and humiliating, can be deleted before the message can be viewed by the readers. However, who will do the moderation needs to be reflected upon. Normally moderation is done by someone other than the one who posts the query, at least for the website of this nature and stature where experienced legal community and others from all walks of life are involved. Just an idea to think over. 


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