My sister(cousin) got married in 2009. Got a two year old male child.
Within a couple of months of the marriage her mil started interfering
and passing comments in her activities (like cooking and doing other household cores etc),
resulting fights between them. FIl and her husband used to support her when necessary then.
Later they don't do that anynore. Often she was abusive. She stopped talking with them and also minimized any interaction
with them. After the birth of her child her husband and in-laws wanted her to stay there
reasoning that the child's condition is serious (he was preterm with a very low birth weight).
She and her parents found it not feasible since no body was there to take care of the baby and
mother and took her to the parental home. She stayed there for 9 months. Her husband and FIL used to
visit though and her husband took finacial responsibilities. After she came back to her
matrimonial home situation continued and her MIL said she should take care of the baby only
and should not need to cook food etc. Since wants to cook food but she is not allowed. She cooks for herself and her child though. Since it is
very odd situation for her since stays with her parents most of the time now. Her husband and father
also got some altercations in the meantime due to these. Now they went to a counselling psychologist and
he said that if she wants they may stay separately but again if she does not chnage her attitude to her husband
she will not be happy. He also suggested to bring parents of both sides to him.
Experts, do you think her husband and in-laws have mal intentions (like proving her unsound mind etc)?
If she wants to stay in the same house can she leagally claim and own the matriminial home (in her MIL's name)?
Do you think any legal actions required to be taken to safe guard my sister?
What are the acts which may prevent form this mental torture?