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Mental harassment by wife

Page no : 2

Shankar (Adv)     16 July 2012

Timeframe for filling a counter in normal situation is 30 days. your case seems to have gone much beyond that. Filling of written statement is not necessary for case to go ahead.

You can and you should press for going ahead without her written statement.

Manoj (Personal)     16 July 2012

Thanks Shankar. Indeed, my case has gone past a longer duration of 30 days. The counseling was cancelled in January. Right after that, there were 4 dates and every time, they said they were going to file a counter next time, which has never happened so far. Last time, on June 18, the judge was on leave and the case was pushed to this 18th. I have provided all the comforts to her, give money every month and also take care of my daughter's needs. She, being, at home has really increased by desperation and irritation. I feel this is again a mental harassment. Life and time is tough when both are under the same roof.

Manoj (Personal)     25 July 2012

Hello everyone - thanks for having given me the valuable inputs. Here I am yet again seeking guidance.

I had a hearing date on July 18. A counter reply was filed. This week, I received a court notice stating the respondent in my petition has submitted a CrPC under Sec 125 for maintenance. In her petition, she states that I am not taking care of neither her nor my daughter and I need to take care of their maintenance. She has asked for a total of 10k for her and daughter. The hearing date for this is on August 16.

Since last April, I have been transferring her funds via online transfer. For seven months, I had transferred 10k and after she came home, I started transferring her 5k and a total 160,000 has been given until this month and have the bank statement reflecting the same. She is not deprived of any luxuries or benefits. She uses everything what is available at home, groceries, a/c, stove, electricity and what not!! The expenses of my daughter are taken care by me such as, her education expenses, food, auto charges, dance and song fees, medical expenses etc. Her notice does not state that she has been earning or been receiving cash regularly from me.

My divorce case hearing is on Oct 8. When I consulted with my lawyer, he said, this amounts to harassment and he would request the judge to prepone or advance my Oct 8 date to August 16. He also said, we should submit all the proofs relating to the divorce case and this maintenance notice.

What will be the implication for her having false facts or hiding facts from the lawyer/judge? Since she has not made her facts straight, will this help my case in any way?

Thanks in advance.

Manoj (Personal)     27 July 2012

Any pointers or guidance that the learned/senior members can provide?

reddy   30 March 2019

I am married 3 months back.

And the inlaws and my wife threatening me and my family for divorce from the 5 th day onwards.

Now after 3 months wait and many family requests, they sent her and from the second day onwards she is behaving in the same way as mentioned above.


I tried to reach her parents to tell her to behave correctly, but they also behaving in the same way.


She and her family, just trying to have a quarell with me every day for some silly reasons and picking the words in my conversations and quaralling with me for that.


Everyday, her father and she blackmailing me that she will leave.

Even her father called one of my relatives and asking for separation and money.This happened 1 week before she moved into my house.

When I asked, he is giving false statement that he didn't use those words.

My life is completely miserable.

Tell me what should I do.

I am a middle class person and I need to take care of my parents also.But she and her family giving some false statements on my parents also and she threatening me that she would file a case of harassment on me and my parents if they moved to my house, not even on weekends also.

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