How a writ can be filed without cause of action anticipating future disputes.Any union either majority or not can raise an industrial dispute.S.36-A workman who is party to dispute shall be entiteled to be represented in any proceedings under this actby any officer of a REGISTERED UNION.Means if union is registered it can raise dispute and appear in any proceeding.To curb menance of minority union You may take up exercise of recognised union .In that A clear circular is issued with copy to all unions,Time of 2 to 3 months is given and they are to collect consent (form of which will be given in circular and consent should be in that form only without modification -Union should print that on their letter head).Suppose we start exercise by 15th of January the timetable will be as under:
15/01/11 Issue of circular
28/02/11 Submission of consents in HR Payroll section. office.Acknowledgement must be given by Payroll officer with date.After that date i.e.28/02/2011no consents to be accepted.This should be clearly mentioned in the circular.
10/03/11 Checking of Duplicate consents employee has given consent in more than one union.
20/03/11 Notifying list of duplicate consent on website and office notice board.And givinng form of afffidacit that I have filed consent in more than one union but now I declare on affidavit that my fee should be deducted in "X"union only.
10/04/11 last date of collection of affidavits.Acknowledgement receipt should be given by Payroll officer.No affidavit should be accepted after that date.(there may be duplicate affidavit also that must be rejected i.e.their fee should not be deducted from pay bill.)
After that in April paybill fees should be deducted on the strength of consents.Different unions may have different amount of ANNUAL FEE.
15/05/11 List of employees whose deduction is made unionwise and union which presents more than 15% of total employee they represent will be RECOGNISED UNION.
Now it will be legal for company to give labour circle meetings and all types of meeting and signing of settlement with them will bind ALL.No need to pursue nonrecognised unions.
I hope this will serve your purpose.
Still,unrecognised union is a registered union and can raise industrial dispute but Standing orders and circulars issued on negotiations with recognised unions can not be challenged or their challenge will fail.