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Missing !!

Page no : 2

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     17 November 2011




This one time rebuttal is nothing short of point blank informing you two ID’s that I have other important tasks to do other than wasting my precious time in counteracting to your each and every constipating CRAP here of making plutonic relationship with me (as chachaji / papaji etc. etc.) then saying "missing" me then the next moment saying "you two do not miss me". How much you two miss me even shows in you two's profile having 'my avatar' and promoting 'bigamy upon me by begging to get me have another wife in existence of first wife' people who donot miss me donot explicitly put my avatar / image on their profile  (which is that of Confucius – Google it you two idiots) J

Thanks for publicity infact my so called TRP just shoot up without me making any efforts ...
J [BTW do you want screenshot of you two’s profile with my image kya]



Wish U two fatherless children of LCI 'good (social gossiping) times' among like-minded metro wives club here - emancipated typically now empowered two ex wives from Cinderella and her 7 Dwarfs stable are probably needed for LCI Family Forum’s entertainment as it is obvious showstopper of you two time-passing reflects in search of your next bakara to overcome sulking feelings of  your so-called lost 'streedhan' in league with borrowed ideals to push your Bharat Ratna 'abala nari' envelope among naive readers by garnishing support using other writers neutral legal takes on you two by publishing their names here as if they will come and bail you two out now from my one time direct rebuttals J



You two time pass females are merely following your mentor here which is on orgasmic joy ride by proxy frivolous talking her usual crap talk through you two proxy ID's.



Good luck to you two after your well beaten Indian 'highway' search for a prospective 'bakraas - next husband' your respective 'natural' father's rightly sent you crashing at W3 forum for TP but here also you are not without your BPD / Bipolar elements - sluttish craps in various threads pointing my name / my family name / involving my wife / slandering my child as homeless and what nots at random for time pass in the name of ‘harmless comment as you two say’ are being posted at random, well, these are slandering steps top ahead but in wrong direction to search your next 'husband victim' in W3 forums as majority of queries here are actually from genuine victim spouse and it is highly likely that they by now don't know "fate of S. 498a IPC wives" hence they will not meow you two other than if you take your place at Indian highways which is the only place left for you two sulking time pass ex metro wives 'begging for a husband' instead of telling me to fix one for you then 'changing self statement' (remember my earlier post on true signs of S. 498a IPC wives !) and saying next moment - 'marry any donkey but donot marry one from chachaji's law school'.....[now you want me to point to your own post link kya!]



You two TP women’s provide here links to readers where one single query you have helped any litigant with as claimed by you above by mentioning 'a legal remedy / legal way out' instead of crapping about my rightly posted "Metro Wives Club" which had just one single photograph in that post of a group metro womens enjoying in toilet smoking sheesha which stirred you two up and will remain giving shivers down your spine for life unless you choose to move base to a highway begging for justice post filing false S. 498a / DV ......[I understand your cases are not moving in courts as your first husbands are declared PO and rest assured they are not coming back to contest false cases of their TP wives thus oozing your frustration here]



Show readers link of one single post till date where I have mentioned "I enjoy leg pulling" Infact I exposed you two including your mentor by posting Kushan's PM screenshot in one of the post where you time pass women said "you enjoy pulling my leg". BTW do women have legs to pull and recall on which gender this saying implies by pulling out your elementary English books



'Hema and likes of her' is/are invited to do (public) legal forum debates with me on any topic of 'her / their choice' under 'Family Law - civil / criminal' keeping wordings of entire debate within preview of Law points nothing more or nothing else is required to put in such legal knowledge sharing debates here with her and her likes. You two go now run and tell her this of my invitation to her and her likes and see who 'runs' when and where when healthy legal debates are called for.



'Pink Chaddi' is not something I invented and or it was not my nation-wide campaign but it was 'thousands of Indian metro women’s campaign' and only thing I did in that (now defunct) "Metro Wives Club" post / thread was to remind you two Time Pass women of your misfired campaign so stop misinforming readers flasshing frivolously bygone pink chaddis and BTW I am amused of your silence of recently held SLUT WALK of metro women’s ..... Radical Feminists reading this post will laugh at you two time pass females and curse bad training imparted to you two via your so called mentor. Refer to my other post on ‘How to recognize feminist in LCI” for clarity. Victim husbands here are not going remember any pink chaddis now be sure of that once they start falsely facing S. 498a / S. 406 IPC / DP / DV / S. 125 CrPC / S. 24 HMA / S. 18 HAMA / Custody cases etc etc...they have better counter cases in mind than remembering pink chaddis.



Wow what a game plan you cook up sometimes here; I never missed you two as "I never invited you two" unless you two are alias names / ID's of 7 people whom I missed there in that post and invited to contribute in legal knowledge sharing. See yourself all 6 pages of  and find out where I mentioned you two's name as invitation sent by me there !!!!. Hence stop misinforming readers again by your usual crap.



What you crap in this thread are well known tactics and referred to as 'gospel truth' of metro S. 498a / DV wives playing her usual emotions - sentiments crocodile tears card game time and again and at the end of it miserably fail in their public sympathy gathering.



Now be known as being published by me I enjoy for the first time friction developing in you two alias ID's here with Kushan the chameleon as my rightly forecasted long time ago about him and now fortified by you two in subsequent emerging pow-wow with him ha ha ..............



For the last time I reciprocate and explicitly remind you two that this is a LEGAL FORUM for we the Advocates to share LEGAL knowledge with laymen / queries and not a SOCIAL NETWORKING FORUM for time passing by you two metro women as alias time-passing writers here  to take all your craps lying down....... so go get a life post S. 498a / DV or if got you’re your streedhan or not or whatever you miserably filed criminal cases for and lost on your husbands on the run for pushing 'gospel truth' envelop no one now-a-days buys such frivolous agendas at the end of the day !

LCI family law forum is better off without you two time passing metro wives just gossiping here and there as time pass be note that as reminder.


Be sure of what you express off and on here – Do you two miss me finally say so for the benefit of readers and let us carry forward accordingly J  

ta ra rum pum pum

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