I got married last year, it was an arrange marriage, Everything went well after some weeks I face physical pain in my relationship, I couldn't feel comfortable during the intercourse Because On the day of marriage I fainted suffering from heavy fever due to some travel reasons that night itself everyone around planned occasions , on the day one I consumed every physical touch literally by pain after that I couldn't come out of that phase. after 6 months they are arguing and drag me to hospital every test was done and the result was positive. every one told I'm perfectly alright. Now they file a case against me for divorce in the manner of I'm not valid for physical attachment I'm imported and I'm having an affair with someone, I threatened every one of the family if they file a case I will upload all personal photos in internet. Till now there is no photos on my gallery. Now I'm literally out of mind how can i face these all points they are pulling out now. can anyone suggest me how to handle this situation.