dear all ,
a group of disabled (Visually) contacted me for seeking my help in matter regarding benift of reservation to PH (visually) in allotment of land/ flats /plots etc. by government bodies like DDA in Delhi and similar in other states and benefit of reservation in promotion in Group A and B posts. with the question :-
1. whether reservation in allotment of land/ flats /plots etc. can be in diffrent ratio in difrent states.
2. whether reservation in allotment of land/ flats /plots etc. not divided among all the category of PH i.e. ortho,vh,hi equally or not as done in jobs i.e.section 33 of PWD act-1995.
3.when delhi high court, Punjab & Haryana High Court given its clear vardict for granting benefit of reservation in promotion in group A & B posts.
i want some help form learned members of this portal that if any of them have any link to judgement,ruling etc. which may be helpful or to whom we file RTI,who is noddle officer for equalization in reservation of allotment of land/ flats /plots etc. to PH,is any member may provide me any citetion or ruling which prove or help in prove point no-1-3.