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MATHI   23 April 2018

No reply received for the appeal made on dismissal

I was a bank employee and I was dismissed from the bank in Nov 2017. Actually, in June 2013, I made a voucher for Rs. 1 lakh and posted the same in the system as per instruction of the customer and the Assistant Branch Manager. The credit was to my personal SB Account and the money was due from the customer who is also my friend. I have made more than 16 credits to his account from 2012 to June 2013 to the tune of Rs. 2.70 lakhs from my account to his account and this is the only transaction from his account to my account. More over I did not have any power to pass the transaction voucher so that I can credit the amount of Rs. 1 lakhs from any persons account to my account. The transaction was passed by the Assistant Branch Manager. In the departmental enquiry also, the ABM confessed that myself is  the maker only and she had passed the voucher after getting oral confirmation from the customer. The customer was not summened for the enquiry by the management. However I was awarded the punishment of "Dismissal" showing the reason that "I am the beneficiary". The ABM who passed the voucher was given punishment of 2 increments cut.

I was given an oppertunity for appeal with in 45 days and I made appeal within the prescribed period. Now nearly 115 days have gone but no reply for my appeal is received.

When I enquired in the bank department, they orally informed that they have not taken the case yet. Can I sue the bank in the labour court now. What is the remedy for me.



 2 Replies

Adv.Ambrose Leo (High Court Advocate Bengaluru Nagpur Mumbai & Central Govt.Labour Commissioners)     24 April 2018

File a Writ petition before the designated authority quickly, protect  & safeguard your interest


Adv.Ambrose Leo

High Courts.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 April 2018

file writ in High Court.          

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