my mother is 71 yrs,. old. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Her father died in 1985. He had two land properties, one with house. He did not leave any will. My mother was not given any share or dowry. My mother is staying in one of the property having house for last 15 years, having ration card, election id and gas connection and is cultivating the said land. Some years back brotherws and sisters came together and sold the same and divided the money amongst them but leaving my mother without anything saying that the property she stays is her. She therefore signed on the sold property documents. Now the property she stays is in her father's name and wanted to make in her name. Is it possible without the participation of other brothers/sisters to register in her name? As the property’s valuation increased, and reluctant to participate in making it in her name. What is the other remedy?