Dear Vishal:
First of all, thanks a lot for your speedy reply to my email. Actually, I was thinking to write to on this regard but incidentally, you've replied to my query.
As per my knowledge, we need to give notice to the District Registrar of Firms about the re-constitution of firms under Sec-63 of Indian partnership Act, 1932, and we need to publish the same in any vernacular newspaper and in Official Gazette as per the Sec-72 of the same Act states.
The Sec-72 is about 'Mode of giving Public Notice' and where it relates to the retirement or expulsion of a partner from a registered firm, or to the dissolution of a registered firm, or to the election to become or not to become a partner in a registered firm by a -person attaining majority who was admitted as a minor to the benefits of partnership, by notice to Registrar of firms under section 63, and by publication in the Official Gazette and in at least one vernacular newspaper circulating in the district where the firm to which it relates has its place or principal place of business.
Anyways, thanks again for your valuable suggestions and inputs.