You can also file a RT
I proceedings to find out what has happened in the case and what is the status of proccedings with the Courtregistrars office and seek justice through that means Ask for reasons for delay and mishandling of the case. Also seek police help to expedite the proceedings to their proper completion.
Very sad case of neglecting the court proceedings. Nevertheless all other things being equal a road accident death should have been a Police case and the case would be within the purview of the IPC , Motor vehicles Act and elicit the rinitiation for compensation by way of third party insurance from the insurer of the vehicle involved in the accident that Must be having an I3rd party insurance cover. The Motor Tribunal which is the adjudicating authority for third party claims under the M V Act can also be approached concurrently with a claim raised on the Insurer of the accident involved vehicle.
I feel you should approach the police to trace the status of the case and begin by asking for justice from the police who would have initiated action against the driver of the rouge vehicle.
Firdt find out the court room in which the case was being heard and take itup from there. Even if the case was lost as the driver was not at fault you should try and raise a claim on the insurer of the vehicle and take the matter to the Motor Tribunal who is the adjucating authority and will decide on compensation payable to the heirs of the deceased.
You will need a proper Advocate to rake up the issue for you. In our country lots of cases just die a natural death and are closed as both the plaintiff/ defendant are absent on the date when the court Actually decides to her the case. If you know the court room in which the case was, you could also seek a reply from the clerk of the court or file a RTI application asking for justice and a proper finale to the proceedings. I hope you will take my advise and not let things DIE an unnatural death by APATHY on the part of ANYBODY. Jai Hind.