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mohan (Software engineer)     05 July 2012

Required time for 498 a quash

Dear Experts,

I will try to explain my queries in simple way..

My name is Mohan and living abroad.I got married on 17th-April - 2009 and we both came to abroad after 2 weeks of the marrige.She stayed with me in abroad for one year and she left to India to visit his boy friend(I have proofs for that like chats/email's/calls log).


After she left to India we tried to settle this issue infront of our family elders but that was not settled and they filed 498 A on me and went into media..

My parents got AB and they have applied for Quash in high court of A.P. They have applied for Quash on Feb/2012.

My lawyer recommended to my parents ...As I am A1 it is not recommendiable to file Quash petition for me until rest of them(A2 and A3) got Quash.Once they got quash A1 will get the quash easily.This what my attorney said and applied for Quash for my parents.


Since then we haven't heard any status on this case and every time my attorney keep saying it will take some more time.....


Here my questions are...

1)Usually how much time it will take to get the decision(Either positive or Negative) for a Quash petition on Highcourt.DOes it take months..I am under impression that Quash or Stay will not take much time..either positve or negative judgements will come out soon(One week as per my thinking).


2)Can I file Quash for me even the the quash procedings are going for my parents.


3)Can some one suggest me a famous lawyer  to handle 498 A cases.

Sorry..the below statement may hard for few people but my intention is not to hurt them...Based on my past experiences I am writing the below statement..

Lawyer menas lawyer...Advocate job is to contest the case in court not to trying the settlement with both parties..We have tried all of our ways to settle down this case out of the court...but they are demanding huge huge money..which I cannot afford...and I want to settle it down outside of the court I have some decent contacts ..I can involve on that...


So here my intention is I really need a lawyer to fight againist this false 498 A case in the court..


Can some one put some light on this query.







 3 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     05 July 2012

Dear Mohan, 

In my opinion (and I speak from experience of having been  closely associated with such cases) :-



1)Quash doesnt take much time it is decided one way or the other pretty soon, if it was filed in Feb, 2012 - you ought to have a decision by now. Was the matter/investigation stayed by the High Court ? Why don't you check the status on AP High Court website yourself and see what orders have been passed ?? 


2)Yes you should have included quashing with respect to A1 as well, the High Court always has the power to quash it qua certain accused and not the others. Why to dilute your own relief ? 


3)Your strategy is correct - fight these cases on merits and you would come out winning, don't be bogged down by their attitude. Trust me after you've got bail the worst that could possibily happen is already over my friend. File some counter cases/TEPs and argue your quashing petition forcefully. 

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mohan (Software engineer)     05 July 2012

Hello Bharat,

Thanks alot for your response...

1)We haven't got the stay from hight court even till now...I tried to check the case status in high court website and it is showing status is pending..


2) I am not sure why my advocate didn't  included me in the quash petition...


Now my question is can I file the quash the petition for me now from different lawyer or I should have to go with the current lawyer...If so can you please suggest some good lawyer from A.P high court...



Dear Mohan,

You stated "I got married on 17th-April - 2009 and we both came to abroad after 2 weeks of the marrige.She stayed with me in abroad for one year and she left to India to visit his boy friend(I have proofs for that like chats/email's/calls log)."

"After she left to India we tried to settle this issue infront of our family elders but that was not settled and they filed 498 A on me and went into media.."

The complaint lodged by your wife as against you and your parents itself is bad in law. Even though, the same has been filed, cognizance of the same cannot be taken by Indian Police. As you stated that your wife was with you in USA for a year and after coming bk to India she lodged a complaint as against you and your parents. In such case, if her complaint specifies series of incidences having taken place in USA only and not in India, then the same cannot be tried as the offences which take place outside India, Indian courts can not try the same.

However, if  offence is registered, and the complaint states the series of incidences having taken place right in india and then in usa then in such event, if complaint is registered, itt requires sanction u/s188 Cr P C from the Central Government.

Kindly check the same with your Lawyer.

The judgment cited below will help you in such case and will clarify the position. Its delivered by Supreme Court in 2011.

Supreme Court of India
Thota Venkateshwarlu vs State Of A.P.Tr.Princl.Sec.& ... on 2 September, 2011

Author: A Kabir

Bench: Altamas Kabir, Cyriac Joseph, Surinder Singh Nijjar
1. This Special Leave Petition is directed against the judgment and order dated 27th August, 2008, passed by
the High Court of Andhra Pradesh at 2
Hyderabad in Criminal Petition No.3629 of 2008 dismissing the Petition filed by the Petitioner under Section
482 Criminal Procedure Code (`Cr.P.C.' for short) for quashing the proceedings in Complaint Case No.307 of
2007 pending before the Additional Munsif Magistrate, Addanki. This case raises certain interesting questions
of law and to appreciate the same, some of the facts are required to be reproduced.
2. The Petitioner, Thota Venkateswarlu, was married to the Respondent No.2, Parvathareddy Suneetha, on
27th November, 2005, as per Hindu traditions and customs in the Sitharama Police Kalyana Mandapam,
Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. At the time of marriage 12 lakhs in cash, 45 sovereigns of gold
and 50,000/- as Adapaduchu Katnam is alleged to have been given to the Accused Nos.1 to 4, who are the
husband, the mother-in-law and other relatives of the husband.
According to the Respondent No.2, the Petitioner left India for Botswana in January 2006 without taking her
along with him. However, in February, 2006, the Respondent No.2 went to Botswana to join the Petitioner.
While in Botswana, the Respondent No.2 is alleged to have been severely ill-treated by the Petitioner and
apart from the above, various demands were also made including a demand for additional dowry of 5 lakhs.
On account of such physical and mental torture not only by the Petitioner/husband, but also by his immediate
relatives, who continued to demand additional dowry by way of phone calls from India, the Respondent No.2
addressed a complaint to the Superintendent of Police, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, from
Botswana and the same was registered as Case (Crl.) No.25 of 2007 under Sections 498-A and 506 Indian
Penal Code (`I.P.C.' for short) together with Sections 3 and 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1986, by the Station House Officer, Medarametla Police Station, on the instructions of the Superintendent of Police, Prakasam District. Upon investigation into the complaint filed by the Respondent No.2, the Inspector
of Police, Medarametla, filed a charge-sheet in CC No.307 of 2007 in the Court of the Additional Munsif
Magistrate, Addanki, Prakasam District, under Sections 498-A and 506 I.P.C. and Sections 3 and 4 of the
Dowry Prohibition Act against the Petitioner and his father, mother and sister, who were named as Accused
Nos.2, 3 and 4. The learned Magistrate took cognizance of the aforesaid case and by his order dated 19th
February, 2007, ordered issuance of summons against the accused.
3. The cognizance taken by the learned Magistrate was questioned by the Petitioner and the other co- accused
before the Andhra Pradesh High Court in Criminal Petition Nos.3629 and 2746 of 2008 respectively and a prayer was made for quashing of the same under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. The High Court by its order dated 27th August, 2008, allowed Criminal Petition No.2746 of 2008
filed by the Accused Nos.2 to 4 and quashed the proceedings against them. However, Criminal Petition
No.3629 of 2008 filed by the Petitioner herein was dismissed. The present Special Leave Petition is directed
against the said order of the High Court rejecting the Petitioner's petition under Section 482 Cr.P.C. and
declining to quash Complaint Case No.307 of 2007 initiated against him.
4. The submissions made by the learned counsel for the Petitioner before this Court have raised certain
important questions which warrant the attention of this Court.
5. It has been submitted on behalf of the Petitioner that as will appear from the complaint made by the
Respondent No.2 to the Superintendent of Police, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh on 22nd March,
2007, no grounds had been made out therein to continue with the proceedings in India, having regard to the
provisions of Section 188 Cr.P.C., which provides as follows :- "188. Offence committed outside India -
When an offence is committed outside India-
(a) by a citizen of India, whether on the high seas or elsewhere; or
(b) by a person, not being such citizen, on any ship or aircraft registered in India.
he may be dealt with in respect of such offence as if it had been committed at any place within India at which
he may be found:
Provided that, notwithstanding anything in any of the preceding sections of this Chapter, no such offence shall
be inquired into or tried in India except
with the previous sanction of the Central Government."
6. Learned counsel urged that Section 188 Cr.P.C. recognizes that when an offence is committed outside India
by a citizen of India, he would have to be dealt with as if such offence had been committed in any place
within India at which he may be found. Learned counsel, however, laid stress on the proviso which indicates
that no such offence could be inquired into or tried in India except with the previous sanction of the Central
Government [Emphasis Supplied]. Learned counsel submitted that in respect of an offence committed outside
India, the same could not be proceeded with without previous sanction of the Central Government and that,
accordingly, even if any of the offences was allegedly committed inside India, trial in respect of the same
could continue, but the trial in respect of the offences committed outside India
could not be continued, without the previous sanction of the Central Government.
7. On behalf of the Respondents it was urged that a part of the alleged offences relating to the Dowry
Prohibition Act did appear to have arisen in India, even at the initial stage when various articles, including
large sums of cash and jewellery were given in dowry by the father of the Respondent No.2. It was submitted
that since a part of the cause of action had arisen in India on account of alleged offences under Sections 3 and
4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1968, the learned Magistrate trying the said complaint could also try the other
offences alleged to have been committed outside India along with the said offences. Reliance was placed on
the decision of this Court in Ajay Aggarwal vs. Union of India & Ors. [(1993) 3 SCC 609], wherein it
had been held that obtaining the previous sanction of the Central Government was
not a condition precedent for taking cognizance of offences, since sanction could be obtained before trial
8. The question which we have been called upon to consider in this case is whether in respect of a series of
offences arising out of the same transaction, some of which were committed within India and some outside
India, such offences could be tried together, without the previous sanction of the Central Government, as
envisaged in the proviso to Section 188 Cr.P.C.
9. From the complaint made by the Respondent No.2 in the present case, it is clear that the cases relating to
alleged offences under Section 498-A and 506 I.P.C. had been committed outside India in Botswana, where
the Petitioner and the Respondent No.2 were residing. At best it may be said that the alleged offences under
Sections 3 and 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act occurred within the territorial jurisdiction of the Criminal Courts in India and could, therefore, be tried by the Courts in India without having to obtain the previous sanction of the Central
Government. However, we are still left with the question as to whether in cases where the offences are alleged
to have been committed outside India, any previous sanction is required to be taken by the prosecuting
agency, before the trial can commence.
10. The language of Section 188 Cr.P.C. is quite clear that when an offence is committed outside India by a
citizen of India, he may be dealt with in respect of such offences as if they had been committed in India. The
proviso, however, indicates that such offences could be inquired into or tried only after having obtained the
previous sanction of the Central Government. As mentioned hereinbefore, in Ajay Aggarwal's case (supra), it
was held that sanction under Section 188 Cr.P.C. is not a condition precedent for taking cognizance of an
offence and, if need be, it could be obtained before the trial begins. Even in his concurring judgment, R.M.
Sahai, J., observed as follows :- "29. Language of the section is plain and simple. It operates where an
offence is committed by a citizen of India outside the country. Requirements are, therefore, one -- commission
of an offence; second -- by an Indian citizen; and third -- that it should have been committed outside the
Although the decision in Ajay Aggarwal's case (supra) was rendered in the background of a conspiracy
alleged to have been hatched by the accused, the ratio of the decision is confined to what has been observed
hereinabove in the interpretation of Section 188 Cr.P.C. The proviso to Section 188, which has been extracted
hereinbefore, is a fetter on the powers of the investigating authority to inquire into or try any
offence mentioned in the earlier part of the Section, except with the previous sanction of the Central
Government. The fetters, however, are imposed only when the stage of trial is reached, which clearly indicates
that no sanction in terms of Section 188 is required till commencement of the trial. It is only after the decision
to try the offender in India was felt necessary that the previous sanction of the Central Government would be
required before the trial could commence.
11. Accordingly, upto the stage of taking cognizance, no previous sanction would be required from the
Central Government in terms of the proviso to Section 188 Cr.P.C. However, the trial cannot proceed beyond
the cognizance stage without the previous sanction of the Central Government. The Magistrate is, therefore,
free to proceed against the accused in respect of offences having been committed in India and to complete the
trial and pass judgment therein, without being inhibited by the other alleged offences for which sanction would be
12. It may also be indicated that the provisions of the Indian Penal Code have been extended to offences
committed by any citizen of India in any place within and beyond India by virtue of Section 4 thereof.
Accordingly, offences committed in Botswana by an Indian citizen would also be amenable to the provisions
of the Indian Penal Code, subject to the limitation imposed under the proviso to Section 188 Cr.P.C.
13. Having regard to the above, while we see no reason to interfere with the High Court's decision to reject the
petitioner's prayer for quashing of the proceedings in Complaint Case No.307 of 2007, we also make it clear
that the learned Magistrate may proceed with the trial relating to the offences
alleged to have been committed in India. However, in respect of offences alleged to have been committed
outside India, the learned Magistrate shall not proceed with the trial without the sanction of the Central
Government as envisaged in the proviso to Section 188 Cr.P.C.
14. The Special Leave Petition is disposed of accordingly.
...............................................................J. (ALTAMAS KABIR)
...............................................................J. (CYRIAC JOSEPH)
...............................................................J. (SURINDER SINGH NIJJAR)
New Delhi,
Dated: 02.09.2011.

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