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Ashok (no)     15 August 2011

Right of daughter to ancestral land

Dear sir,

there is land of 8acres,wich is ancestral of my wifes grandfather who was pass awyay.then that proerty transfer to my wifes father wife get married (we both) in 30 may wife has 2 brothers, mother and father.her father transfer all land to her 2 brothers name, without her signature,she dont know anything regarding this.but when she knew this land already transfer to her 2 brothers name.what should she do?is it offence or what type of case is this?

Please tell us what should we do?




 6 Replies

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     15 August 2011

She can file a suit for partition.

Ayaz (self)     15 August 2011


Dear friend

I reqired an urgent guidence and help ,

actully we bought a land which was in dispute between man and his aunti(aunty of that man gave hakka sod letter on 100 rs. stamp paper), but before we bought they got an permission to sale the property(agricultural land).now the property is on our name from last 1 year but they went in appeal .And lawyer of the man (from whom we bought) is harrassing us for money , we already gave 15000, now he want more money and he want we to make another lawer of his choice and enter in the case(very very urgent infact tommarow and saying it is a last chance,as he is telling that if we dont do such thing the case may go in opposition favour, even though court refuse to add us as a party  and didnot send us any notice ,

so please help me as soon as possible and that lawer is lieing with us from starting but i dont know he is doing same,

lastest news is both advocate says that there is 80 % chances of result going in oppositions favour, so please guide me to save our land.





Ayaz (self)     15 August 2011


Dear friend

I reqired an urgent guidence and help ,

actully we bought a land which was in dispute between man and his aunti(aunty of that man gave hakka sod letter on 100 rs. stamp paper), but before we bought they got an permission to sale the property(agricultural land).now the property is on our name from last 1 year but they went in appeal .And lawyer of the man (from whom we bought) is harrassing us for money , we already gave 15000, now he want more money and he want we to make another lawer of his choice and enter in the case(very very urgent infact tommarow and saying it is a last chance,as he is telling that if we dont do such thing the case may go in opposition favour, even though court refuse to add us as a party  and didnot send us any notice ,

so please help me as soon as possible and that lawer is lieing with us from starting but i dont know he is doing same,

lastest news is both advocate says that there is 80 % chances of result going in oppositions favour, so please guide me to save our land.







Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     16 August 2011

She can file a suit for partition.

Ayaz (self)     16 August 2011

dear sir


so what we can do , to save our land please please guide me.

now advocate says that we will challange the dicission(rejection of calling to patwaris application) of lower court in high court and we will add u by keeping another advocate in the case by saying that we was not knowing and so on.................


please help me



narinder_6in   16 August 2011

What if the daughter gives a release deed that she does not want any share in the property.  Can she claim again later after giving such release deed.

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