My father bought a property in a cooperative housing society in from money obtained from proceeds of the surrender of a joint tenancy he had with my mother.
While the Conveyence Deed names only the seller and my father, the actual source of the money is stated above. My mother was made joint-allotee of the property at the express written request of my father to the Society Management.
My father died intestate and has left 1 son (myself) and 1 daughter. My sister and I are NOT mentioned as nominees for the property. This was because my father desired the property go solely to my mother and she feel safe should anything happen to him, and dispense with it in any way she desires. This feeling was prompted by the recent trends by children to turn their old parents out of their own homes and onto the streets.
Now, we need to do some regularization and I would be most grateful for your advise. Specifically, could some expert please tell me which of the following are true with regards to Hindu succession
a. My mother is sole owner of the property since she was made joint-allottee by my father
b. My mother retains a 50% share of the property since she was joint-allottee when my father died, and my mother, sister and I (i.e. all my father's legal heirs) share the remaining 50% share of equally. This gives my mother a 66.66 % share, and my sister and I each get a 16.66% share of the property.
c. My mother retains a 50% share of the property since she was joint-allottee when my father died, and my sister and I share the remaining 50% share of equally. This gives my mother a 50 % share, and my sister and I each get a 25 % share of the property.
d. The entire property is divided equally between my mother, sister, and I.
Thanks for your time!