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Noorahmed sanadi (Commercial Manager)     14 December 2012

Service bond

Dear Sir,


Please help me in the following matter:


My son was joined one company.  At the time of joining he had given bond for 2 years as per their offer letter.  As per offer letter there was one month’s training and after training they will appoint in any other companies. During training period they have not given any special training.  The training means it was only practice session to him as my son was well-known that software already.   I am attaching herewith one letter sent to that company which is self-explanatory.


They have not given any reply to that letter. After contacting on phone they refused to give Certificate.  Hence after waiting some time we have sent legal notice to the company requesting them to send certificate, but they have given reply through their lawyer demanding money.    


Actually they have not given any appointment letter or any payment during training period.  Hence I request can anybody help me in this matter.


 5 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 December 2012

It shall be good if you can post the legal notice of the company and copy of the bond  as well demanding payment. You may erase the names etc to maintain confidentiality. If possible the job advertisement, employment application, offer letter, letter for training may also be posted.

It is strange that the employee who has passed with distinction has joined a company who shall keep him under bond for appointment with some other company.

Original certificates may be taken for verification of copies.

Your certificates are your property. Company can not hold these for an indefinite period or as a colletral. Company can not blackmail you. Company can not have any lien on your certificates. It is believed that you have not signed any agreement that company shall retain your certificates.

Has the company issue any acknowledgment of certificates having been received from you? If no what evidence or witness you have.

You may arrange for a meeting and record {audio/visual and keep evidence/witness and you alone shall have to arrange for it. Mobile comes handy} the demand of money being made to you for returning the certificates.

You may demand in writing from good offices of appointing authority, MD, Company Secretary that your certificates should be returned to you in office in person to you within say 7 days and these should not be soiled, damaged, mutilated, torn, and should be as crisp as these were extracted from you. You have already  mentioned that on dated ………Mr/Ms……….designation…….dept…….address has stated on phone{mention phone numbers} in person that until you pay Rs………..your certificates shall not be returned to you.

If good offices do not provide any relief you may approach a competent and experienced service lawyer/labor consultant and proceed under expert advice of your lawyer. Your lawyer may agree that your certificates are being illegally held with malafide intentions and you should lodge a police complaint, under offence punishable under section 403 {Dishonest misappropriation of property} ,406{criminal breach of trust}, 420 {Cheating}, 368 and may suggest some other sections as well.

 Company may yield to legal notice of your lawyer or you may have to agitate in the appropriate forum. Company may yield to your demands during conciliation proceedings in o/o ALC or the ALC shall issue reference to Labor Court.

The court shall take appropriate view to decide the nature and quantum of punishment to company.

If you have evidence and witness to prove that your certificates are being illegally held you may not allow any breathing time to the line management/HR/company and slap as many cases/complaint on it and teach them a fitting lesson so that it does not dare to indulge in such coercion/extortion/blackmail/deception and bad practices.

Valuable advice of learned experts/members is sought.




Noorahmed sanadi (Commercial Manager)     14 December 2012

Dear Sir,

I want to send you the said offer letter,service bond, legal notice sent by me and reply received by me.  Please give me your e-mail ID so that I can send it to you.

Thanks for your prompt reply. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 December 2012

Pls attach these in this thread.

You can also show these to a competent and exerienced labor consultant/service lawyer at your location.

Noorahmed sanadi (Commercial Manager)     15 December 2012

Dear Sir

I am attaching the complete correspondance with me.  Please help me in this matter.

Thanks & Regards,


Attached File : 362579751 1 offer letter & service bond.pdf, 362579751 2 letter to company.pdf, 362579751 3 legal notice and reply.pdf downloaded: 183 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     15 December 2012

Offer Letter:

The appointment letter shall be given on successful completion of training.

Training was completed.

Appointment letter was not given.

It is a breach by employer of the offer letter.

No figure of traveling allowance, boarding and lodging allowance is mentioned. Neither any traveling arrangement, food, refreshment, training allowance/stipend, laundry allowance was provided. While company can terminate at one day notice employee needs to tender one month notice pr notice pay in lieu of notice. In case of termination by even by employer within a month of joining no salary shall be paid.

The conditions are arbitrary, discriminatory and tilted towards employer, and detrimental to employee.

The company has asked at 1. to bring original testimonials with photocopy, apparently for OSV/verification on the spot and to return on the spot after OSV. Did the employee demand to return originals ever in writing on record to return the originals? Does he have any evidence that company held on to originals without issuing any receipt /acknowledgment and did not return despite demand by employee?

Company has declared that service agreement has to be signed and stamp paper for it has to be brought by candidate.

Since no appointment letter was given, no appointment has taken place, and hence no contractual obligation occurs.

Employer has not issued any employee code, ID card, posting order and no joining at any location has taken place, no joining report has been signed.

Has the employer provided any HR forms etc post completion of training e.g. PF/Gratuity/ESIC/Superannuation/group insurance forms?

Your letter:

No appointment letter has been issued and no posting order has been issued.

“will be posted at one company at,(local) , from 1st Sept.,2012. On 31.08.2012 you told me from 03.09.2012 you are going to post me at Company (local),. But on 03.09.2012 you told me that the said company is not willing to take,”

Which is this first and second company and why these were unwilling to employ the candidate? Are these different companies? Has the training been provided by a company different from these 2 companies? Has the service agreement been signed by a company different from these 2 companies?

“I have to wait further one month and take rest at home till you calling me, and also you were told me that you are trying to post me at Bangalore if possible.” Why should candidate remain idle for one month? Why after completion of training no appointment letter for whole month was not issued? Apparently having enslaved under bond/service agreement the employer is exploiting the candidate. As the original certificates have been retained the employee is being coerced and forced to submit to exploitation and harassment.

If the employer wanted it could have returned the original certificates on any day during training and while employee was clamoring for appointment order, posting and salary and reimbursements.

During this period it seems company has never issued any notice to candidate to join duty …….

In the offer letter no salary/wages/CTC/ Gross pay has been mentioned.

How come this offer becomes sensible and how would the candidate know what compensation package is offered to him although company has declared to deduct statutory deductions of Professional Tax, IT.

Did the candidate submit expenses incurred by him on training for reimbursement? Did company agree to provide imprested cash, advance, and reimburse the expenses?


Service Agreement:

On 23rd i.e. 3days after the date of offer letter {and while in training} company has declared that candidate has joined the company to serve the company on terms and condition mentioned in letter of appointment {date of letter of appointment is not mentioned and as per candidate no appointment letter is issued hence no terms and conditions are accepted. Thus it is breach of agreement by company.} As no appointment letter is issued it can not become a part and parcel of bond/service agreement.

Moreover at 1 it is mentioned that terms and conditions mentioned in this document i.e. appointment letter shall supersede all previous documents issued by company and only one document i.e. offer letter seems to have been issued.

Demand from company the accepted copy of appointment letter be supplied.

Ask your son if he has ever signed appointment letter but did not retain a copy or did the company not allow retaining a copy????? If company did not allow retaining a copy it is another violation in addition to withholding original certificate of the copy.

Another point is that if candidate has joined company on 23rd his wages have started from 23rd however no wages and expenses incurred by candidate have been paid.

Point No. 9 Non Disclosure/Non Compete clause the time period and contents seem to be unreasonable. The company has provided only some training which your son already knew. It seems company has not divulged any sensitive information to your son which can adversely affect the business interest of the company.

What is the training material provided by company in the shape of Brochures, registers, printouts, training manual, notes, PDF files etc? Does your son have it? What is its worth? If yes you may offer to return it under acknowledgment on letterhead of the company under original seal and signature of the company {however keep copies}.

Point No;11; The candidate is rendered ineligible for any increase in wages for 1.5 years. The min. wages should relate to CPI and inflation and employer should provide some increase every year. The whole game seems to be to enslave the employee. Moreover no appointment letter is issued and wages offered are not mentioned in even offer letter.

Hence on what wages candidate is employed????

Salary Package Review is nuisance as no basic salary or wages are made known to candidate.

Clause Number 12: Candidate has been asked to surrender his educational certificates for a period of 2 years.

Clause 14: If candidate was joining duty as claimed by company and its lawyer why company has not invoked clause of absenteeism for more than 10 days. Apparently since no appointment letter, posting order has been issued in writing.

h. breach of terms and conditions of appointment letter. NO terms and conditions exist as no appointment letter has been issued.

It is hugely and grossly unfair, bad on part of employer to having obtained signature on this agreement that is drafted on the basis of terms and conditions of some appointment letter mentioned in agreement however without issuing it.

17. It is confusing as one day notice is set out for employer and not employee in previous docs and conditions.

Since no appointment letter has been issued no termination/notice period/pay clause exists.

Has the employer provided itemized detail of Rs.144000/ it has spent on so called training on employee????

AS employer himself has breached the spirit of so called offer letter, contract/agreement witnesses and guarantors may also withdraw themselves from their liability if any……

You may conduct dissection and postmortem with your son and seek advice of your lawyer however bring the matter to its logical conclusion and do not give any breathing time to employer.

Letter of the candidate to company: It could have been drafted better. However now cover all points in subsequent representations.

Reply of your legal notice: Does your son took any test during training and does he has copy of scores given to him? Company may be asked to produce original answer sheets, to substantiate the claim that performance was not up to the mark.

Has the company mad the offer/posting order at Banglore in writing and has it obtained acknowledgment from your son? Such orders can not be verbal.

Has the company cancelled the posting order at Bangalore in writing and issued fresh order for Belgaum in writing?

5. The contract is built on some appointment letter which has never been issued. The agreement should be declared unfair, bad, void, and even illegal.

6.You should be able to establish that you have been clamoring to get your certificates. If employer had collected employer should return and offer to return and make a clear, specific communication by an effective mode of communication e.g. email, redg post etc.

On the contrary employer has collected these doc s as a collateral as per clause 12 of the agreement. {Has this lawyer drafted this agreement and has been paid for it. Check it out and transfer some onus on this lawyer also. Make a reference to his sanad if possible as per your lawyer. Let him feel some heat.}

Employer {MD as referred to by this lawyer} has rather breached the contract.

How many other employees are facing such situation? Does this employer {MD} is in the habit of extorting candidates in the same manner?

All of such aggrieved parties may join hands and blast this company and MD.

IN a given situation employee can invoke the provisions of SE Act, Factory Act, IESO Act, ID Act, Payment of Wages Act……etc as per explanation of employee under these enactments or agitate in civil court, and can invoke  provision in civil and criminal law.

Companies burn extra energy to subdue an employee to feel that he is not a workman however your lawyer may opine that your son was a workman. Labor laws limit the choice to employer.

You may organize in a manner that you are able to collect original certificates from company and let the employer make statements during meeting in the presence of some reliable witness that no appointment letter was issued etc {record such transaction audio/visual. Mobile comes handy.}

Kindly consult your lawyer and proceed under expert advice of your lawyer.

You may find the attachments useful.

Valuable advice of learned experts/members is sought.

Attached File : 608928339 417759075 validity of employment bonds.pdf, 608928339 background paper.pdf downloaded: 113 times

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