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jagan   03 April 2017

Sexual exploitation of a MAN on promise of marriage, will 415 and 417 help?

I had been commited to my girl for the past 6 years, we were s*xually bonded as  well and I have numerous evidences for intimate rellationship we shared like gynaecologist reports. I have numerous videos wherein she promises to marry me. Now on account of her fathers words she has dumped me and is planning to marry according to here fathers will. Her father being shameless, even after knowing all this, he cares only about caste. It may sound funny. But I always felt she is my wife and I am emotionally troubled to the point of suicide. When the law can save woman , why doesnt it hold good for men? Can I do something about this legally?

I read sections 415 and 417, it has no gender disparity mentioned in is it atleast possible to file a case against the girl's family?



It amounts to cheating not rape
In another case the petitioner had s*xual intercourse with the victim girl several times on false promise of marriage and she became pregnant. She informed her parents, and got Panchyat held on 30.7.1984 where again the petitioner gave false assurance that he would marry the girl. But when her parents requested him to marry her, he and the other accused persons abused girl and her parents and assaulted them with fists and slaps and chased and drove them inside their own house.
Relying on Jayanti Rani Panda case Hon’ble Justice Ram Nandan Prasad, of Patna High Court held that “though on the facts of the case, an offence of rape is not made out, it is obvious that by holding out the false promise of marriage the petitioner fraudulently induced the complainant to have s*xual intercourse with him and but for this false promise she would not have consented to have s*xual intercourse with him. The act of the petitioner, therefore, amounts to cheating as defined in Section 415, I.P.C. and as such prima facie amounts to an offence under Section 417, I.P.C. Besides this act of cheating, the petitioner and other accused are also alleged to have indulged in assaulting the intimidating the complainant and her parents which prima facie would give rise to an offences under Sections 323, and 506, I.P.C.” (Mir Wali Mohammad @ Kalu vs The State Of Bihar (1991 (1) BLJR 247 Order dated 2/7/1990)
‘intentional inducement’ giving ‘false of promise of marriage’ is cheating
Before Hon’ble Justice B.B. Vagyani of Bombay High Court the short point that arises for consideration iswhether the offence of cheating as defined under section 415 of I.P.C. embraces cases in which no transfer of property is occasioned by the deception.
I read sections 415 and 417, it has no gender disparity mentioned in is it atleast possible to file a case against the girl's family?


 13 Replies

My friend, don't ruin your life. In this country, there is nothing you can file against girls. But if she wants, she can file many against you including rape cheating molestation etc etc. your lucky she didn't. Now move on. Be thankful to God she left you. What's the use of such a life partner? There are many other girls. This time have a mental relationship, not physical, be mature and get married. Right now I don't think you are ready to be married at all. Good luck to you.

R Trivedi (     03 April 2017

Forget her and her father. If she files a complaint of rape against you, yes she can with all the proofs you are throwing around, then boy till the time the court listen your side of story and grant you bail, you would have spent few nights in jail....Let her go. Gear up and start afresh.

jagan   03 April 2017

@Mr.Sarma and Mr.Trivedi :

Sir, there are numerous hand written, signed letters wherein she acknowledges our relationship as a married one and addresses me as her husband, there are numerous videos wherein she addresses me as her husband. The entire college is an eyewitness to our relationship. This has been going on for 6 years. Will these evidences not suffice to prove legally that im not guilty of rape, and it was a normal relationship thing?? 

Advocate Ram Prasad (Chief Lawyer)     03 April 2017

Dear friend u have not given ur ages. u have enjoyed ur college days. the college days & college relationships come to an end some day.

"As time pases, people grow apart"-RK Narayan.

Dont try to malign anybody & spoil ur own peace. u cant force any one into a relationship. A lasting relationship builds over time upon trust, love etc. when that fades away better forget & move on.Destiny might be having better things in store for u. try & concentrate on ur career, who knows some better girl might walk in to u in future. Getting into litigation & Courts will prove devastation & u may regret later on. We grow wiser every day. What may seem correct today, may not seem sound tomorrow.

if u really loved her forgive and forget. true love dosent call for revenge.Get out of the feelings of shame, guilt or as being used. Seasons change. dont bother that people will talk about u. infact people forget soon about their own past, then why will any one remember & talk about u for a whole life. un may not be knowing under what circumstances she made her decession to part ways with u. u too have to adapt to life as it brings in new change. All the best.---Advocate Ram Prasad, Cell: +91-91777-22930.


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Your frustration is understood. Don't act under emotions. Cool down. Let time heal your wounds and anguish. Initially there is a bit of anger and denial. Eventually you will accept reality, realize that she won't be yours and even forget her. But if you take any silly step here and don't stop forgetting her, you will ruin your life with the smallest of mistakes. Listen to elders dear. Just forget about her. Your evidences are immaterial. You will go through hell before you have a chance to prove your innocence. It is the pain in the legal process that will destroy your life not the truthfulness of the claims.

I reiterate in your best interests -- just forget about the girl. Don't go near her, don't even think about her. Even if she contacts you, just avoid her. Trust me, in few weeks you'll be ready to start a fresh chapter in your life. Try to develop maturity and think wisely. I am sure you will find your life partner, your dream girl and soul mate in future. God is waiting for your turn more mature to gift you the girl meant for you. Be patient.

Best wishes,

2 Like

jagan   04 April 2017

@Mr.Sarma, and @Mr.Ram Prasad

Sarma sir I take your words and respect you for the advice. She made me mad sir, thats the problem, i have been visiting the psychiatrist for months now...she often used to tell me :

"Dear, someday even if I part away from you, never leave me, convince me somehow and take me back, otherwise I'd cry for the rest of my life and regret having parted with you for the rest of my life"...she made a video of this dialogue and asked me to save it and keep the video with me, may be she was like prophecying the future. I really took it to my deep subconsciousness and I feel I have to save her from herself, that is why I am ready to risk my future for her.

She is such a nice girl sir, i promise you-a seeta devi she is, I kept her at par with my mother. She promised me for 6 years that she will keep resisting her parents for even 30 years....She went to her parents, told them everything, in 3 hours she calls me back....She tells me life is more practical and asks me to get out of her life.  I was cluelessy crying, its been 3 months now adn I am still on sleeping pills, crying day and night...


Advocate Ram Prasad (Chief Lawyer)     04 April 2017

Dont ever love deeply !

till u r sure that the other part loves u with d same depth !!

bcoz, d depth of ur love today.........!!!

is d depth of ur wound tomorrow. !!!!


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A walk alone (-)     04 April 2017

I think you need doctor not advice. You need some psychological therapy. Brother do one thing collect all evidences and make a pickle of it. In our country, there is nothing you can file against girls. She can send you jail although you have evidence. as long you will think or carry this relationship you will get pain . Better forget all this as a bad dream. Change your city, join some job and focus on your job only. Whenever Free join yoga or other meditation classes. Love whom who loves you ,not who makes you emotional fool. Life is long you will find better than her.
1 Like

Very well said.

Even if it was consensusl, if she was minor it doesnt matter. It is still rape. And even if she was major, if she says he cheated her and had s*x on false promise of marriage, it can be considered rape.

unclechipps   07 April 2017

Stop watching dreaming. Everone giving very very good advises to you. You need doctor not advocate.I think you are luky that she showed her real face before marriage to you because if doing now, she wuld also do some like this after marriaging. You saved there. Do not think of law. Law not for male peole. Men future is stopped when we born in educated area of India with male organ. Now you saved so not go finding problems yourself.

TrkpeTrk   23 April 2017

Its stupid to take love seriously...Love is just some electrical signals in ur brain...change the connections in ur mind and u shud be fine...if u file any case on her...u can expect 10 cases of rape molestation be thankful to the lord and move on !!

sai narayana   26 April 2017

Both of you can't elope far away from reach of her parents???


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