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Should one fear the wife and daughter-in-law?

Title : Should one fear the wife and daughter-in-law?

By:  Sh. B.N. Gururaj, Advocate

At present, in India, the answer seems to be in the affirmative, especially for young husband and his parents. Here is the background.

Life before Section 498A of IPC

There was a time, in none too distant past, when the newspapers reported almost on routine basis, cases of bride-burning. The ostensible motive was the demand of dowry, failure of the daughter-in-law and her parents to meet the demands and consequent criminal acts by the parents of the bride groom. These sickening episodes were reported with alarming regularity. The names bandied about sometimes, included powerful people in the society, politics, business. That was a time, when trial by media had not yet caught on. Matters were merely reported and not speculated upon. So much so that eventually, the Central Government moved out of its slumber and sometime in early nineties inserted Section 498A in the Indian Penal Code, 1860, so that in a case of cruelty to girls in the marital homes, not only the husband, but also near relatives of the husband could be arrayed as accused. The offence was punishable with seven yeas imprisonment.

Correspondingly, in the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 also, the Schedule was amended to treat the offence under Section 498A of the IPC as cognizable and non-bailable offence. That is, being a cognizable offence, upon receipt of a complaint from a harassed girl or her family or even a near relative the police were empowered to arrest the accused persons named in the complaint, which would usually include the husband, parents-in-law, sisters-in-law. Being a non-bailable offence, under Section 437 of the Cr.PC, no magistrate could grant bail to the accused persons unless the public prosecutor was heard. In practice, this meant that time should be given to the public prosecutor to file written objections, thereafter hear the accused and then decide on granting the bail.

Use and abuse of new provision

Gradually the complaints from harassed daughters-in-law started trickling into the police stations and courts. The society generally cheered such events as it conferred power to strike back on the hapless girls who were going through hell in their marital home, suffering ignominy, mental agony, often physical injuries, not to speak of agony for her maternal home.

In the criminal law, the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. Hence, success rate in prosecution cases is quite low. Few years later, the courts, especially the superior courts such as the High Courts and the Supreme Court noted with concern that vast number of cases were getting dismissed at trial itself. In such of those cases, which came before the superior courts in criminal appeals or revision petitions, evidence was found to be wanting. Many cases were bereft of facts. Investigation by the police was either absent or very sketchy. The courts noted with concern that the police were more or less trigger-happy when it came to acting on complaints under Section 498A. The courts advised and directed that the police should be careful before exercising the power of arrest pursuant to a complaint filed under Section 498A. Of course, needless to add that as long as the statutory provision remains on the book, the police are bound by it and are entitled to act on that basis.

Ugly side of complaint under Section 498A

The flip side of this provision was that it became a milch cow for the police, greedy complainants and unscrupulous lawyers. For acting on the complaint from the daughter-in-law or her family, the police would take money. They would also make money from the husband’s side by threats of arrest. With it, another new and fertile field of police-station lawyering also grew. A tribe of lawyers who became adept and experts at helping the girl’s side in filing complaints, frequently false complaints. Where the ingredients were not available or the complaint did not know better, there was always a helpful police-station lawyer willing to fill in the blanks so that the complaint fitted within the scope of Section 498A.

Complainant aided by unscrupulous lawyers and corrupt police

Soon this provision became a tool for extortion, with the help of a Inspector or PSI always willing to help for a consideration from the girl’s side. The police could not case less what the demand was as long as the complainant was pleased. If the complainant was displeased, in compliance with the complaint and consideration received from the girl’s side, the Inspector or the PSI would arrest the named accused.

Arrests are done with great alacrity, in all case with almost no investigation, as though the accused might disappear like a whiff of smoke. Arrests are deliberately done at such timing, that the person has to spend at least one night in the police lock up, usually at around eight O’clock in the evening or thereabouts. The arresting officer would truthfully record that since it was too late to produce before a learned magistrate, the accused would be produced in the court the next day.

Another routine case for the trial court

At the court, it will be one more case of arrest produced before the magistrate. After asking the routine question whether police caused any inconvenience to the accused, the magistrate would send the accused to the Judicial Custody. That is, the accused will spend the night along with criminals and under trials. After spending the night as a State Guest and suffering the ill-treatment at the hands of the jail wardens, the accused would be ready to do anything in the world to get out of that hell called Jail. Bail granted would have humiliating condition of regularly marking attendance at the police station. Even marking of this attendance if not free of corruption.

Prosecution itself can be a punishment

Thereafter, the police have sixty days time to file the charge sheet. The trial may go on endlessly for years together. Few if any, accused can lead normal life of working and earning a living during the period, what with frequent appearances in the court, the ignominy faced at the work place and expenses towards legal defense. If the accused is working abroad, the position will be worse, as failure to return in time would mean loss of job abroad. Therefore, usually, the accused is forced to strike a deal with the complainant, pay a king’s ransom and see that the complaint is withdrawn or quashed.

Criminal proceedings used for circumventing civil proceedings

The police and their lackey lawyers have no respect for courts and their proceedings. Even when civil proceedings are pending for divorce, the complainant used Section 498A as a tool of extortion to demand huge permanent alimony, a sum far higher than any family court would award in a civil proceeding.

This is how, Section 498A of the IPC, a salutary provision meant for protecting daughters-in-law harassed for dowry is working. It has become a tool of extortion. A tool used with the willing aid of the police and unscrupulous lawyers. Section 498A has become a Democlean sword hanging over the heads of the husband and in-laws of the girl. At any time, the girl can demand ransom and demand that her wish be met. The demand could be money, or getting rid of husband’s parents, or making separate home. If the husband fails to meet the demand, she can walk into a station aided by a lawyer to file complaint against her husband and in-laws. What follows thereafter has been narrated elaborately.

What is needed to be done?

This does not mean that the law has to be changed to its original position. In fact, IPC need not be amended at all. It is necessary to make the offence under Section 498A a non-cognizable offence and a bailable one. This would mean that the complainant has to file a complaint before the magistrate under Section 200 of Cr.PC. When the court issues summonses to the accused persons after obtaining the sworn statement of the complainant, the accused would appear before the court and obtain bail. The disruption of the life of the accused would be minimal. Most importantly, the proceeding under Section 498A, which is now under the control of the Police would come under judicial control.

It is an urgent requirement of society to ensure that law is not misused by the greedy girls, their families, the corrupt police and unscrupulous lawyers to harass guiltless people.

More about lawyers’ ugly role in the matter

There is an ugly side to the court proceeding and the conduct of lawyers, ignorance of lawyers which results in needless agony and expenditure for the accused. That will be the subject matter of another series of papers. In that paper, I shall describe a live case, to which I was an eye witness. I shall describe the conduct of the greedy and conscinceless complanants, corrupt police, lawyers ready to lie for their client's benefit, incompetent and ignoramous lawyers who have the task of defending the accused persons.


 10 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     23 August 2010

It is the duty of the lawyers to protect the interest of their clients.



Attached File : 25 25 498a sc judgments no more mis use doc.pdf downloaded: 192 times

Jebaraj Jasper Jacob (Advocate)     23 August 2010

It is the corrupted police officers who misuse the provisions of DP Act and sec. 498 A IPC and not the lawyers.

Usually lawyers advice their clients not to had recourse under the provisions fo DP Act and sec 498 A IPC for the sake of marital knott.

Nanny (o)     23 August 2010

Comments on the above Article:-

 Yes, in my experiecne i have seen both polic eand Some Lawyers advising their clients tro file case unde DP Act and u/s 498 A.

The police and Lawyers if they want to do so need to first under the facts of the case very clearly and if there has been such incident then can advise their client if they are genuine and want to punish the accused under the said section.


Other the Other hand most ot the Girls spl in the cities as using 498 A as a Weapon to get divorce and Huge sum of permanene Alimony.


Hence i feel 498 A has to be modififed and new section to be inserted if the girl is found guilty for filing fabricated case against her innocent husband and his close relatives. The girl and her relative should also be punished with Fine and imprisonment and on having proved this to be a fabricated case the Polic office and the girls counsel should also be fined.


By doing this using 498 A as a weapon will come down and the true innocent will get justice.


Also whilst it comes to family case filing 498 A and later if the said parties want  to patch up with each other this will widen the gap between them anc create hatred for each other.


Also the Police should be advised by the court not to enteratin any 498 A compliants while the case in court.




Dear Arun Kumar

I have always seen that you always write on 498A and since you have suffered from it. There are true cases also which are being considered as false case since the environment is against 498A and every body  considers 498A case a false case.

You are having experience of sec 498a only there other section in IPC/CrPC also. If you want to see the real misuse of courts and kind of practice the lawyers do and kind of atmosphere in the courts and behaviour of judicial officers then just go to courts beyond Delhi jurisdiction then you will  come to know what is meant by MISUSE is law. In delhi we are having good courts which at least listen.

Your apathy against Sec 498a will lessen when you will see bigger MISUSE.

Mr Bechara court ke chakkar ka mara


In rural areas just see the condition of lawyers and they are willing to do anything just for money. They are little bothers what happens to complainant or defendents and they are concerned with money only. In rural areas a advocate charges Rs.20/- for having date or postponing the date and Rs. 20 for peshkar and even court does not know what case is and case is dragged on.

Even presiding officers are incompetent and they do not know the provisions of law and case are dealt with only like moving file with no interest in the case.

Sec. 156(3) complaints are more prevalent in courts and courts are flooded with such complaints and lawyers file the case with any liability regarding filing. I am of view that like USA before taking any action on case the case should be fully vetted for legal section and advocate of both sides be called before taking any action on case.

Mr Bechara.......................... 

shivakumar (Student -Law)     23 August 2010

Thanks for the enlightening article Arun sir....


Dear Rajoo, protecting the client is lawyers duty...but not the entire article he mentioned about the greed of lawyers. You know, except the some  reputed lawyers, the common man thinks about lawyers? not feel bad....the say lawyers are rogues and b*st*rds....I am not saying this is because of sec 498A related case.

Lawyers are in competition to go to any accident place before ambulance reaches (so much competition) you know why...they want to get the case of insurance claims and adhoc fee they charge is 10-15% minimum.


adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     23 August 2010

Dear Shivakumar,

I agree with you, but every advocate is not like this.


Thank you all.

You all will be sad to know that I am not hit by S. 498a IPC though I have other IPC / CrPC / Civil cases running simultaneously over my head.

As far as my constant writing only on S. 498a IPC is concerned, I write my views on so many other Sections / Acts / Rti's and what nots here in same LCI forum too and if it helps a aam adami then thank you and if it does not then I will try to improve so that a aam adami is helped in time.

Concerning me changing overnight, I changed 8 years back when my srimati ji left with my only child. So I can't change anymore than what a freak accident of fate changed me overnight into long time ago.

Converning seeing Courts outside Delhi NCR I have not only seen but felt in my heart the Courts in Varanasi, Patna, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Banglore, Chandigarh, Shimla, Nanital and so on so forth simple reason being I am a hard core Activist.

Some of you may not like me to be here but that is all right, some of you may only see my overnight change but that is also allright and some of you may comment only on my age and some of you comment on me not knowing Law and coming from some stupid profession and how come he is commenting on legal subjects which is also welcome but the bototm line among all these welcome comments is that; one need not have to be a rocket scientists to know how does a rocket fly and I really damn care if my account is deleted or not..........


An article on what is needed to be done especially under S. 498a IPC was not at all needed as placed by you Mr Prabhakar some days back especially in a public domain which is only accesed by literate / educated / urban wife and not by a rural wife for which you symphatise but reverse show is giving ideas to urban wife how to file a S. 498a IPC complaint and if you believe in this then I once again request you to complete your second part on what to do when complaint is written stage and I will give readers one of the best learning views on what happens from the day / time a complaint travels from a Police Station to Acquatal stage.

I am waiting Mr Prabhakar for your that second part of the S. 498a IPC series started by you.


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