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Shree. ( Advocate.)     16 March 2008


PLEASE sign this petition to amend 498A in IPC:

Sec.498 A,dowry law, which is massively mis-used in india. last year, around 2,00,000 innocent people got jailed bcoz of its mis-used. at the time of divorce, 80% women mis-use this law to blackmail  and harass husband and in-laws. Last year 98% cases reported were false. Supreme Court of india has declared this law as 'legal terrorism'

and above all, there is no investigation is done; and men, his parents, his sister and sister's husband, brother, uncle aunts everyone got jailed without any investigation . so, this law is not only aginst men, but women, elderly person, sick everyone.

its non-bailable and complaint cannot be withdrawn by the petitioner.
so please sign this petition and save indian family system. 


 43 Replies

Vishwanath tripathi (Advocate)     16 March 2008

Mr.Sriram,thanks for very important issue,in dowry cases every judge also knows that it is being misused in 95% cases then too they do the favour of the complainant,in many cases very old distance living mother father,married sister etc are implicated falsely without any fault and they suffer a my view where the wife is living some other place for more than 6 months and ther is no any injury then police authorities and judges should keep very liberal approach and moreover if false case is found then there should be automatic heavy punishments to the such complainant.

somnath kundu (advocacy)     16 March 2008

yes it is true that sec. 498A is being mis used. But it is also true that harrasment of married woman for dowry demands is still a burning problem in India.Lawyers should implement this sec. with great caution .

SANJAY DIXIT (Advocate)     16 March 2008

I can't understand where to sign me?

Rajneesh Kumar (lawyer)     16 March 2008

its not going to solve the problem what should be done is to make changes in the section because dowry and harassment is still rampant in india

Adv. Rishab (Law Student)     17 March 2008

for such a harrasment to the innocent people , i think the parliament as well as the judiciary is responsible.... as already told , no investigation is made in this regard or case can not be withdrawn by the petitioner etc. , it shows a massive lacunae in legal system.. AND IT MUST BE CHANGED OR AMENDED..

Shree. ( Advocate.)     17 March 2008

Dear Sir, please click in the link and view the online petition and sign in the petition.Thanks for ur support regarding this burning issue in india.

Mahendra Singh Raghuwanshi (Lawer)     22 March 2008

some amendment should be made regarding the registration of complaint under this section so that the harrasment to the innocent people of both sides can be stoped.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     26 March 2008

This is a good campaign- but nothing will happen. State does not do any thing which is required, or correct or good- it does only those things which are inevitable.
The dowry laws are being misused, we all know it. judiciary knows it, parliament knows it. Such abuses are well documented, and there is mountains of evidence is available. But these laws will not be changed.
you have just told that approximately 2 lakhs persons were arrested falsely- it is a small figure in our national polity. Next year more persons will be arrested- next to next- more and more. Slowly, men will start opposing these laws, legally- socially-morally-democratically!- you know men v. women.
And then the laws will be changed. And some political party will be there to take democratic benefit of such amendment in law.
No body is going to benefit- except some innocent men likely to go to jail for sometime in future- if the laws are changed now. In future, when such amendment will be made, there will be many beneficieries- politicians, society and public interest.

Guest (n/a)     03 April 2008

498 A of IPC should be revised or amended suitably by abandoning its gender bias. Also the stringent measures to apprehend the accused are commonly misused by the so called victims. Innocent people are being booked and inconvenienced with this legal abuse of the law and it certainly needs an amendment.

Lawyer (Independent Legal Advisor & Advocate)     29 April 2008

There are many women who still face extreme abuse by men in India and this law is rightfully protecting such sins. Misuse of law is similar to the bigger issue of exploiting the system and corruption, this does not mean the solution should be to amend the law. This law is the only hope of thousands of women who are beaten up, burned alive and abused for dowry and nobody cares about how she and her parents manage to go through these extremes. Anyone who has a wife, mother, daughter or sister should think twice about how women could be abused and only then propose to amend a law that is the only hope to protect their rights. I would highly recommend not signing this petition, you are most likely signing it because you were lucky not been put in a condition to use it to protect women of your family or you yourself are a abuser who wants to get away with his crime.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     30 April 2008

Lawyer has raised a very important issue- the wider issue of misue of laws. He rightly thinks that all the laws are misused- why so much hue and cry against this law only. Such cry is there because in abuse of these laws, rich and influential people suffers. When theft laws is abused or custodial torture is done or people suffer long detention in trial- it is poor vioceless people suffers and hence there is lesser hue and cry against those laws. However, if laws are meant to be misused- and there is no way to avoid misuse of laws- even the men be given some laws to misuse against the women in marital relationship. The problem is simple- women who abuses this law do not need this law. Those who need cannot use this. Not only these laws- but numerous others are being enancted under pressure from women group to punish the "man"- the bread earner for human civilisation of ages. Divorce proceeding has become the quickest way to get rich for women. Men must realise that marriage has become an outdated institution- and the earlier they shun the institution- the better is for mankind.

Vijay Kumar (Advocate)     04 May 2008

I am a practicing criminal lawyer.My LL.B. wife falsely implicated me in 498A/406/467 IPC case.She procured a false injury report from a private doctor in her parental town. The injury report is dated 15 June 2005 while it is her allegation on record that she left matrimonial house on 16 June 2005.Neither police nor the magistrate considered this fact. I was arrested and jailed. Finally, I succumb to her demands of divorce & money. I and my family are still feeling humilated and unable to wipe the stigma. Kindly give brotherly advice.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     05 May 2008

Just see the ugly side of the law- even a practicing criminal lawyer can be falsely implicated. We can only imagine the fate of less priviledged brethren! What your wife has done is plain and simple extortion- making false allegations to extort money and signature for divorce. Speak up. Let other members of bar know what she has done. let other memebers of judiciary know what she done. let the whole world know what she has done. Publish her name, address etc on net so that other persons will be careful in dealing with her. When society, through its enacted laws encourage such acts, an individual cannot do much- at least he can warn other potential victims. Start a web site on which name, address and other details of such women can be placed- or you can start these over here too.

Suvra.Chatterjee (jobless)     16 June 2008


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