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Most wives don't get back their Stridhan. Nothing happens so wives are forced file 498a cases created rightly by Ms. Indira Gandhi. But in 498a men are never punished because lawyers and courts let family matters against husbands languish. India is a land or horrid husbands and very decent wives.


 39 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     09 November 2011

Your opinion is welcome.





Shonee Kapoor

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     09 November 2011

Originally posted by :Randhir Kaul
Most wives don't get back their Stridhan. Nothing happens so wives are forced file 498a cases created rightly by Ms. Indira Gandhi. 


yes u r right.


but even after filing 498A or DV,there's no guarantee that the girl gets back entire streedhan.


either she is forced for an unreasonable settlement,orr else forced to fight in her courts,with everybody advising her to forgive those "culprits" and not be "greedy" for demanding her own streedhan.but nobody says that the boy and his family had also been greedy once upon a time when the the marriage was fixed.

yes,india is a horrid place.i must have done really something wrong in my life,that i have been born here.


i stayed abroad for some time a few yrs. back,and also visited a few countries last year for vacation purpose.


let me tell u that those places are real heaven.and i felt really bad returning to india.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 November 2011

Originally posted by :Roshni B..
" yes,india is a horrid place.i must have done really something wrong in my life,that i have been born here.

i stayed abroad for some time a few yrs. back,and also visited a few countries last year for vacation purpose.

let me tell u that those places are real heaven.and i felt really bad returning to india.

ha ha

It happens only in India that a wife read also as any female can walk to a police station and or a Magistrate Court and get FIR registered against husband n his family as well as against her b/f in later avatar.
Cinderella In any of the countries you traveled does this malacious forum peculiarity about
India happens and or you were made aware of !

2. It happens only in
India that the moment you land at any of the international Airport you can virtually take the airport baggage trolley all the way back to your bungalow.
Cinderella In any of the countries you visited you have to first push few cents into trolley dispenser machine to get a bl**dy baggage trolley out of its storage bay first then its radio chips beeps the moment it leaves Airport Taxi curb and / or taxi walla there will refuse to take trolley into his car’s boot whereas in India you can take the trolley all the way back home were you made aware of this! 

3. It happens only in
India that matrimonial violence / offence are needing travel all the way to SC to get quashed on limitation issues.
Cinderella In any of the countries you vacationed were you made aware that matrimonial violence / offence comes under limitation period and a County / District courts does not even listen to female AP before dismissing with cost!

It happens only in India that the (empty) Johnny Walker bottle consumed over reception nite is put under Sridhan list next day while emotional - sentiments hydro power pressure / force lodging FIR.
Cinderella In any of the countries you traveled were you made aware that the reception bash consumption (empty bottles) are next day put in non-biodegradable garbage bin on the side of the curb for municipal van to pick up!

5. It happens only in
India that 'fault' based divorce is only norm considered by cort.
Cinderella In any of the countries you traveled were you made aware that they work on capitalist principles i.e. 'no fault' divorce and get it over with asap !

6. It happens in
India that maintenance and alimony is equated to ONLY STATUS of husband from rag picker to Ambani having to go throw the rigors of due process of Indian Constitution.
Cinderella In any of the countries you vacationed were you made aware that there they don’t calculate assets post marriage and all assets during marriage are shared / disposed equally between parting spouse at the time of dissolving their marriage as both sides bring with their Suit their marriage assets and marriage contribution by way of a worksheet for facilitating Court to dispose case in maximum 2-3 hearings lasting just on an average 3 months unlike India after 3 years one party ultimately manages to serve Summon upon another in a suit matter and Court is helpless meanwhile here.

It happens in India that matrimonial violence / offences are treated as ‘continuous cause of action” as per old school of SC Law of 1993 Re. Vanka Radhamaniohari v. Vanka Venkata Reddy and Others 67 (1993) 3 SCC 4
Cinderella In any of the countries you vacationed were you made aware there post facto laws are a big NO NO there and against the Constitution and rare ot rare instance are there in 124 countries were few Laws were repealed and then made retroactively operational unlike India here all civil cause of action are continuous till 99 years (ha ha more than national mortality average of either spouse so that we Lawyers laugh all the way to our banks when we do get clients like you who praise Abroad)!

8. It happens only in India that all criminal / civil suits serviced by females are compulsorarily contain 40% 'perjury'
Cinderella In any of the countries you vacationed were you made aware there that 'perjury' is the only biggest offence and females there take 7 lives before throwing wild paras unlike India State Govt. files petition before HC's to releive Indian female (that also a mmarried maid) to be not charged Perjury (re. Shinny Ahuja case Affidavit filed by State AG before Mumbai HC)!

I have worked 14 months in
Berlin + 3 years in Sydney / Mel. / Goldcoast + 4 months in HK + 3 months in BKG + 18 months colly. in NP / Bhutan so it was not vacation I was posted there hence above rosy ness I can bring on forum table with first encounter authority and all International Laws reference is called for I can place them here for discussion on each and every para 1 till 8.

So Cinderella you see vacation is just a rosy phase where all that one vacations in for abroad looks too rosy to club down India the moment one lands at a International Airport and further the moment you come out of airport(s) and hear some of the above much better rosy ness of India vis –a- vis tough ground realities of laws abroad the last parting word not said here the better…......

ta ra rum pum pum

1 Like

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     09 November 2011

@ The lover of fairy tale story books


If everything is so great about India,why have millions of Indians settled down abroad,never to return here?


Why do women(or men for that matter) suffer for innumerable years in litigation,and share their horrible experiences here on LCI or for that matter in other legal sites too.


See,it's easier to say that India is better than other countries.This way we keep assuring ourselves that we are the best.


But I want to know HOW!

1 Like


@ Chacha


In any of the countries you worked at,do lawyers,judges etc favour the "rich" parties?


In any of the countries you worked at,do legal procedures move at snail's place,as in India?


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 November 2011

Originally posted by :Princess
" @ Chacha

In any of the countries you worked at,do lawyers,judges etc favour the "rich" parties?

In any of the countries you worked at,do legal procedures move at snail's place,as in India? 

YES to both the que,

Infact in one of the SAARC country the 'enemy property case' is running from last 175 years.




Infact in one of the SAARC country the 'enemy property case' is running from last 175 years.





Is India any better?


And why do you refer to SAARC nations?


Talk in terms of advanced countries.


Even I agree with Roshni that in most aspects,India is not liveable.


If you ask me,to tell you frankly,even I hate India.


I will say this straightforwardly,even if LCIans hate me for this.


But I have my own reasons for this hatred.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 November 2011

Originally posted by :Roshni B..

If everything is so great about India,why have millions of Indians settled down abroad,never to return here?
Take: All Fools living in false paradise there is a reverse brain drain and eg. is GURGAON your neighbour satellite mega city. Tis weekend make a mall visit and see yourself the NRI's crowd and since you are teacher seek appointment with BE and AE School in Chankyapuri and or DPS Matura Road and see how many NRI kids enjoying lower tution fees and settled back in India. If all these painful to move your metro fat butt then read yesterday's HT, Delhi Ed. about NRI returnign to India due to economic mess of America's and Europe. However I will pardon you if you can't even read English other thannot able to talk in English !!!!!!

Why do women (or men for that matter) suffer for innumerable years in litigation,and share their horrible experiences here on LCI or for that matter in other legal sites too.
Take: The answer is given by SC stating Criminal Cases filed by majority of women are 'legal terrorism" BTW do you want complete PIL as well as last years Judgment of SC to understand this. 

See,it's easier to say that India is better than other countries.This way we keep assuring ourselves that we are the best.
Take: No I never said we are best. Infact we are a great country of "jugad"

 But I want to know HOW!
Take: Meet daily real victims (females) hear their facts and not fixed to internet victims and their sob sob stories where the only advantage is to read nakedness no knowing real cases from malacious cases which makes there is a huge difference. On Internet platform calling me chachaji and papa ji is easiset said than done with nakedness but then I as a Internet reader can't do anything about it so you see the difference of false and malacious continious cause of action difference ha ha

the other dwarf already popped the moment I commented upon your myths so now it is turn to pop another sleeping dwarf with her masala stories to papaji............ But behind all these the real facts gets hidden so carry forward I have no issues to just seeing legal nakedness in internet forums whereas all our legal actions are in real brick and mortor Courts where we act and free the real victims at the end of the day and not malacious prosecuted metro wives who confine to internet day in day out greying their hair sobbing making us believe their story is the only story and beyond that no truth can exist nationally and or internationally......... 

ta ra rum pum pum


Originally posted by :Tajobsindia

 All Fools living in false paradise there is a reverse brain drain and eg. is GURGAON your neighbour satellite mega city. Tis weekend make a mall visit and see yourself the NRI's crowd and since you are teacher seek appointment with BE and AE School in Chankyapuri and or DPS Matura Road and see how many NRI kids enjoying lower tution fees and settled back in India.


What's the %age of this reverse brain drain?

You mean to say that all Indians who had settled in advanced countries are coming back?

Just because NRI kids are studying in Indian schools,that doesn't mean they will settle here forever.They may settle abroad also.They may be taking education just to take the benefit of lower costs.

Just as some Indians go abroad for taking expert treatment for some medical problem.It doesn't mean they plan to settle there permanently.

I know my US cousins,who visisted India once orr twice,but pledged never to return here,for they hated the dirt,rudeness,etc etc.Likewise,there are more such foreigners/NRIs.

However I will pardon you if you can't even read English other thannot able to talk in English !!!!!!
No need to pardon anyone.Everyone knows your arrogance by now.So your comments won't matter to anyone.


 The answer is given by SC stating Criminal Cases filed by majority of women are 'legal terrorism"


If liar women are doing so,again it's the failure of weakness of the great Indian judiciary which inspired such women.And this is the weakness of this country.That's what we are also saying.



Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 November 2011



Originally posted by :Princess


Is India any better?
Take: It is not the que. that India is better or worse. The que. is the moment a desi goes overseas and or had lived overseas and the moment s/he comes back criticism about any/everything called India happens till he/she is institutionalized the desi ways which is the beauty of we Indians we take everywhere and since Internet is just 2 decades old so it is bound to creep in here too and off oh were we discussing matrimonial Laws or desi return from overseas. BTW lady which all countries you made a visit atleast make a guess so that I keep aside those countries matrimonial laws / media reports / legal discussion Papers from my PC’s HD folder for easy rebuttal to you

And why do you refer to SAARC nations?
Take: Show your wavelength to me and then mention name of any one advance country and i will pop before you the miscarriage of Justice which happened there and were highly debated with case laws and media reporting. So India is no exception. SAARC nation illustration was a hurried response as a friend sent me copy of the unfortunate case and I was going through it when your golden sob stories got my attention J
Talk in terms of advanced countries.
Take: Sure, living in India, crapping in India, eating in India and forced to hear sob stories from India and few females want to talk of advance countries why not lady :-) let us do exactly that. Kindly come halfway to my wavelength I will for sure talk of any advance country of your choice put across for legal discussion. So your time starts now lady…......However lady would you like to talk of USA on Domestic Violence Act or one of the EU States’ say UK or that matter Sweden that they have vis a vis India or pick a matrimonial subject of your choice and without chacha and papa lollipop rona dhona come to discussion board and let us discuss I am always open for such reasoned legal discussions till the time you 7 dwarfs take tangent position on command of our only desi Cinderella and misuse this forums wavelengths on topics to 6 K maint vs. lipsticks and pedicure diggs and for you 7 female writers who consider Indian Laws as a joke I have not much to talk with really except sometimes make a rebutted dig yah ......





Hello Tajob,

Glad you appeared. I run a small Paying guest accomodation for American women working in India who pay very well but have utter disregard for women who degarde their might and the oldest Indian Civilization. I may not be a lawyer or good at english like you but from your posts you have slammed free booting women out here. I don't understand much of your comments but from whatever I have understood, you seem to have given them the reply or response they deserve. I had heard of you from these women.

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     09 November 2011

Originally posted by :Tajobsindia

since you are teacher seek appointment with BE and AE School in Chankyapuri and or DPS Matura Road



Tajobs,you are under a wrong impression that I am a teacher.


I am not even related to the education field.


But I know quite a lot about it,since one of my close friends is a teacher.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 November 2011

Roshni that is all right. I take back guess work on your profession whatever it may be!.