I am contemplating remarriage.I have received a proposal from a girl who was married few years ago but came back to her parents after seven days of her marriage and didn't return.BUT she is not divorced! When enquired further, her gurdians told that the marriage was a social one without any registration and hence she didn't get her divorce!They have no legal documents of either marriage or divorce/separation/annulement.Interestingly,the man afterwards got married to another woman and also has child from his second marriage without any objection from the girl's family!
Now,I think one needs to get divorce to consider second marriage and marrying without divorce might draw legal complications.I,myself had a bitter experience with marriage and the emotional trauma,social stigma and legal complications that followed.I got mutual divorce almost 2.5yrs ago and don't want any legal complications anymore.
Experts please suggest me what I should do with this proposal.Thanks in advance.