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Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     13 March 2009

Suicide by men due to false dowry cases

Many men are committing suicide due to false dowry case filed by unscrupuluos women. The rate of suicide is double in married men, than in married women (in 2008 56000 married men committed suicide compared to 29000 married women) . In this thread, I will bring forward reported cases of before learned members of this site and exhort them to think as to who is responsible- Biased Laws, insensitive administration of justice or women. The society must know as why are bread winners suiciding. 

"A 30-year-old man, Pushkar Singh, committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan at his home in Jankipuram area of Vikas Nagar, Lucknow on Wednesday. In a suicide note, addressed to the Allahabad High Court, Singh alleges that he was framed in a dowry case by his wife Vinita and her relatives, due to which he had to spend time in judicial custody for four months. The Vikas Nagar police registered a case later in the day. "During the investigation, if we find it necessary to question Vinita, we will definitely record her statement," said BP Singh, Station Officer, Vikas Nagar.

Pleading innocence and holding his wife responsible for the extreme step he was taking, Singh's note states: "I was sent to jail after a false dowry case was lodged against me by Vinita and her family, who had demanded Rs 14 lakh as a compensation. Neither my father nor I had seen such a big amount in our lives. We even sold our house to contest the case." According to reports, Singh married Vinita about two years ago and lived in Allahabad since. Early last year, his wife left him and started living with her family. A case under Sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 498 (A) (cruelty by husband or relatives of husband) and 504 (intentional insult) was lodged by Vinita and her relatives before she left him. In the note, Singh wrote he was in the Naini Central Jail from "September 29 to December 24, 2007". Shishupal Singh, Singh's brother-in-law, said he was disturbed ever since he released from jail. The court case constantly haunted him. "After he was bailed out, he was living with his mother, younger sister and a physically-challenged brother in a rented house in Jankipuram." The family had their own house in Indira Nagar, which was recently sold to meet the legal expenses, he added. "While he searched for a job, he drove a three-wheeler for a living. A few days ago, he received a notice from the court and since then, he stopped stepping out of the house," he said.
In the note, Singh further wrote: "I would also like to request Vinita not to harass my family in future. It was my mistake to marry her and I am repenting it by sacrificing my life."
Who is responsible for loss of life of this young man, the only bread winner for aged father, younger sister and disabled brother? 


 11 Replies

M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Advocate & Consumer Rights)     13 March 2009

All this clearly proves the misuse of Section 498-A IPC by unscrupulous women to reck vengeance not only on the husband but also the in-laws.

Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service)     13 March 2009

all the above clearly proves the mentality of women. it is
surprising. why the same judiciary not taking cognizence to it. it is
very sad that due to torcher of her wife pushkar singh has commit
sucide, a hardest step to end his life. what happens to the definition
of legal  terriorism of apex court. this is the bare fact. if
women get more autonomy then you just imagine the nature of our society
in days to come.


very surprising

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     13 March 2009

Why to blame the women? The are merely abusing their legal power.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is true for everybody. You give power to anybody, they will abuse it.

The fault lies with criminal law, which has been drafted to give unbridled power to women, without any responsibility; fault is there in the judiciary in administering the laws in a biased manner; fault lies in police for not registering cases against women even when it is obvious that they have filed false cases.


Men should make it an election issue. Put such questions to electoral candidates. Campaign against politicians taking one sided view in the matter.



aatma   14 March 2009

Nobody out there to support or raise the voice for innocent people. Even SC knows very well and commented this as legal terrorism, but it did not initiate any step to protece the people.

Innocent people must  know how to protect themseleve by learning from the Madras incident. That is the only way for common peopole to save their lives in the land. Otherwise nobody cares. Even SC, HC or government.

Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service)     16 March 2009

aatma is right. no court is taking initiative to protect the people.
but why to blame only of judiciary or the law. can you clarify:-

1) why not men usually blame the character of the lady to whom they want divorce.

2) why not men usually take so stern action as the women do against her husband and the entire family of in-laws.

have an experience of a case where a illiterate lady used to sell
penaut in the road of a city, had filled a case under the much hyped
498(A) section and involve the entire family of her in-laws. does she
so literate to understand the provisions of 498(A) or she was just
educated by the concerned counsel to go in the manner as suggested by


so it is a burning issue consisting of law, judiciary, advocates etc. you can imagine it in a civil society.

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     18 March 2009

The ruling class in the society treates women as a vote bank, and as lons as that happen, such atrocities will continue.


aatma   19 March 2009

why to blame only of judiciary or the law. can you clarify:-

For not making gender biased law. Is there any section to protect abused men IPC498B!? Or is there any punishment for false complainant woman?

1) why not men usually blame the character of the lady to whom they want divorce.

If he blams or try to tell the truth he will have to face IPC498A (for mental cruelty), DP, DV

2) why not men usually take so stern action as the women do against her husband and the entire family of in-laws.

Men are always soft hearted.  Even if he wants to fight against the violence caused by women he will have to face and fight  against uncontrolled women protection laws.  For example howmany well educated women or her parents punished for giving dowry, which is offence according to indian dowry prohibition act. Without studying the law every educated person in india very well know that dowry is a crime. Law should look at the criminals in equally  and punish impartially.


I do agree with all my friends. The women are misusing the powers given to them by law.


It is very clear from observation of society as a whole, as to the causes of this evil.

It is true that for many years women were discriminated against by men, be they their husbands, brothers or parents. In a family the women would be the last to eat meals after the men folks had finished etc. The husbands also often exploited the wives by way of demanding Dowry, not only at the time of marriage but also thereafter whenever they were short of funds, they would pressurize the inlaws to chip in with substantial sums.

So it was felt women had to be protected. Hence a number of enactments were made and in the over enthusiasm as very often happens with our legislatures, when each one wants to outdo the other, the balance was very much tilted in favour of women. They were armed not only to protect themselves but also to go much beyond and inflict needless harm and suffering to the husbands if they so wished by misuse of the laws which were given to them for their protection.

Now there is an outcry and everyone including the Judiciary is aware of the potential for misuse of these laws. But it is to be hoped corrective measures will be taken to balance the need for protecting the women and at the same time ensuring that the laws are not misused against such of the husbands who are gentle and kind.

If we look at the tenancy laws, we see the same thing happening where the pendulum swings from one extreme to the other. At first the Zamindars were very powerful, and the Landlords exploited the tenants. So a series of rent protection acts were passed and the position was reversed. The laws became heavily loaded in favour of tenants, who could stay in the rented premises throughout their lives while paying a paltry sum as rent which was not even sufficient to pay property taxes, leave alone for upkeep of the property and reasonable income for the landlord. And after the original tenants died, their legal heirs inherited the tenancies! Again a lot of states have taken corrective steps to give some relief to the poor landlords, but a lot more is still required to be done.

Same thing applies to reservation for the minorities and less privileged.

So it happens in all walks of life, in order to strengthen the exploited, some enactments are made, but either due to over enthusiasm of our legislatures the pendulum shifts to the other extreme or sometimes they realize the potential benefits of enacting popular laws in terms of getting dedicated vote banks!

So much for the causes of this problem. But what is the solution ? What can we as lawyers do to address this problem ?

I think we should start with ourselves. Let us not abuse the laws or allow the laws to be abused if we can prevent the same. Usually the lawyers can make out when the clients are speaking the truth or trying to take advantage of the laws by abusing it to gain an unfair advantage. Let us refuse to be a party to such abuse. Let us refuse to file such petitions u/s 498a etc. in cases where we know the husbands are not guilty of the offences.

Just blaming others or society as whole is not enough. Let us be good citizens and do our part in whatever little way we can to prevent such abuses. Let us not jump in the bandwagon and do things just because everyone else is doing it. If we learn to be disciplined and principled we can help in changing the society as a whole.

T. S. Thaker

Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service)     21 March 2009

wonderful approach. that is what we need from advocates also. this
is a nice suggestion from learned advocate. definately all advocates
should think over it.



Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     21 March 2009

In a democracy, what counts is vote. We need to convince some men to vote in block.

It is easier to rally unitedly when you have a common enemy. We can try to find some psuedo women empowerment leader as a common enemy and rally men against them in the present election. If you able to defeat a few such leaders on this plank, things will be far more better in the life of next lok sabha. 

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