my friend appeared in a entrance exams for PhD course. there was multiple choice questions. there was minus 0.5 marks for each wrong answer.
in the OMR sheet , candidates were supposed to mark correct answer by putting cross by blue ball point pen.
instruction was given that if any candidate mark any worng answer, he/she could have change his/her answer by marking crossing on worng answer by red pen and mark another answer by blue ball point pen.
later some corruption was suspected on final result of entrance exam.
two points emerged from above stated entrance exams;
1. in other exams like UGC NET and IIT -JEE etc. , there is only 0.25 negative marks on wrong answer, while in this exam, there was 0.50 negative marks. the question emerged , who decides the that how much marks should be deduct for wrong answer? why there is not same negative marking pattern for all entrance .
2. it was possibility that answers marked in OMR sheet could have been changed later after finishing of exam. becuase any of authority could have changed the answer by red pen and tamper the answering of any candidate. becuase answers were not hand written.
whether that entrance exams can be challenged?
who decides the pattern of entrance examination
whether university/ institute can frame thier rules of entrance exams , that are different from existing practice?
please guide me