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Mani123456 (Engineer)     03 December 2010

There is interim custody arguments soon for my son


 My wife forcefully took my son with help of poilce after filing false 498a case against me.

I will have interim custody arguments soon for my son. What must I do to get the maximum custody of

my son?  My wife is jsut a school teacher and stays alone with the child now. Whereas I have my parents

staying with me who used to take care of the child well earlier.

  She is inducing ill thoughts in my child for my parents.  I am able to meet my son only for 4 hours every sunday.
 It is too less time for me.

I want him to visit my house and wants atleast 50 %n custody of him.




 8 Replies

Viswanath (Student)     03 December 2010

Seek your advocate's help  in strengthening your arguments

shamataneja (Advocate)     03 December 2010


              You should make up your case to get your child' custody there are provisions in the Hindu Marriage Act which says about custody of child. You will get custody of child if you have some strong proof against your wife that she is unable to take proper care of the child at the time when child remains in her custody


Interim Custody has no meaning and is just a lolipop. You'll only get visitation rights but never the custody in this country as judges and lawyers will always side with you ex wife even if you prove that she's a whore. Also use psychology. Additionally, visitation rights never get implemented. Get married to a far better looking woman and produce at least as many kids as has Laloo Yadav to make your ex jealous. She'll start sending feelers for a renewed relationship with you or the kid with you- gone forever. You won't believe this but when you've banged and damaged your head by smashing it against a wall, then only you'll believe this post.

valentine thakkar (advocate)     04 December 2010

Child's welfare is of paramount interest in case of child's custody. I you prove that yourchild's welfare lies more with you than your wife, the order may be in your favour. Again interim custody means custody for the time being till the final order. There is a provision of visitation rights. If the child is very small custody naturally goes to the mother.

Mani123456 (Engineer)     06 December 2010


 My Laywer told I will get atlease weekend custody and custody for his hllidays and vacation.

My wife deserted him with me when he  was just 2.5 year old I and my parents took care of him quite well.

.She did not care for him during those 9 months of staying in a hostel, and then came back to snatch him from me with help of police on day she files false 498a.

  My parents stays with me to care for him. She stays alone and he goes to day care.

He is staying just 3 Km from my place now. I am just able to see him every sunday for 4 hours in presence of

her and not even able to talk to him much as she interfere everywhere. She has brain washed him and made him scared.He comes to me, He loves me also. But because he is scared he is helpless at times as she control him by intstructing him using her eyes movement.

So, I wanted to have 50 % custody  so that when he grows up he can himself decide where to go.



JAYESH (Sr. Executive HR.)     06 December 2010

why all girls do this. during the period of separation before final decision why they teach child like this in a bad ways. i mean why being a mother teach that your father is bad? i'm also suffering the same thing the only things is i have a daughter. my wife had taken her with her when my daughter is also of 2.5 yrs now my daughter is 3.5 yrs. my wife & her parents neve allow me to meet my daughter. now with the help of my lawyer i'm going to access my visitation rights. i don't know how my time i will be to met my daughter but i personally think that it is better to met my daughter just for a while then all they way they are not allowing me.


i'm very much ready to forget all the past things that by mistake my wife done. i want my wife & daughter back in my life but they don't understand me, my feelings. i don't know i which language i should explain my love to my wife.


its really tough to suffer this pain. i can understand all the persons feeling who are suffering like me.


why not male & female understand each other & live peacefull life. why not parents are not thinking about their small childs who had just taken birth and not seen the world. (i'm crying while writing this)

sorry firends. please pray for me & all other like me for the well beings. hope one day GOD will help all of us

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     06 December 2010


Yes, why not???

Arrogance, selfishness, mine and thine, breakdown in communications, unnecessary interference of family members, humiliations, unwillingness by one or both partners to introspect, and reconcile, pride and and and so forth....that's why perhaps.....

Appreciate your sensitivity to relationship!

Rajesh Kumar (Advocate)     06 December 2010

A father is natural & legal guardian of the child, and a woman (including mother of the child) taking away the child from legal guardian is technically doing the crime of kidnapping. Unfortunately, men in our country has not raised the issue till date in criminal court. I think now the time has come to raise the issue.

The whole argument of looking at child's welfare in granting custody if fallacious. Even when it is accepted that some saintly person is the best guardian, that does not mean ordinary persons children will be guardianed by that saint. A man, with all its strength and weakness, has every right to take care off his children, the way he wishes.

Further a child does not exist merely for itself, its own benefit and its own welfare. It is a symbol of a family, and expected to take the family tradition forward. Thus its custody should always be awarded to its family, that is father's family. Off course, a mother has natural love and affection for a child, and she should always be allowed to meet her child, irrespective of her goodness and badness.


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