Dear Experts!
What is Deed of declaration on one side?
When and how it will apply?
Pendyala Vasudeva Rao (Advocate) 06 November 2011
Dear Experts!
What is Deed of declaration on one side?
When and how it will apply?
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 06 November 2011
Affidavits are written documents attached to an oath or some affirmation (i.e., notary public) that the statements in the affidavit are true. Declarations are merely written documents that the author believes to be true, but the statements are given without the author being sworn in by a court officer. Declarations under the penalty of perjury (sometimes referred to as sworn statements) are very similar to affidavits Courts consider both to be legally equivalent, though most court systems and businesses still prefer affidavits over declarations.
Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate) 06 November 2011