I am a troubled husband, my parents don't stay with me, we have had a hindu marriage, she is a tamilian and I am a Kannadiga both brahmins. However we have had conflict of understanding since our marriage (3 years old). She regularly abuses my parents behind their back which I detest. I have tried talking to her, reasoning with her, explaining tolerance and compatibility. She cites that she is compromising. This word is being misused, She moved to her parents house since the day she found out she is pregnant, she won't visit me and forces me to live a life away from any of my family. My parents are not for living with us together, they live in a different state and visit once a year for 3 weeks at the most. There is a fight in 3 weeks and it creates hell. My parents don't want such negativity hence they have now a smiling face and walk out of confrontations, they do not get involved for anything and have never stayed with us. They have a house in Gujarat and stay there. The abusing continues for years together. I have a child which is due in May , I hate to put it through this madness. I expect that it grows into a loving child loving both families equally, she abusive and on occassion when angry hit and scratch me till I bled. My patience has worn out and the stress is causing me immense pain to me. I cannot confide in my parents who think we are ok. I cannot confide in friends who think we are happy. But in a 24 hour span we fight for 23 hours. This is not healthy at all. I tried understanding what bothers her tried reasoning tried everything possible to calm her but she has this grudge embedded for whatever reason. Talks about changing the name, using her name for child and the talk is always a progressive degradation. I am tired and want out. I want calm, peace and concentrate on my work. I want my child to be happy. Please advise. Troubled to-be-father , Troubled husband. I want a seperation but I hate to convey this to her in her pregnant condition. The truth is I don't like her one bit and cannot stay with her. Ever.