Hello Sir/Ma'am,
1.Adjudication Officer is someone who is appointed by the Central Government (not below the rank of a Director to Government of India or equivalent officer of a State Government) for holding as inquiry. No person can be appointed as an adjudicating officer unless he possess experience in the field of Information Technology and also legal or judicial experience prescribed by the Central Government. He is required to hold an inquiry in the manner prescribed by the Central Government to adjudge if any person has committed a contravention any rule, regulation, direction, which renders him liable to pay fine or compensation.
2.Adjudication Authority means any person or body with responsibility under Social Security Administration Act 1992, and regulation there under, to pass any order or decision, for determining of claims for benefit and questions arising in connection with a claim for, or award of, or disqualification for receiving benefits. It does not include the Commissioner, Revisional Authority, the Authority for Advance Ruling, the Appellate Authority and the Appellate Tribunal.
3. Investigating Authority means any person or entity that is approved by the provider to conduct investigation of abuse and neglect or unlawful activity. It is designated by the Legislation.
4. Administrative Authority means a governmental agency that adopts or enforces regulations and guidelines for the design, construction, alteration of facilities, or a department or local public agencies, planning and zoning commissions, building departments, public work departments, or Municipality that have authority to govern individuals.
5. Regulatory Authority is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some human area in a regulatory or supervisory capacity. They are commonly set up to enforce safety standards. Food and Drug Administration, Telecom Regulatory Authority are examples for the same.
6. Prosecuting Authority means the authority in jurisdiction who is responsible for prosecuting violations of a designated offence. It can be a district attorney, local government official charged with investigating, filing and conducting civil legal proceedings on behalf of or in the name of a particular political subdivision.
7. Enforcement Authority means any person or body having jurisdiction to enforce or to take action under or in respect to the relevant legal requirement. It can be any state agency or political subdivision of the state that has authority to enforce the codes.
8. Appellate Authority: In every public authority, an officer who is senior in the rank to the PIO and has been designated to hear appeals is referred to as the appellate authority.
Hope this helps.
Esheta Lunkad