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Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     03 March 2010

Violence in karnataka town over Taslima's Purdah article

All religions were formed atleast 2000 years ago except for may be a few newer sects like Sikhism.Civilisatio n has changed a lot since then.Science has progressed a lot and many mysteries of life and universe have been solved after that.
It is not good to remain radical and superstitious in thoughts and keep attached to the ancient preachings many of which have now become irrelevant and obsolete.Communitie s keep evolving with time and adjust tothe old religious practices.Things have to change.Change only is constant.
Man and woman both are born similarly to same parents and have equal human rights.To treat woman inferior and property and object of s*xual pleasure is a vulgar thought.
Purdah system was basically evolved to protect women in old medieval times of 'free for all' in small societies and communities ruled by chieftains.There was no sytem like modern law and order system in societies.Same way poligamy was allowed to protect widows in the war torn communities. It had specific logic at that time like they had in punjab called Chadar Dalna.
It is a ridiculous thought to allow man to marry more than one woman and not the other way round also.What is the logic in it except for s*xual hunger and treating women as weaker and helpless and a child and s*x making machine.Reproductio n is a sacred act of living beings including trees to keep world going.Sex is merely a tool for achieving this.Multiple s*x by men is vulgar and insult to womenhood.We should not act blind to this stark and fundamental universal truth which is above all religion thoughts.Ofcourse in many pockets even in India polyandry too was allowed.So these were situations created in typical ancient socio-economic conditions in ancient times.They no longer exist.

Today women don't need such protection.Let them come out and share prosperity and work with man on equal footing. Purdah is obsolete today.Purpose of prudah is to hide womens name and identity and penetrating looks by males.Islamic fundamentalists should start changing for their own growth and prosperity and general peace in the world.
We are fed up with continuing islamic militancy and violence everywhere in the world, on small small issues.It is just too much.Jihad is a funny term coined by Mullahs for barbaric and savage acts in name of god and religion.Imposing one's own religion is insult of that religion itself.Muslims have been violent and forceful in making conversions in name of Allah.Do whatever you do get away in name of Allah beacsue Allah has no time to come and protest for such idiots.How Allah, the super power can treat people differently and favor one religion Islam.In otherwords Allah is supposed to be a muslim. It means Allah came after those who started Islam in world.That is a ridiculous logic.In religious fanaticism we ignore cold logic.God is one( if there is one) and treats all equal.All living things ,not only humans.His mercy flows upon all.Many ardent christians also believe and strongly act for converting people but not by force but by inducements. The path is different but evil intentions are same.I would say that a child should not be branded from any religion by birth.Let the child pick up a religion which is just a matter of his or her personal faith for the spiritual guidance and living as a good human being.

No religion gets smaller by a criticism.It is way above individuals and such foolish attempts.M F Hussains paintings have degraded him not Hindu deities.It shows he is ordinary guy and not a fine is as cheap as any one can be.
Why muslims are so vocal? The youth of muslims should atleast start changing and women should come out and initiate change by force and pursuation,both. Time has come. After all they are wives,mothers and daughters.How long adamant muslim men and their narrow thinking mullahs will stand before their determnined fight.Taslima is just doing that alone.
Humiliation and crushing of woman can't be treated as private affair of any community or religion practice.Human rights are above all religions.Religion is for man and not the vice versa.State has duty to protect human rights of every citizen man or woman or hindu or muslim.

It is time muslims get mild and moderate and tolerant to women's development and freedom.More liberal one becomes,the more beautiful his religion appears to others.Killing in name of god is insult of god.I view such fundamentalists as savage animals and unfit to practise Islam or any other religion for that matter.
Karnataka government should take tough action against the agitationists and those who created law and order problem.Rule of law must prevail.Politcians should stop cajoling people based on religion,s*x and vote banks.


 3 Replies

Khaleel Ahmed (Legal Advisor)     04 March 2010

Mr. Raj Kumar Mukkad has misused this forum to abuse Islam and Muslims, under the pretext  of Taslima Nasreen . Right to speech doesn’t permit any person to abuse or hust any religion including Islam and Muslims with their religious faith. I am extremely pained and anguished about his views posted in this forum . I don’t think my learned friend Mr. Raj kumar Makkad why he has spread poison at Islam and Muslims, this may be his lack of knowledge and to understand Islam and Muslims. The learned expert have no proper knowledge of his own religion Hinduism. The silly comments regarding to abuse and hurt people of other religion should not go on the record  of such prominent lawyers forum.

My learned friend has discussed his views in communal way. I would like to clear his false understanding regarding Islam on some issues discussed by the said my learned friend  through Holy Quran.

Regarding polygamy, the Holy Quran says in Surah an Nisa  verse No. 3. And if you fear that you will not deal justly with s Orphan girls , then marry those that please you of (other) women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will no be just, then (marry only one)or those your s right hand possess (ie, slaves). That is more suitable that you may not incline (to injustice).

From the above verse of Holy Quran Mr. Raj kumar and others might understand Islam and polygamy. I would like enlight about the fact that, Lord Krishna had two wives, and Raja Dashratha  the father of Lord Sri Ram Chanderji had four wives. If we remember Mahabharata Pandavas are the best example of polyandry. If Mr. Raj can opt Hindu tradition , no body will object him, if he chooses the path of Pandavas Polyandry. I am being a practicing Muslim , I respect all religions equally, this is the teaching of Holy Quran. Here I would mention one reference what Holy Quran says about non Muslims .Surah Kafirun. 1. Say, O disbelievers, 2.I do not worship what you worship.3.Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.4 Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.5. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. 6.For you is your religion , and for me is my religion.

For the kind information of my learned friend and others. Shariah is a law of All mighty Allah. We can not find any defect in shariah law. I think my learned friend has experienced and knowledge of women burning in common  among non Muslim community , in our country, due to petty issues of divorce. The Hindu law does not permits divorce among the married people. May  I ask to my learned friend , is it the real respect to the women to burn in your so called secured society?.

In Islam marriage is a pure civil contract between  husband and wife. As per Hindu  religion it is sacrament. It is not easy for Hindu to get divorce as per the law of land prescribed . In Islam it very easy .Regarding Divorce Holy Quran says, in surah at talaq. Verse No. 1. O prophet, when you (Muslims) divorce women, divorce them for ( the commencement of ) their waiting period and keep count of the waiting period, and fear Allah, your Lord. Do not turn them out of their (husband ) houses, nor should they (themselves) leave ( during that period , unless they are committing a clear immorality. And those are the limits (set by) Allah and whoever transgress the limits of Allah has certainly, wronged himself. You know not; perhaps Allah will bring about after that a (different) matter.  Holy Quran says in surah Baqrah verse 231. And when you divorce women and they have ( nearly) fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms or release them according to acceptable terms, and not keep them, intending harm, to transgress ( again them) And whoever does that has certainly wronged himself. And do not take the verses of Allah in jest. And remember the favor of Allah upon you and what has been revealed to you of the book(i.e., the Quran) and wisdom(ie,Prophet`s Sunnah ) by which he instructs you, And fear Allah and know the Allah is knowing of all things.

Regarding adultery and illegal s*xual relationship. The Almighty Allah says in holy Quran  Surah an Nur verse No. (2) The (unmarried ) woman and (unmarried )man found guilty of s*xual intercourse. lash each on of them with a hundred lashes and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion.( i.e., law) of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the last day, And let a group of the believers witness their punishment. The fornicator does not marry except a (female) fornicator or polytheist, and none marries her except a fornicator or a poly theist . and that (i.e., marriage to such persons, has been made unlawful to the believers.

Regarding Purdha or Burqa of women:- The Holy Quran clearly says in surah an Nur verse 31 . And tell the believing women to reduce ( some) of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which (necessarily) , appears there of and to wrap ( apportion) their head covers over their chests and expose their adornment(ie., beauty) except their husbands,. Fathers, sons their husband’s sons their brothers, their brothers sons. Their  sisters sons, their women that which their right hands possess (i.e., slaves), are those male attendant having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspect of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known that they conceal of their abdomen. And turn t All in repentance all of you . O , believers that you might succeed.


Inshallah  I will update regarding Jihad also afterwards. Islam is a religion of peace, the meaning of Islam is peace. I hope Mr. Raj Kumar will rectify his views regarding Islam and   will post apology to Muslims of the world through this forum.



Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     09 March 2010

The basic tune of Mr. Raj is against the continuing islamic militancy and violence everywhere in the world. But in the name of ISLAMIC MILITANCY & VIOLENCE he heated on the Islam and believers of Islam.

Following is really objectionable.

“It is just too much. Jihad is a funny term coined by Mullahs for barbaric and savage acts in name of god and religion. Imposing one's own religion is insult of that religion itself. Muslims have been violent and forceful in making conversions in name of Allah. Do whatever you do get away in name of Allah beacsue Allah has no time to come and protest for such idiots. How Allah, the super power can treat people differently and favor one religion Islam. In other words Allah is supposed to be a muslim. It means Allah came after those who started Islam in world. That is a ridiculous logic.

In reply to mr raj, Mr. khalil says

“I would like enlight about the fact that, Lord Krishna had two wives, and Raja Dashratha the father of Lord Sri Ram Chander ji had four wives. If we remember Mahabharata Pandavas are the best example of polyandry, the path of Pandavas Polyandry.”


- Both the Hindus and the Mohamedans practices polygamy, and in a limited form poliendry among hindus. Yes by religion mohamedans do not practices poliendry. But now a days Serial monogamy practicsed by hindus and Christians and polygamy by mohamedans. This is the s*xual patterns of modern India. The role of law is there, not the change of social attitude of the concerned society.

I am interested to know the views of Mr Khalil on Zihad which he promise to post by saying – “I will update regarding Jihad also afterwards”. Mr khalil please do not put what the religion says, it is not the subject of the discussion. What is your own views – that is concerned with the matter.

The concept of ‘Zihadi & Zihad’ & ‘Crusedor’ came to the society in the mediavel era when muslims and Christians were fighting against one other. The meaning of the word ‘zihadi’ & ‘crusedor’

are almost same, which means ‘religious fighter, for keeping/ saving the respective religion’.

Khaleel Ahmed (Legal Advisor)     09 March 2010

Being a Indian, I can say proudly. India is a door step of Peace. We Muslims condemn all type of killings or voilence . Islam does not permit such barbaric acts. Not only Islam any other religion does not permit voilence and killings of innocents. We can not accuse one particular religion for any crime.What happened after the killing of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Can we accuse any particular relgion?Indians have been killed in Australa? Can we say it is crusade.In every religion there may be some misguided people who commits such crimes for their personal benefis.

In India we all Muslims are equal citizens. No body have prevented us from offering our prayers. Our personal law is in practice . In such circumstances the criminal barbaric acts are not Jihad as per Quran.Allah must punish them for their crimes against innocent people. We all Indians must be united to face any foreign threat.

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