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prateek bhatia (Chief Justice)     14 August 2014

Wanted justice criminal bothering lady

                                                                     Before The Honorable Chairman
     National Human Rights Commission ,Manavadhikar Bhawan , C-Block ,                      
                        G.P.O Complex, I.N.A New Delhi-110023
Geeta bhatia
Prateek Bhatia                                           26 A , Krishna nagar, Kanpur road ,
                        New Alambagh Lucknow-226023
Dr Rajnish bajwa   
117/366-2 "O" Block , Geeta  Nagar ,
New Rawatpur railway crossing,

                   Respected Sir/Madam ,

Please record my statement in detail as an addition to my case/complaint number.............Dated.........Already lodged with you.

          I Geeta Bhatia aged 62 years a resident of 26 A lucknow reside peacefully with my Son Prateek bhatia aged 36 years { Unmarried} at the above given address for the past 20 years or so. We have never been involved in any crime and are peaceful law abiding citizens.
                   RECENTLY I have gone through the most harassing time of my life. I am from a educated middle class family like any of you women sitting out there. I have been a loyal housewife through out my life and then a mother. 
                   I have lived my life like any normal middle class housewife in a country would live.
                   Never in my life i thought I would FACE THE HARASSEMENT of the sort i HAVE FACED in the LAST FEW DAYS. Every other day , there is POLICE knocking at my house. It looks so so very bad. We are normal middle class people and if there is anything we have or value more in our life , its our SELF RESPECT or what we call in Hindi is Our ATMA SAMMAN or IZZAT.
                   Now with POLICE knocking at your doorstep every other day what will happen to the IZZAT is any ones guess ??
                   And it pains more when i come to know that THE POLICE i am so very BOTHERED ABOUT and which is standing at my DOORSTEP, is the POLICE which has NO LEGAL RIGHT to be AT MY DOORSTEP.
                   This police is KANPUR CITY POLICE and i am no resident of KANPUR. Nor i stay in the LIMITS of the CITY. Set aside my city which is outside the limits of city police of Kanpur ; Even LEGALLY we are from different JURISDICTION. My city is governed by the LUCKNOW HIGH COURT and Kanpur is Governed by the ALLAHABAD high court.
                   And then to top it all. Those POLICE OFFICERS are at my doorstep travelling in the PERSONAL CAR OWNED BY my relative MR RAJNISH BAJWA. LEGALLY they have no business to do in my area , But MR BAJWA ensures transportation to them so that they can travel to my place every other day to harass me.
                   They enter my house and threaten me that they will arrest me . They ask me to come with them. Some times they say that if you wont come with us then we will bring full force to arrest you , as though i am the biggest criminal of India. They hold my arm and try to drag me { All this on the orders of Rajnish bajwa}. And then they ask me to visit the police station in Kanpur. Sir/Madam , tell me , if you were in my place , will you travel to Kanpur police station in such a scenario.
                   All sorts of outright illegal totally manipulated FIR based on wrong facts and or complete lies has been written against me Case no 186/14 Kakadeo thana ,Kanpur.And to harass me further , they have also included the name of my son.

And then they even misbehave with me and threaten me. In such a case how can i travel to kanpur police station knowing very well that once there , they can force me to sign on some documents which can tomorrow go against me. Which seems to be the very central purpose of calling me there.

                   To give a background to the complaint let me tell you that Mr bajwa against whom i am lodging this complaint is my relative. My younger sisters husband. Earlier in life we shared a very happy relationship. But our relationship became sour when Mr bajwa started asking me/ us to become a partner in his joint venture of building Apartments. I have a piece of land in Lucknow , which Mr bajwa wants to construct apartment upon. I have always replied to him that i don't bring financial dealings in relationships and so will not get in to a partnership. And if he wants to buy the land , he has to buy it outright and that too at market rate. And that is what has strained our relationship.
                   And as is known, that in greed people go too far. So we were never comfortable with Mr bajwa , in the sense that he can hatch a CONSPIRACY against me , so that i am forced to sell my land to him at very cheap rates.

                   We were always afraid that Mr bajwa some how wants our piece of land and can go to any extent for that and so we were very cautious with Mr bajwa. His behavior was very conspiratorial  .

                  On First of April 2014, Mr Bajwa called up on us over the phone and called both me and my son criminals. It was a very very shocking incident for us as we are completely law abiding peaceful citizens. He not only said this thing , but he said that " U people will have to leave Lucknow and run away". This was a very very torturous and harassing experience.
                   To give a background to all this . My son prateek bhatia some months back started asking some uncomfortable questions to MR bajwa about some internet stuff. He was accusing Mr bajwa of creating Fake id in his name { impersonating him} and then posting non sense through that id. When my son kept on calling Mr bajwa over the phone again and again over the period of two months, Mr bajwa with no replies to give started making baseless allegations on the character of my son.He blamed my son of flirting with his wife , just to save himself from being asked tough questions. He then called us over the phone and alleged that we were criminals.It was very very hurting and degrading for a women of my age to be called a criminal for doing nothing.
                   This he said he was saying  as he blamed us of hacking and creating fake id's etc { Which is outright false, in fact its he who is in this business as will come out later and its us in particular my son who was blaming the same on him , when this fight started }. He said that my son operates a website and he uses that website to defame Mr bajwa and his wife and talks dirty. When my son asked which website or ID you are talking about. HE never gives any reply. And that's why there was tension.{ Rest details in the arguments in the court }.
                   HE says that even i am a part of that criminal act.

                   We have called him a number of times to the cyber crime cell but he never comes. We have asked him a number of times on phone , on sms , on facebook page that tell us which site or page are you talking about , But he never replies.
                   But even then, HE keeps asking me and my son to accept the ownership of some website or Facebook id , which he was refusing to name. He wanted my son and me to offer apology for that thing. When we refused , he then started making plans to fabricate us in some other case as well.
                   One Fine day on the 14th of April Two police personal from the Kanpur police came to my house. They were using the transportation provided by Mr bajwa. They said that Mr bajwa has filed a written complaint with us and he says that you have duped him of his money. We out-rightly denied the charge . They also said that you have send some messages to Mr bajwa on facebook , which you should stop. The police people then threatened me that if you people will not solve the case { pay money } then we will arrest you on a non bailable warrant. They said that you should pay money to MR bajwa , this is the main case . Rest facebook posting defaming etc is small time issue . Solve this issue and rest will be solved on its own. I told them that i owe no money to Mr Bajwa. It was all invested and lost and just two lakhs were left. But that then would be negated by the fact that i also spend a lot of money on Mr bajwa and i also have gifted a lot of things. Now that our relations have turned sour , i will also account every money given to him. That money he gave to me was meant to be gambled up on and not returned. Returned only if made big money or else lost. I could have invested it in anything. It was a give and take mutual relationship.

                   After some time Mr bajwa called us at the Local police station here in Lucknow and misbehaved with us. He said that he wanted his money back. I asked him which money is he talking about and is it again some of his conspiracy against me and my son. He had no reply. The local police people here denied lodging a FIR and asked us to solve the issue peacefully. They said that as there is no agreement and there were no witness and no one was sitting in between as a mediator as well , while the money was given , so this case is not meant for the police. This should be dealt in privately by the parties. This is a family issue.
                   After this Mr bajwa got me called by the Kanpur police every other day.
                   Finally to my great surprise and shock , on the 3rd of july i was served a notice under the section 41{1} CRPC. A case which was refused by the local police here and can not even be made a CIVIL suite as there was nothing in written , was some how to my great surprise turned in to a criminal case . HOW HOW HOW ??
                   This time again there were three people and they were from kanpur police coming to my doorstep using the car of Mr bajwa. They said to me that we are here to arrest you. You have to come with us.When i asked them , for what ? They replied that we will put you in JAIL. They started dragging us but then we finally revolted. They then forcefully served the notice up on us. We  asked them what's the complaint against us , where is the copy of the complaint. They said that you will get and know about the complaint when you will come there at the police station. We give you three days or else we will come with full force and arrest you. I pointed to them that its not your judiciary and neither the so called financial crime has taken place in kanpur. How come then the kanpur police lodged an FIR and how are they here at my doorstep ? They had no reply. All they said that "Come to the police station and we will DEAL with you APPROPRIATELY " in a threatening way.The enquiry is just started as of now and nothing has been proved and there is no offence punishable here for more then seven years imprisonment and so no arrest can be made. But still the police people say to me that either you agree to what Mr bajwa says {Compromise} or take a BAIL from the CJM office kanpur or we will arrest you.
                   I would like to put in your notice here that NO WOMEN CONSTABLE WAS present there as required by the LAW and there were three people from KANPUR POLICE in my city LUCKNOW and they were trying to ARREST US with out a WARRANT FROM COURT and that they were trying to do travelling in a private vehicle of MR Rajnish bajwa. This total exercise was OUTRIGHT ILLEGAL AND HIGHLY PUNISHABLE BY LAW.
                   To people like us it was a very very distressing and harassing experience. One who has never dealt with police , now at this later stage of life has to see all this AND THAT TOO FOR NOTHING.
                   Everyday i live under the fear of police people coming and harassing me or arresting me ILLEGALLY. I have gone through a lot of mental trauma and lost a lot of health over the period of just few days. This is a outright criminal offence. I have been mentally tortured to the hilt. And not only me , but just to harass me further Dr bajwa also is trying to falsely implicate my son in some case or the other , so that i completely break up and agree to SELL my property to Mr bajwa at cheap rates.
                   I haven't even been shown or given the copy of the FIR , so that i can present my side more clearly and forcefully. Had i received the COPY of the FIR , i would have got it QUASHED by the honorable high court by now. Its an OUTRIGHT ILLEGAL PIECE OF NON SENSE which has been written just to harass me and my son , so that we under pressure accept all the wrong doings of Mr Bajwa on the internet and then there is a property angle as well.
                   Rest all details with proofs i will give in the arguments .
                   I would request the honorable Commission to act in a strong and determined manner against the culprits as its the fight of the " Dignity and safety of women".
                   Its a fight where a person uses his undue influence over the system to harass a OLD women. He does "Setting" every where with the help of some backing or money power and is trying to prove that justice is nothing bt a "Mistress" of a handful of people with money and powerful backing.

But i still have faith in the system and would like to prove this highly ill mannered and arrogant person outright wrong. Justice still exists in this country and i am sure i will get it.
                   I would request the commission to discuss my case at the earliest so that after i am done with here , i would also like to move the honorable High court to see to it that the culprits get the maximum amount of punishment so that they never again would even dare to harass any women in any other way. 
        My case is a case of harassment of a women by filing false and fake cases with the help of manipulation of the corrupt system and building false and fake evidence against her. Its the harassment at its worst, as just to target the women , her only support { Her son } is also being targeted , so that the women goes helpless and gets all the more harassed.
                   There is no Financial dealing or a fight etc involved in my case. Its just a falsely build up case meant to harass me, as will be proved later on in the investigations.   
                   If you Log on to the facebook page of my son. He has already dissected the sections imposed on us and has assassinated all the charges very skillfully.
                                                    My prayer to the honorable women commission is to first of all immediately direct the LOCAL MAHILA THANA to take cognizance of my complaint made to you and immediately lodge a criminal FIR against the Culprit Dr bajwa and arrest him.

What happens later in the case of FIR 186/14kakadeo thana kanpur and what will happen when the entire thing would be proved fake and illegal , can be dealt by the judiciary later. But as of now ,the guilty Mr bajwa should be punished just for getting a women harassed in the most torturous way through illegal means , by sending a CITY police outside its jurisdiction and on his personal car, that too again and again. And then threatening a innocent women of arresting her and lodging her in jail and threatening her that YOUR BAD DAYS HAVE STARTED. Threatening to arrest a person even with out being proven guilty and that too with out a arrest warrant and police acting outside the jurisdiction. Dragging her , misbehaving with her. And this all done when there was no women constable present. And now even trying to HIDE all his wrong doings by influencing people through buying them out with the help of ill gotten money { earned through fake id business}.
                    And then finally , I would also request you to call for the copy of the FIR and the entire details and i am willing to fight that case out legally and prove that both me and my son are innocent and its just a case of harassment of a women at its worst , that because of a greed of a piece of LAND. I would request the commission to finally get the FIR quashed after i prove the case fake and then get arrested and punished in the worst of the ways all the conspirators , co conspirators and people who supported the fake case and build fake evidence.
                                                    I would also request the commission to grant me the heaviest of compensation from Mr bajwa as because of this daily drama  {police visiting me so many times} people started feeling jittery about buying our land. If Mr Bajwa is willing to buy the land , then he can buy it at the prevailing markets rate { The last deal in my area}.
                                                    In the END i would like to add that the entire aim of this all exercise by Mr Bajwa is to some how get us in to police custody and then get us murdered so that after we are finished he can capture our land ; the land which he always wanted.

If anything happens to me and my son , Mr bajwa along with his entire family would be out rightly responsible for that and should be straight away hanged to death for that.                       
Attachment :- I am attaching a copy of my written statement given to the Kanpur Police in the case no 186/14 along with this letter. I would add in here that i have been given no opportunity to present my case nor have i been asked valid questions and told what are the charges on me. I have been asked to appear in kanpur with the notice i have been served { copy attached} that under the THREAT that once there i will be ARRESTED and put in JAIL for my ENTIRE LIFE and my PROPERTY WOULD BE AUCTIONED.                                                                                     

                                                                                                                       Geeta Bhatia

                                                                                                                                        Prateek bhatia
08795726762 , 09044640269


 5 Replies

prateek bhatia (Chief Justice)     14 August 2014

Section 41 crpc notice given by kanpur police , traveling to my lucknow residence using the car of m relative.

Attached File : 520067337 scanwsss.jpg downloaded: 112 times

prateek bhatia (Chief Justice)     14 August 2014

My reply to the sec 41 crpc notice. Three parts.


And people who replied to me earlier i am sorry to say that i couldn't read your reply. That ID was deleted by this very criminal who is bothering my mother. He is the biggest cyber criminal and hacker. I was forced to make this new id to post my message again

prateek bhatia (Chief Justice)     14 August 2014

Please visit this post { thread} and download the attachments there. Its giving problems here. One can view the same over there.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     20 August 2014

You are a chief justice yourself, what do you want to clarify by posting your application submitted to the human rights commission here?

prateek bhatia (Chief Justice)     22 August 2014

I don't think that this "message board" is meant for clarifying cases. I don't think that there is some "JUSTICE" sitting in here so that after i clarify my case , i will get justice. I was here so that i can find some nice lawyer that's it . And that's why i posted my case.But you seem to be some how "Pissed" by what i posed. Whats the reason for that ? As for the introduction of i being a chief justice , i have also added that i am the chief justice of "my court". So what has pissed you i don't get it. Are u in a upset mood or have you had some big fight with some one lately.Or are you upset by the fact that i chose NHRC and may be women's commission and both the places don't require lawyer ??

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