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AMAR RANU (Legal consultancy)     22 January 2009

whether disputants can be called to court once in person?

Recently a co-operative Court in Mumbai has rejected the application of the respondent contending for the presence of the disputants at least once in court in person for verification.

Now, the said aggrieved party want to go in appeal.

Can any learned forum member help in locating suitable citation or legal remedy in support of above said contention for production in the appellate court?


 7 Replies

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     22 January 2009

Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 — Section 91, 94, 149, 150 — Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961 — Rule 77-E — Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 — Order XVIII — Settlement of disputes — Review — Powers of Co-operative Court.

1) Procedure to be followed by the Cooperative Court in hearing and deciding the disputes under Section 91 of the Act and Applicability of Code of Civil Procedure — Discussed. (See para 10, 11, 12)

2) Dispute under Section 91 — Burden of proving two issues was on the disputant and burden of proving all other issues was on the Society — Necessary for the disputant to enter the witness box first and discharge his burden in respect of said two issue and could have reserved his evidence in respect of rest of the issues — Improper on the part of the Cooperative Court to direct the petitioner society to commence adducing its evidence first. (See para 12)

3) Powers of review — Court or any Judicial Authority does not have an inherent power of review but can review its order only if the power of review is conferred upon it by the Statute — Act does not confer a power of review on the Cooperative Court — Cooperative Court cannot review its own orders — Cooperative Court not only erred in reviewing its order but committed a grave error in reviewing the order which had been confirmed by the Cooperative Appellate Court — Cooperative Court could not have ventured into reviewing the order which had then merged into the order of superior court. (See para 13, 19)

3) Powers of review — Section 150 of the Act confers a power of review on the Cooperative Appellate Court — Cooperative Appellate Court has a statutory power of reviewing its own orders — Powers of revision of Cooperative Appellate Court restricted only to the appealable orders — Non appealable orders cannot be revised under sub-section (9) of Section 149 of the Act — Order directing the petitioner society to adduce the evidence was not appealable — State Cooperative Appellate Court should have dismissed the revision as not maintainable. (See para 15, 18)

Result : Accordingly.

Khandesh Urban Cooperative Credit Society Ltd., Jalgaon Vs. Ashok S/o Rameshwar Agrawal WRIT PETITION NO.941 OF 2002 (22-4-2002) (AURANGABAD BENCH) (D.G.KARNIK, J.) LJSOFT 2002 (9) 81


PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     23 January 2009

the query is vague. verification means what?  What do you want to verify?The ruling cited by Mr. Aezaz relates to burden of proof. But I believ Mr. Ranu is not on that point.

kavi (lawyer)     23 January 2009

Dear Learned friends,

                    I am not able to understand why disputant is need for personal verification. No law relates to it. and how can a appeal made on non law fact.

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     23 January 2009


Yes Mr. Planitkar & Dear Kavi,

You both are right, " Verification" is neither use in legal proceedings nor it is necessary in any nature of case or in any court for in "Person's".

I though, our learned brother actually in need of any Ruling in supporot to produce his witness before thr Hon'ble Court, but he correctly expressed the same requirement.

Thanks  for correction Mr. Planitkar

AMAR RANU (advocate)     24 January 2009

 Clarification of verfication

The Disputants are three but they have inflated the total number of Disputants to NINE.Hence,an application was filed to verify the exact true number of Disputants and co-operative court was requested to summon all the disputants to court in person so that genuineness of the claims of Nine disputants can be verified.

The said application was rejected by the said co-operative court by citing the reason that "the disputants are not criminal"

Now, an appeal is being filed before the appellate co-operative court for which we need a suitable provision of law and or citation to this effect.

thanks n regards


Sushil Kumar Bhatia (Advocate)     27 January 2009

When identity of a person/s is doubtful other party can approach the court and the court can direct the counsel of disputant to produce him before the court in person you can file such application u/s 151 CPC.or to summon him as your witness in witness box .

AMAR RANU (advocate)     28 January 2009

 Dear Mr.Bhatia,

The application was filed u/s 151,which has been dismissed by the trial co-operative court.

Now,revision is being filed before the appellate court for which we need some citation and or authority in support of our contentions for the favourable verdict.

thanks n regards


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