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Why the legal profession is the last choice

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Anil Agrawal (Retired)     06 February 2010

 Lawyers are part of the society where many best and tenacious persons are working and are needed. Branches of studies and professions have expanded horizontally over the years and everywhere the best and tenacious are coming out with flying colours. No exception can be made in the case of lawyers.

vivekananda (student)     25 March 2010

Law firms do prefer students from Premier Law Institutes if they are looking for recruitements !!


What about the students who can not make into them owing their financial conditions??


Moreover, our profession is hit and trail!!


You don't get income at the first instant!! To establish yourself, it takes minimum 5-6 years and for all these years you have to depend upon your parents either directly or indirectly!!

   So, who will take this risk??

charushila (Lawyer)     05 April 2010

I totally agree with vivekananda  for his statement "Law firms do prefer students from Premier Law Institutes if they are looking for recruitements !!"..

Compared to other profession such as CA, CS, MBA a fresher Law graduate is paid in peanuts than the other profession fresher get pay...

AFter long struggle of life you reach upto level of earning good returns and at that point of time the other profession person rich the sky limit

If the company need vice president or director basically a key managment person the preference goes to CA or MBA or CS a Law person is last one to be though of..

madan kumar tiwary (advocate)     08 August 2010

just becoz money, there are few option available and private practice is toughest one, you have to spend atleast 10-15 years in profession to be able to earn a good amount. condition in small city is worste, no one wish to make payment to a lawyer.

Vijay Kulkarni (Advocate)     21 August 2010

Firstly, Legal Profession is a Profession for People who are confident of Self and also confident of helping others. Traditionally, the success of a Lawyer has never been measured in terms of his wealth, but by his popularity, social work and other factors which are not linked with money.

Now, especially post independence, there are hardly any Lawyers who have devoted their talent in upbringing the country or their state, many good lawyers are interested in the professional affairs only. Coming to  the point, today's best talented students have many opportunity to earn money by more respectable means. Hence they are opting for better avenues such as, Software, CA, CS, MBA etc. wherein such talented students have to deal with cream class associates, clients and collegues, exactly opposite to this, in Legal Profession, one has to deal with everyone, literally everyone is your client, right from Poor to High net Worth Individuals, whereas in courts you may have to spend more time without actually earning fees/money, for eg: If you practice in High Court or any other court, if you have just one matter per day, you may have to spend one full day, whereas you may not earn money everyday. Hence, young guys are not interested in wasting time and also they don't want to spend unproductive hours in courts without making any sense to their pockets.


In my opinion, More Time Spent on Earning Less and uncertainty of Growth has failed to attract young talented people to join this profession. Moreover, there are many Companies offering best package to Students Scoring in LLB / LLM and recruit straight from Campus,wherein packages are offered in the range of Rs. 8 Lakhs and above at the starting level,  to earn this much amount, one has to slog atleast 10 years in the profession, hence this is one more reason why this profession has lagged in  attracting the new generation scholars.


Happy Reading...

Adv. Vijay Kulkarni





Chiranjiva Ranjan (Advocate and Tax Consultant)     17 November 2010


To become an advocte is not tough jobs but maintaining its deginity is the toughest job. The person who joins this profession as last resort then defenitely it will not be purposeful for them. In the legal world, one have to understand the feild for five years and then he may be able to reach such a place for earning.  But now a day,enitre cenario has been changed and persons are not joining as last resort because there are lots of oppourtutiny are open.

Chiranjiva Ranjan,



SIDHES JENA (CEO- Jena & Company     18 November 2010

You are absolutely right Sir, Great Thought.

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Gandhi left legal profession at the need of the hour where devoted, principled leaders required by the nation to fight against the colonial regime and not by the truth as my learned friend doubts. Indeed the major portion of freedom fighters were from the legal profession. History reveals that the legal persons are in the forefront in fighting injustice than anybody else - Advocate T.Kalaimani, Chennai  

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Yes. But the economic criteria stands first for any profession. Legal profession may not depend on this. Honesty and uprightness to fight are the main criteria for this profession. unfortunately, today's youngsters are going round the otherside. They should learn History first-Advocate T.Kalaimani, Chennai

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

You are wrong my friend. See the otherside where you are the need of the hour to lead the nation against the injustice and corruption. Money will not be the criteria and you work for those needy. you will be rewarded- Advocate.T.Kalaimani, Chennai

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Yes.I appreciate you my friend. No doubt it is noble. Merely because of the deterioration in judiciary by some judges and lawyers, it will not mean unworthy

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Thank you my friend. Your expressions must generate hopes in the minds of aspiring lawyers.-Adv.T.kalaimani, Chennai  

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Look around you. The majority of fighters against injustice are only from legal profession-Adv.T.Kalaimani, Chennai.

T.KALAIMANI (Lawyer)     29 December 2010

Yes.You are correct my friend-Adv.T.Kalaimani, Chennai

sachin (advocate)     22 February 2011

I am not agree with that the legal professiong is the last choice becuase i accepted it as my first and final choice, and i m very happy to be an advocate... :)

Everybody is very much aware about the oppurtunity available in the legal profession!

All advocate as well as aspirant are worried because the legal profession is getting over crowded day by day!

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