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Women Murderers in country

Page no : 2

hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     29 October 2010

And it was years of struggle of women activists that the concept of Domestic violence got recognition in public domain as a result of which DV act had come about. So empowerment here preceded  one of the most important laws we have seen to protect women from domestic violence. 

albert pinto (trainer)     29 October 2010

This conversation is going no where. It’s lacking the place of a good leader to head the things to come out on conclusion


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hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     29 October 2010

Albert Pinto ko Gassa Kyon Aaya????

Do  not visit this thread my dear. 

hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     29 October 2010

Instead of Gassa ,  read Gussa

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     29 October 2010

so u see how many years it took to pass women's laws like DV ACT.if empowerment strict and legal actions were taking side by side,it wud have been faster,as in sati related laws....

Till then women just suffered.and they suffer now also due to the corrupt judiciary wherein they run pillar to post to get justice which is often india things move at a snail's things have to be dealt with an iron hand,rather than just education,empowerment etc.


i think complate end to present day evils like dowry etc (just thru empowerment) etc will take a long time...maybe 60-100 yrs...


so wot shud present women do?women are emotional and want to get settled in life also...its not that only parents push them 2 marry.and inlaws and men are still narrowminded wen it comes to taking dowry etc.

shud women start marrying foreigners?





Why should women marrying foreigners as they dont demand dowery every person has his owen quality and defects .Suppose if foreigner marry to indian women ,then there will be a chance of another problem .

Roshni B you everytime said that women are emotional and i respect for that quality but what women get to be emotional she become fool :/ . So,in indian women perspectives women should control their emotion if they want to become happy and live prosperous  life.

Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     29 October 2010

Roshani, you do nto represent every woman, so do not generalise and say that all women are emotional. Being confident and self reliant does not mean one is neglecting one's emotions but yes one can channel one's emotions in such a way that they do not push oneself into the trap of self pity but gives insights into what is happening and why? And this why should go to the root cause of the problem to find solutions. Just criticizing judiciaries, and laws would not yield positive results. One needs to engage in constructive criticism and inquiry to find lasting solutions. Processes are as important as the outcomes and I suppose what hedevil has pointed out in his postings is the merit of these processes of empowerment and the outcomes which have come about. The process obviously would not stop, because empowerment is a process which negotiate with deep rooted norms of patriarchy, and laws contribute to facilitating the process. Sometimes laws facilitate empowerment and sometimes empowerment process facilitate shaping up of proactive laws. So where is the confusion?? 

Getting married to a foreigner is a matter of one's choice...and there is nothing wrong about it. And while men should be encouraged to  express  their emotions, women should not stereotype themselves as emotional as against rational. Emotions are for all three genders ( men, women and Transgender) to experience, they are  not just one gender 's domain! 

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 October 2010

no renuka jee,there's no confusion from my side.rather anger & misunderstanding you are showing regarding wot i am implying,which is evident from the 1st sentence of your above post.

ALTHOUGH I DO NOT REPRESENT EVERY WOMAN IT DOESNT MEAN I CANT SPEAK ON THEIR BEHALF OR EXPRESS MY VIEWS...tell me if i wrote anything offensive about women in this thread that angered you so much..

you are taking it v.personally when i say women are emotional.

being emotional doesnt mean i am calling women some emotional fools who cant use their logical thinking.every person be it a man or woman wants to settle in life after a while.this is wot i meant when i said EMOTIONAL.ask any woman or man if he wud like to live alone all his life?


i never said or meant that empowerment is not needed;only laws

dats why i said indirectly(in a question form) that raja rammohan roy worked on women's empowerment and also depended on laws to ban sati.....and its a v.logical argument that both are same sides of the same coin....but you did not answer to this question i put up,rather called me confused


when i said "shud women start marrying foreigners" it was a sarcastic comment on indian men's attitude towards their wives,taken in the wrong sense again.

i hope that in future u understand whatever i write,before misunderstanding


have a good day

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     30 October 2010

(Hindustan Times, New Delhi Edition dated 30-10-2010, page no. 05)


NEW DELHI : A woman abandoned her two children - a boy and a girl   at a mazaar outside the Election Commission here.


She left the children with the temporary caretaker of the 'mazaar' on Ashoka Road on Thursday evening, saying she will return in an hour after some work at Parliament House. The police have taken the custody of the children. The incident came to light when reporters reached outside the Commission office to cover the meeting Ram Jethmalani with the commissioners.


One woman throws out her girl child out of the window
Another woman abandons her 2 children at a mazaar
What Next ?


OBSERVE the attitude of some woman.  APART from ALL "reasonings or justifications or EXCUSES",  IF a woman-mother can abandon her own child,  THEN there is nothing surprising when such  "EGOSTIC  & EMOTIONLESS"   woman files false 498a and DV cases against her child's fathers family.

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 October 2010

@ hemant jee

instead of posting this latest news and showing that women are bad at heart,why dont you take the initiative of finding out why the kids got abandoned??


in all the news u posted till now,one common thing is there...that women are suffering

for eg:in 1st news,the women took in their own hands since they know they wont get justice easily.

in the news where the man got robbed,his innoccent wife and children must have suffered.

in the news where the woman killed her girl child,she must have been harassed by inlaws for she gave birth to a female + anoter pressure that she'll have to give a huge dowry...they may not be rich enuf to give her a decent education also.(i am not justifying her acts here please!)


i cud be wrong also in my why dont u try to find the causes behind these incidents?


PS-Did u ever read any news where men and their parents throw a woman out of her matrimonial home,force her to commit infanticide,etc?


better u post a news where men and inlaws are also seen committing crimes on a wife/bahu...u willget plenty of them on the net.


good day!





Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     30 October 2010

Roshani, I am not in the habit of taking things personally and my reply does not reflect it either. If you think I was angry, it is your assumption, as the discussions in this forum does not cause anger in me. Rather I take these discussions as food for thoughts. 

Now as far as understanding you before misunderstanding is concerned, I do not know what do you mean. If I go through your threads, I expect another acid comment on me, but that is alright , no issues from my side. I know that for some people I do not have to reply for each and every of their comments. 


Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 October 2010


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Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     30 October 2010

Child custody case: HC asks woman to produce child in court
(Hindustan Times, Mumbai Edition dated 30-10-2010, page no. 03)


A woman, who had taken her five-year-old son to Dubai without her husband's knowledge, will have to produce the boy in the high court on November 22.

The couple has been separated since June 2009 and since then the child has been staying with the mother in the city.

The Bombay High Court was hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by 37-year-old Sandeep alleging that his wife had taken their child to a foreign country using illegally obtained “duplicate passport“ for the child.    The court asked Pooja Kedia to produce the child in court to ensure the child is in safe and secure hands. “To ensure the child's well-being is the paramount concern of the court,” said the division bench of Justice B H Marlapalle and Justice U D Salvi.

On Friday,  Sandeep's counsel Shirish Gupte told the court that though the mother is the best guardian when it comes to matters regarding custody, the father too have right to access the child,  which cannot be ignored. Senior counsel Ashok Mundargi, representing the woman, confirmed that both the mother and the child were in Dubai and the child has been admitted to an international school there. The court has asked all the respondents including the wife and regional passport officer, to file their replies by November 16. The matter will come up for hearing on November 19.





Dear Roshni B AND Renuka Gupta,

When talking about peace here it is;

1.If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love?

The swallow.


2.Women dream of world peace, a safe environment, and eliminating hunger. What do men dream of?

Being stuck in an elevator with the Doublemint twins.

tortured_aathma (none)     31 October 2010

yes really gud idea. indian women shud marry foerigners , so that indian men are spared. as 498a and other false cases will not apply to foerigners and they will be spared too.

so finally both indian and foreign men will have peace.

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